Chapter 14: Trauma in the past: The passing of Esthretheria

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Once Chad was born, his mother was so happy about it and She spent lots of time with him, including lots of toys. once Chad was about 2, She realized that something was wrong, so She took him to a psychologist. turns out, He has Dyspraxia. His mother was a bit worried that in the future, other kids would bully him badly, but She still appreciated him for who he was and then, when he was 3, He started to help her out with the garden, but She often says; "I'll hold that for you." or "thank you!" She usually tries to find some oranges that aren't expensive, but She couldn't find any oranges, so She kept looking for some to prevent him from getting scurvy at such a young age, and She planted food that are rich in vitamin c besides oranges to make sure He doesn't get it. She gave him lots of love and affection and also lots of checkups to make sure he isn't physically unhealthy. instead of yelling, scolding or corporal punishment like whoopings, she disciplined him with reason and other methods that are more effective and loving. She focused more on his mental and physical health rather than worrying about bullying because She knew she could do something about it, and He had so much positive feedback in the daycare for being so kind-hearted and generous. even when people made fun of him, he still proceeded to be nice after and there used to be a dog that follows him everywhere he goes after daycare because He always had some type of food that he could give the dog, but on days He couldn't give the dog some food, he apologized and then gave the dog more affection than he normally gives to the dog. he always tried to learn socially rather than from daycare and preschool and despite his lower-than-average by standard Intelligence quotient, his poor hand-eye coordination and handwriting, it seemed like He's just doing fine, until The Sovereign of Rukbania decided that they kill every person with mental and learning disabilities and every single of the population in Esthretheria because the Sovereign is a dictator-ableist and they only want to see able-bodied people and they hate seeing pink-haired Esthretherian humanized cats more than the Coolestrian Neighbors in Cerimaya Street and it caused the whole street to stop hating all types of cats and also because they realized that they were just assaulting and harassing random families and children that practically did absolutely nothing to them. The sovereign in Rukbania said to EACH and every soldier that was forced to do her unethical and cruel plans, "I Shalleth SEE every single one of those FILTHY little cats in THE COUNTRY OF ESTHRETHERIA decay with maggots and other filthy animals like those filthy little UGLY vultures and I shalleth see blood everywhere. make the process of killing them long and agonizing and you shalleth evidently see your eventual freedom. one of the Soldiers tried to hold his tears, but it was too late. She seen him cry and then She grabbed him in extreme anger. She pulled out a knife and decided to kill him for feeling dismay for Esthretherians. He screamed as the other soldiers kept a straight face, trying not to show their true feelings. Then, the Sovereign Said, "the war shall start Tomorrow at 1:00 AM Sharp!" then Tomorrow, on one fateful day on the 25th of May 1984 When Chad was just 4 years old, The Country of Esthretheria has been filled with panic, screaming, gunshots and other things that aren't usually in the peaceful country of Esthretheria. Chad then heard the screaming, and it woke him up. He tried to find his mother and cried in fear and then he found her in her room. He thought of waking her up already, but She already was awakened by the sounds, Then, he said in extreme fear, "Mommy, why is there random noises?" His mother then said, "Don't worry about it, they're not going to catch us, especially because our house is camouflaged, now please go back to bed and get the rest you need." Chad said, Okay mommy." Chad then tried to go to sleep, but the sounds of gunshots, screaming and crying disturbed him so much that He couldn't get any rest, same with his mother. this went on for three continuous days until Chad cried because He seen some mysterious poisonous gas-smoke combination that was lurking near their house and then, Chad told his mother about it and then, she said, "I know, everyone is dying because of that same smoke." She then packed Chad's bag with food, water and the last gas mask that She had. She also packed his bag with some stuffed animals and then, she said, "now, I want you to get out of the house and run as fast as you can and I tell you, DO NOT stop running until you see border soldiers with golden armor. Those soldiers will help you." Chad said, "Why do I have to leave?" Her mother yelled in concern, but not in anger and loudness, "JUST GO!" Chad gave her a last hug and ran away from home. he ran and ran, but a soldier caught him and then He said, "Where the hell do you think your scrawny ass is going?" Chad repeatedly screamed in fear, "LEAVE ME ALONE! LET ME GO!"  He took his claws out and then scratched the Rukbanian soldier when he attacked him then the Rukbanian soldier kept punching him in the face and then Chad tried to get him off and then ran away. He went through mines, but He was so careful and running at the same time.  He got beaten multiple times by Rukbanian soldiers, but He survived the attack without any severe injuries. this had gone on for 3 hours until he reached the Golden armor soldiers. one of them seen him fall onto the floor and cry for help and then, the soldier transported through a carriage, but the soldier made the horse go faster than usual to escape from the gas that lingered in Esthretheria. then, after a couple of minutes, Chad fainted because of how feared he felt. He woke up in a room on a railed bed with a soft, comfortable mattress, but He was just in a care room at the Coolestrian Sovereign's palace. While he was at the care room, Chad got scared and confused because he didn't know what is going on. one of the nurses in the room realized that he was awake, and the nurse came up to him and then She said, "I'm very sorry for the troubles that the fainting caused. Chad then said, "No, it's alright. and also, what happened? The nurse explained, "The reason you're here is because you had a couple of injuries on your face, arms, legs and belly. also, you had a really bad panic attack and you fainted." Chad then said, "Where's my Mommy?" the nurse then stayed silent for a moment because She realized the context behind the reason, he said that. then, Chad said in a sad tone, "I want my mommy!" then, he threw a tantrum because he wanted to see his mother. then, He screamed and cried in anxiety, "I WANT MY MOMMY!" the nurses were glad He wasn't throwing objects around, but She and other nurses tried to calm him down with love and affection in hopes that he would calm down because they knew that He wasn't going to calm down quicker if they just do nothing, and they understood why he was throwing a noisy tantrum. the love and affection they gave to him worked and He calmed down from it. he rested in the care room until he was sent to an adoption center, which he rested for about 3 days. a taxi driver then came to the palace and then some other staff took Chad to the taxi and then drove off. While Maina was making an agreement with an adoption center staff, she said, "If He doesn't get adopted by the 1st of June 1984, I'll adopt the boy. While Chad was at the adoption center, He wasn't social around the kids because they always made fun of how he looked and pushed him whenever He tried to help himself up in an unwanted fight that they caused. Chad always got in trouble for it, even though he never wanted to fight with them and that caused people wanting to adopt a child look down upon him. by the 1st of June, He was sent to Maina's manor and then as Maina tried to go close to him, He attacked her in fear that She'll attack him until He realized that She isn't trying to hurt him, which was about for an hour. during that hour, Maina tried to lure him to her affection with food and then for a minute, He was eating the food She gave him, but he still didn't trust her. then, even more tiny bits of food, and then this went on for a while until He let her give him hugs and other forms of affection. then, Maina then took him upstairs to an empty room with a table and a singular chair. then She said, "Draw how you want your room to be like." Maina gave him a pencil with some crayons, markers and then she put some paper on a table. He drew how he wanted his room to look like, and there were lots of blue, purple and some yellow stars. He wanted a fluffy blanket instead of a regular blanket and also instead of a firm mattress, He wanted a very soft mattress, but not firm, and not too soft. Maina then said, "Now, you go to the guest room for now while I go purchase some furniture." Chad said, "Okay." Chad went to the guest room while Maina went to the furniture store to get some furniture and then, she went back with a Bedrail and some other stuff and got some paint to paint his room and the bedrail and bedframe. She started with painting the room and then She went on to spray paint the bed with white spray paint and then after both of the paint dried, she put the bedframe and the bedrail in the room and then put the mattress on the bedrail. She then put some furniture in his room, including curtains and lamps. after Maina was done with the room, she put a blindfold on Chad and then she took the blindfold off when She guided him to his room. once He seen his room, He looked at it in awe and then He got very hyper because it was his dream room. there were cotton cloud lamps hanging from the ceiling, there were star pillows on the bed with some stuffed animals and he loves decoration pillows and stuffed animals. there was a whole box of pipe cleaners and other fluffy things. it was like a dream come true to him! his interests lead to him having clothing that is similar to his interests. She gave him lots of toys to fill the toy box. She raised him as if She was his biological mother and gave him lots of love, attention and affection to make sure that he knows that He is loved, and her love doesn't hurt anyone.

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