Chapter 1: Doublegoer

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Chad woke up in the morning and did his usual routine. He went down to the kitchen to have breakfast during the day, since at school they were serving breakfast for a high price. He ate quickly, but Maina said, "Slow down, you might accidentally choke." Chad said, "But I have to go early, so I wouldn't be late and get punished again!" Maina sighed in disbelief and said, "Are you kidding me?! I already had a conversation with the principal and they are still punishing you for something that is not your fault?!" Chad said as he ate the omelet, "Yes, at first he punished me for coming back late even when I explained that I had to walk to school, which took me an HOUR AND FORTY-FIVE MINUTES!!!" Maina said, "I guess that's the right attitude when someone punishes you for something that's not your fault, you can't even wake up earlier because you'll be deprived if I do." Chad said, "but me." Maina interrupted him and said, "That's enough conversation, I don't want you to be late and I don't want your food to get cold." Chad quickly, but carefully, ate the omelet and ran at 30 miles per hour, so as not to be late and finish early. He approached the table with the umbrella where the rest of his friends were and sat in the empty chair that was left. It turns out that Sapphra was too tall, so she simply used his adjustment ability, so she adjusted his height to (6.3) and sat on the chair. Roselatie decided to start a conversation until the bell rang. It was Monday at 7:40 am and the bell rang. The group went to class and only Chad and Sapphra had to deal with Mr. John's crazy antics and sat in his classroom. Sapphra did not do the job because Mr. John would have nothing to shout at him about or apply unreasonable corporal punishment to him. Mr. John walked over to Chad's desk and looked at his work. He yelled angrily, "WHY CAN'T YOU EVEN DO ANYTHING RIGHT?! AT LEAST THE OTHER STUDENTS DO SOMETHING RIGHT!" Mr. John hit Chad hard with a ruler, leaving a very red and painful mark and said, "dumbass." then he walked away. Chad tried to hold back his tears due to the fear of failing and Mr. John constantly Hitting him with a ruler, but he couldn't manage not to shed a tear. Finally, Mr. John turned around and then said to Chad, "only pathetic fools shed tears." and then struck Chad again, but harder in the same place where he was hit (his left cheek). The red spot on his cheek got worse and it swelled more. Finally, the bell rang. Chad left the classroom and shed more tears. He went to Mrs. Rose's classroom and when he got there, Mrs. Rose lifted his head up and said worriedly, "What's wro-?" Mrs. Rose paused for a moment and noticed the bruise on his left cheek and said in concern: "WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!" One of the students said: Mr. John hit Chad. Mrs. Rose said, "I'll take care of him. I'll take Chad to the nurse's office while I call his parents." When Sapphra asked to go with Chad to comfort him, Mrs. Rose said, "yes, you can go with him." When Sapphra was in the nurse's office, Sapphra comforted Chad and gave him a hug. Freisha (the student who answered Mrs. Rose's question) said, "What are we going to do about Mr. John?" Sapphra said, "I'd have to take you to John Brunswick to let him do something about it." Freisha responded, "MR. JOHN?!" Sapphra replied: No, Mr. Brunswick. The only way to tell the difference is to see his hair. the other John has a white stripe in his hair. Freisha said: HOW DO YOU KNOW HIS ADDRESS?! Sapphra said: "I live near him and I have seen him mowing the lawn at his house." Freisha responded: "oh." Nurse Nikki came into the office and said, "I'm sorry, I had a meeting earlier and it just ended." Sapphra said: "no, it's okay, it was just a couple of seconds." Nurse Nikki said, "Does anyone here need anything?" Freisha said, "Yes, actually, the one on the bed." Nurse Nikki walked over to Chad and looked into his face. Nurse Nikki turned around and said, "That bruise looks red and swollen and looks like someone did this to him. I'll get an ice pack wrapped in a towel." Nurse Nikki walked over to the storage box where she keeps the ice packs and grabbed an ice pack. He wraps the ice bag in a towel and places the towel-wrapped ice bag on Chad's left cheek and says, "make sure you keep the ice bag on for 15 to 20 minutes and then you bandage the bruise, then, after a while (48 hours), use a heat compressor, warm water or take a bath." After a while, Maina entered the school and took Chad home. When they were home, Maina took Chad to the bedroom, then laid him down on his bed and said, "Rest, your bruise won't get better without rest and care." Maina kissed Chad on the forehead and left the room. Later that night, Sapphra walked to Freisha's house, which is across the street from where she lived, and knocked on the door. Freisha opened the door and Sapphra said, "Are you coming?" Freisha said: "Yes." Sapphra and Freisha walked to her car and drove to Mr. Brunswick's house. There was a knock on the door and Mr. Brunswick said, "Sapphra...How did you know my address?" Sapprha said, "I saw you leaving your house mowing the lawn, and it's close by." Mr. Brunswick said awkwardly, "Well....How can I help you and why are you here at night??"  Sapphra said, "There's another Juan taking your place! Mr. Brunswick replied: "I know." Freisha replied, "But you have to do something about it!" Mr. Brunswick responded, "Well, what do you need?" Sapphra responded, "For the last two weeks, that other John keeps fucking around with us and especially Chad! It keeps making Chad anxious and scared again while He keeps making me want to fight him!" Mr. Brunswick responded, "Well, I can't just break into someone's house and get rid of him! I need my record clean!" Sapphra responded, "PLEASE!! I CAN HELP! MR.'S ROSE IS TRYING TO DIVORCE YOU FOR THE LAST 2 WEEKS BECAUSE OF THIS, AND WE TWO ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN DO IT WITHOUT LEAVING A TRACE! YOU DON'T WANT TO GET A DIVORCE, DO YOU?" Mr. Brunswick responded, "Calm down!" Sapphra responded, NO, "I'm NOT going to calm down! YOU ARE ABOUT TO GET A DIVORCE BECAUSE OF ANOTHER STUPID DOUBLE-GOER TRYING TO TAKE YOUR PLACE AND SABOTAGE YOUR RECORD, YOUR LIFE AND HOW YOU LIVE! HAVE YOU EVER BEEN HARASSED DURING THE LAST 2 WEEKS?!" Mr. Brunswick responded, "yes, actually." Sapphra responded, "SEE?! NOW YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN?! THE ONLY WAY TO STOP THIS IS IF WE GET RID OF THAT DOUBLE-GOER!" Mr. Brunswick responded, "Yes, I see your point now." Sapphra responded, "Good." I'll see you tomorrow at 4:30 am." Sapphra and Freisha returned to the car and Sapphra left Freisha. Then Sapphra went to her house and went upstairs. He went to Chad's room and said as he rubbed Chad's shoulder, "How's the bruise going?" Chad responded in pain: "It still hurts!" Sappra replied: "I know, it will be painful for a while, but please rest for a few days, after two days I will bring a thermal compressor to reduce the pain." Sapphra said: "I will return." Sapphra went to a store, bought some of Chad's favorite snacks, returned to the house and went up to Chad's room. He gave Chad snacks he bought at the store. Chad said politely, "thank you." Sapphra entered through the door and left the room. Chad ate the snacks and after that, Chad slept for the rest of the night. At exactly 4:30 a.m., Sapphra went to Mr. Brunswick's house and said, "Are you ready?" Mr. Brunswick replied: "Yes." Sapphra drove to the area where the double goer was and put arsenic in his food while he was not looking. When the double-goer ate his food, after a while, he showed side effects and then lied in a state of vegetation. Mr Brunswick said: "How exactly are we going to hide the evidence? Sapphra said: "The evidence is that he is a double-goer. They will believe it, especially because of the record and facial difference, It's a bit obvious that he's a double goer, especially if you go home, Mrs. Rose would say you're home and that will prove it, now go home." The police came on suspicion and questioned Sapphra. Sapphra said: "He is a double-goer. You'll believe it once you call Mr.'s Rose." They called her and she said, "My husband is home." Then the police let him go.

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