Chapter 15: Trauma in the past: Specimen 602: Part 1

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When Sapphra was born, His mother looked at him as if he was money, Because of a mutation that made his eyes look different than other people. his sclera were a light dull-ish green and that was a sign that he has the power to make raw, unpolished emeralds with his eyes. His mother became increasingly greedy as soon as She looked at his sclera. She then said, " I'll take him somewhere to get him tested to see if He's worth a motherload of money!" His father then said, "No, Don't do it! you'll sell him off to a horrible lab!" His mother then said, "I don't care if I sell him to a lab, I WANT MY MONEY!" His father then said, "He'll suffer an unimaginable 14 years before a painful, torturous death if you do this, don't do it." His mother replied sternly, "I don't care if He suffers, I WANT MY MONEY!" His father then replied with disappointment and anger that She won't let her son live. Sapphra's mother then said, "I'll name him Sapphra, Which means Sapphire in Juknavi. Happy now?"Sapphra's father still replied in disappointment and then left the hospital room. once Sapphra and his mother was released from the hospital, She immediately took him to a lab test and then She found out that Sapphra was worth about $960,000,000,000.00 worth of Juknavian dollars, So, She then said, "I won't have to work another job again! I just need to have his head on a display frame when He's old enough to look like the most majestic beauty I and the Society has ever seen!" The lab workers said, "You need to sign a waiver and Also, Are you sure? this practice is very inhumane and it's not usually the type of stuff we do in this la-" Then, The lab worker was cut off by her aggressive attitude and then She angrily yelled, "I WANT TO SIGN THE WAIVER! NOW GIVE ME IT!" and then Sapphra's mother snatched the waiver. The lab worker then said, "You might want to calm down Ma'am, otherwise you're not signing the waiver." Sapphra's mother signed the waiver anyway and then She gave Sapphra to her. in exchange, The lab worker gave her lots of money in exchange and then they took Sapphra with him. Sapphra's mother then went home and then HIs father said in confusion and sadness, "Where is the baby?" Sapphra's mother then said, "none of your business, now leave me alone!" Sapphra's father then said in Shock and anxiety, "Did you....sell...him?" Sapphra's mother then said, "Yes, now leave me alone!" His father teared up and then he said, "You...greedy....little shithole! I knew you were going to do this! I should've had intercourse with another woman!" Sapphra's mother replied, "Think about it real closely, Imagine having enough dollars to go on multiple vacations and early retirement. eventually, Sapphra's father filed a divorce on Sapphra's mother and then He left. He tried to look for Sapphra or now, Called Experiment 602, but when He went to the lab, The lab worker said, "I'm sorry, but She already signed the waiver." Sapphra's father then teared up and then He said, "PLEASE! I'LL PAY WITH ALL OF THE MONEY I HAVE!" then Sapphra's father left the lab. He drove back home and then, He just sat there, in desperation and anger because he wanted to keep Sapphra and raise him to be his own and not to be a Specimen or Experiment, tortured for years until his final day. 2 years later, Sapphra was confined in a room, with nothing in it. 2 more years later, a lab worker said, "come on, you know the drill." Sapphra resisted while shaking his head, "NO!" The lab worker tried restraining him, but the lab worker needed backup. Sapphra attacked the lab worker so He wouldn't get any chemicals stuffed into his throat to his esophagus. He used his sharp teeth to bite one of the lab workers restraining him and then ran down the hallway. He seen the exit and ran  to the exit, but it was too late, the lab worker realized that the collar he had on was a tracker and a shock collar, so the lab worker used the remote to shock him on a relatively low voltage and then after, He picked Sapphra up and then said, "If I was you, I would've stayed put." Sapphra reacted in anger and glared at him. The lab worker then brushed it off and ignored Sapphra. then, He put Sapphra on a metal table and then kept him pinned until the other workers restrained his arms and legs. Sapphra then screamed and tried to kick with his legs to get the restraint belts that were stronger than metal off of him, but it was no use. Sapphra then cried because He didn't want the chemicals to go in the mouth because it always left an unpleasant burning sensation in his mouth. He also wanted to get out because they have to do a procedure that weakened him, so attacking wouldn't be easy. the lab worker came back with a tool that kept Sapphra's mouth open because while doing the chemical feed, Sapphra would often try to bite her hand to stop her from doing it because the burning sensation was like being boiled but if you times that by 100. Sapphra wanted to bite her hand off badly so He could finally try to break free with no problem. after all of the chemicals were in his mouth, The lab worker strolled him to another room and then She grabbed a solid chemical and then She turned it to a powder. then, She shoved it into his mouth as well to weaken him. Then, She took him back to room 602. She then left the room. Sapphra was left in the room in extreme pain. He couldn't open his mouth or breathe without the chemicals making it worse and the scars on his legs from a procedure being painful. Sapphra tried not to make a sound while crying so He wouldn't annoy any other experiments, but when He did so, the others reacted in empathy because they had to deal with the same thing happening to him. Sapphra tried to take the collar off, but the lab workers shocked him again as soon as they detected that Sapphra was trying to take the collar off. 7 days later, Sapphra decided to take the collar off again, but this time he was very hesitant, but he Couldn't take it off and then He broke the glass window in his confinement room and then he broke all of the other glasses in rooms and then He left before the time reached 7:00 AM because that was the time the lab workers do their shift. the other experiments broke their collars and then left with him and then, Sapphra left to the streets of Juknavi and then, He ran away far away from the lab until it was night three days later at a train stop. An old lady seen him and then She said, "You poor little thing, all hungry, sick, injured and thirsty! you need a loving home!" The old lady then realized that He was an experiment because of the collar on his neck. The old lady then said, "oh god!" then, The old lady bought another ticket for Sapphra and then went on the train. Se went to her house, which was out of the country. during the train ride, She said, "Are you allergic to any nuts?" Sapphra shook his head, "no." and then the old lady said, "good. I hoped you weren't allergic to nuts." Then, She gave him a handful of mixed nuts and then Sapphra said in appreciation, "Thank you!" and then he ate the almonds and cashews, with pistachios slowly because He knew they wasn't going to eat for a few hours. After Sapphra was done eating, the old lady rubbed his back and then She opened a water bottle and gave it to him. He sipped the water and then once he was done, He gave the water bottle to her, since there was no trash cans and then the old lady gave him affection and then said, "No one will hurt you now." Sapphra then went to sleep as his seretonin and melatonin increased by the affection that he got. when the train stopped, the old lady realized that he was sleeping and then, He picked him up and took him to her house. She took off his collar and as she did it, the lab workers were at the door. She looked through the small door hole and then, She opened the door and fended them off until they left. then, She resumed to taking off the collar with a tool, since She already broke the tracking signal to make it have no signal, and then She gently broke the collar with a tool, making sure she don't accidentally hurt him. She  then lied him down and washed his feet to see if there's any injuries on his foot, since He ran away barefooot. and turns out, there were injuries everywhere including his hands. She grabbed some cotton balls, cotton swabs, witch hazel and some bandages. She then cleaned his wounds and bandaged him. as She was doing so, Sapphra woke up to the witch hazel, since He has a strong sense of smell and He felt the coldness of the witch hazel as it came in contact with his skin. He then looked at his foot and then He seen it bandaged. then, He teared up in contentment. She seen that he was tearing up and then, The old lady gave him a kiss on his forehead and then She said, "no, no, It's okay! don't you cry!" Then, She realized that He wasn't crying because he was sad and instead because of the happiness that he felt when he was somewhere else rather than a damned lab where he suffers for the sake of his mother's Narcissistic unhealthy amount of greed, power and validation. the old lady continued to bandage his wounds and then She went on to clean the wounds on his hand and the bottom of his fingers. then, She bandaged him up. She went on to do the rest of his wounds and then after She was all done, She then cooked dinner and once She was done, She put the dinner on a plate and then She spoon fed Sapphra, since He can't really move his fingers that much from the fingers hurting and because of the bandage wrapped up on his hands and fingers. He then was carried to a guest room bedroom and then He was placed on the bedroom. then, the old lady said, "Goodnight." and then gave him a stuffed animal and tucked him in a warm, soft and cozy blanket. She then kissed Sapphra on his bandaged cheek and then she turned the lamp off in the room. tommorow, When Sapphra woke up, She made breakfast and then after breakfast, She took Sapphra to the hospital to see if He's healthy, but there were so much chemicals in his body that he almost had to get surgery to safely remove the chemicals, but there was a way to safely remove the chemicals in his mouth that is causing a burning sensation, since She reported that He tried not to move when he ate food because of the burning sensation making it hard to swallow without inducing pain. The doctor said, "We'll have to do a procedure where we have to reduce the visible chemicals, then we have to extract the chemical that is causing pain in his throat with antibiotics." the old lady then agreed to the procedure and then waited for the procedure to be done in the waiting room. once the procedure was done, She was called to room 295. then, She went to room 295 and then sat on a chair. She then said to Sapphra, "How's your throat feeling?" Sapphra then said, "It feels a little bit better." the old lady then said,"That's good!" Sapphra then said, "The nurse said i'll be able to stay here for only three more days if my throat gets a lot more better." then, the old lady said, "It's a good thing that you're feeling better!" then, they talked for a while until the old lady left. 3 days later, the old lady picked Sapphra up from the hospital, since his throat recovered quickly and then She took him back to her house. Sapphra was tooken care of for 2 weeks before the lab workers came again and took advantage of the old lady. then, she tried to fend them off and kept on trying to get Sapphra because she knew that they'll try to hurt him again and eventually kill him. but, the lab workers got a hold of Sapphra. then, they opened the back of a truck and tied his arms and legs to a rope and tied each rope to a side upper or downer to keep him from moving out of the truck. then, He was sent back to the lab. He tried escaping, but turns out, He was so restrained that he Couldn't move at all. not even his neck. then, Then in his room, the lab workers restrained every part of his body that he could move to escape. Sapphra tried to attack the lab workers, but he was so restrained and held by lab workers that He couldn't move at all without hurting himself accidentally. Then, the lab workers tied him to a wall, so He wouldn't break the glass in his room. one of the lab workers then said, "You're in big trouble! You're not getting anesthesia in one of the procedures we have to do to your leg!" Sapphra shook his head in fear and then tried to get out to escape again, so He wouldn't get hurt and experience even more pain. he wanted to feel love and affection again that he felt from the old lady, because that was what he has been craving and craving for, since he was a experiment his whole life and never deserved to be in a lab until he dies. 9 years later, the times of escaping couldn't count to the many times he was electrocuted and weakened to the point where He can't break metal. He then was thrown around and guilt-tripped by other experiments because they escaped, but the lab workers found them and then Experiment 402 said, "You could've had the things to get us out! you tried getting us out many times and you're still not prepared!" Sapphra said in anger, "Because THERE ISN'T SHIT IN THIS GODDAMN LAB! CAN'T YOU JUST REALIZE FOR ONCE?! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT?! I WAS 4!" Experiment 402 said, "I don't care! I JUST WANT TO GET OUT OF HE-" Experiment 002 cut him off, slapped him and said in a stern voice, "Just leave him be for once, it's been 9 years since you argued with him and plus, He was 4 years old at the time. stop guilt-tripping people for once!" Experiment 402 then got mad and left. Experiment 002 then said, "I utterly apologize about him, He always tries to get a reason to get mad at people." Sapphra then said, "No, it's alright." Experiment 002 then said, "Really? the other Experiments here says for me to "Get my brother" or they just straight up beat me up even though I have absolutely nothing to do with my brother's utter immaturity." Sapphra then said, "Off topic, but how did you find out your actual name?" Experiment 002(Real name is Periwinkle) said,  "The reason why I found out My actual name is Periwinkle is because I was lucky enough to have letters sent to me." Sapphra then said, "Oh, I thought it would be something else." Periwinkle said, "What did you think it would be then?" Sapphra said, "I thought the people in this lab was your favorite to the point they shared your real name! they barely do procedures on you!" Periwinkle then whispered in truthfulness, "the secret is, that they did after the letters came in and they shared that they hated you to the point that they wanted to kill you on your next birthday when you're 14. read your letters CLOSELY and escape before they do so." Sapphra was horrified when He heard this. He went back to his room to read ALL of the letters in the corner He puts them at. He read the letters and one of them was sent today on 1993 said, "This may go to my Dearest son, Sapphra. Please be aware that the lab workers are trying to kill you on your 14th birthday on a full moon. I know you tried to escape as far as you can and tried not to get caught by one of the lab workers. They'll try to mortalize you and then kill you on a later year for that because they want to see you suffer, and I say do NOT escape at this moment. it may seem crazy but trust me, I predict that one of the machines to the mortalizer will malfunction, so You'll still won't be a mortal. Sincerely, Dokomaua Gauasauma/Sapphra's father. Sapphra then looked at the other letters in order, then He connected the dots. Sapphra then realized something. His mother hates him and his father loves and cares about him. He then felt even more anguish because all the time, He thought his parents had to give him up but no, His mother was so greedy that She took him to a lab and sold him there. He then was in comfort at the same time because his father cared about him as he read the letters. Sapphra then cried in anguish because He thought his mother loved him, but She's unhealthily greedy, of course She's going to do ANYTHING to get that money that She wants and it drives her crazy. Sapphra then crumbled the paper that said that She didn't love him and then He decided it was the time that He opens the envelope. He went through his letters and then eventually found the envelope with an item in there. He slowly opened the Envelope and it was a necklace that had his Father's picture when he was married. He just looked at it and cried.

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