Chapter Four

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Pretty girls & Sadie Farewell

"See, my greatest example of you being 'too nice'!" Jenna says with a slam of her blue metal locker's door.

Cold, annoyed- and persistent for the blonde to understand that I just have human decency for fucks sack, I let out a loud sigh- a sigh that's louder than I intend it to be but maybe ghat's because of my mix of cold, and passionate.

"For fucks sack Jen," I begin, "I'm not nice just human- I mean, I couldn't let her walk around with that yellow stain on her skirt all day!"

"So- get her your cheer jacket- not the one you use everyday- and definitely not when you know girls like her fall in love with you all the time" an image of the dark haired girl flashes across my mind as soon as Jenna mentions her- but as fast as the blonde does, the dark haired girl's picture leaves, "and" she adds, "now you're cold and can't access your backup jacket until 3:25" she looks at me pointed- balancing the green frog covered school book between the crease of her arm.

"I hate you".

"For what? Being logical?".

"No!" I groan, "because you're ignorant- I mean, what would you do?"

"The same thing you did" she answers- my brows cock up in a way that screams "see!"- we begin to walk to our next class along each other, "but-" she adds, looking at me with this look I know all too well- it's the "I-know-better" look, "only because girls don't fall in love with me over stupid bullshit, Tam".

I can't find another excuse other than having human decency, so I give up and pout, "that's not fair!" I say like a kid, "it's not my fault I'm charming".

"Right..." she draws out- looking at the book, "but you could be more diligent".

"Why do you refuse to agree with me?" I whine.

"Babe" she chuckles, "I'm your best friend, I'm your voice of logic and delusion all at once- it's my job" she winks before she steps further ahead of me to get into class.

"Bullshit job" I mutter .

"I know" she looks back at me with a smile and a roll of her eyes- then she sighs as she plops down in her regular seat- we're two of the few kids who make it earlier than we have to into the classroom, "I really should turn in my two weeks notice, huh?"

I shake my head and raise my right finger, "fuck you" I chuckle- I sit down next to her.

The blonde gasps dramatically, then leans in and says in a fake whisper, "shh, the girls who like you might hear- I don't wanna die, okay?"

My foot sneaks over to her desk and I kick her as hard as I can muster.

"Ow!" She jumps with a yelp.

"Stop making my whole personality about my apparent player reputation!" I huff, folding my arms over my chest because while it's not exactly annoying, it feels like it's all we talk about, ever.

"Hey" she raises her arms defensively, "I dance help it- face it, Tam, the rest of your high school existence you'll be known as a player".

A strange feeling settles in my stomach- sadness, realization- loneliness maybe... whatever it is, I laugh at my best friend anyways and pretend to be amused- but as soon as the teacher enters the room I'm happy to pretend I'm paying attention to her.

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