Chapter Fourteen

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Crushed & crushes

Valentine's Day is one of my least favorite holidays.


Because even though I'm not one for love- or, at least, getting my heart broken, I still have to see other couples and god, that's annoying as hell.

At breakfast that morning, everything and everyone in my house is looking like Cupid himself puked on them- even Ryder.

The kitchen's decorated in little pink and red hearts that hang from the door ways- the shape of our pancakes and sausages are hearts and mom's been ever so generous to add little heart shaped sprinkles and whipped cream.

Mom's wearing a nice sundress- dad looks the same, always in his navy blue suit while Skylar has little heart barrettes in her hair double braided hair.

Skylar's wearing red eyeliner, pink eye shadow and little rim-stone hearts.

I'm the only one who's not completely dressed up, because (1) I go to a uniform school and (2) I have no one to dress up for.

It feels like everyone in my house has Valentines, someone to love.

Then there's me.

And the only person I can think of is Fiona.

Oh my gosh.

Why won't she leave my mind?

I gulp, pushing my pancakes around and trying to forget- I want to forget but I can't.

Her lips, her smile- the way her voice sounds when she says my name- how silky her hair looks how she always smells like Lavender and how her brown eyes just kind of sparkle.

I never knew brown eyes could sparkle like that.

I hate it, I hate how she makes me feel.

I hate it because it's so foreign and yet so familiar.

"You good?" Ryder questions.

"Yep" I lie, popping the p.

"Shh, no she's not" Skylar snorts, "she's catching feelings" she wiggles her brows teasingly.

My face flushes red, "I'm not!"

"Oh, for who?" Ryder questions.

"No one-" I say quickly.

"I don't know but I'll find out" Skylar places her phone down on the table. It's one of the first times I've ever seen her do so- put her phone down, that is.

"You know what?" Skylar smirks, "Elizebeth Taylor's been saying you've been around her sister a lot".


"Ooo" Ryder teases, "you never told me about this".

"Shut the fuck up" I huff, folding my arms over my chest.

"Ooo Tam, you gonna get Fiona candy?" Skylar teases.

"Shut up I'm going to school" I say, I stand up and throw the pancakes mom has long taken pictures of away.

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