Chapter 16: Trauma in the past: Specimen 602: Part 2

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He couldn't speak for a while, since it showed a picture of him when He was a baby. He also seen an image of his father when He was married. He was left with a bad taste in his mouth because his father thought his now ex-wife was going to have a child to raise instead of using him to have a child to sell him off. Sapphra had thoughts where He wants to get full revenge to "teach" his mother a lesson. He got his innocence took away from all of the years of torture. He wanted to kill his mother for this, especially because his life is about to be thrown away next year. He wanted to escape from this torture. one of the lab workers then grabbed Sapphra to the metal table. while doing so, Sapphra attacked her and then He kept kicking her until He was exhausted. Then, He was placed on the metal table and then He was restrained. Then they did their usual thing. Sapphra kept resisting until his very birthday. Sapphra kept questioning his sanity and cried for hours. He kept on bashing his head hardly to the wall, trying to find out what to do and then He couldn't find what to do. He's already going to get killed that day and then one of the lab workers said, "Here's your last meal." and gave him food. Sapphra refused to eat the food and then, the lab worker then forced the food into his mouth and then left him. Sapphra started choking and then, Periwinkle ran to Sapphra and then gave him a Heimlich maneuver to prevent him from choking and then said while giving Sapphra a rub on his upper belly to give him comfort and then said, "Are you okay? your face looks a bit blue!" Sapphra looked at her and lied, "I'm alright, thank you for your concern." Periwinkle got a lot of suspicious, since Sapphra usually says this when He's not physically okay and plus, his face is blue. then, she used her healing powers to keep him from knocking out unconscious from asphyxiation. Periwinkle then said in a calm, comforting voice, "Why would you lie about that? This could get you knocked unconscious!" Sapphra then said, "I'm about to die today anyway!" Periwinkle then said, "No you're not! I tampered with the machines during closing hour and now it should explode, and we could make a run for it!" Sapphra said, "Really?"  Periwinkle said, "Mhm! now please just lie down and rest until I'm done with this healing process." Sapphra said, "Okay." Periwinkle called Experiment 701 to get a blanket and a pillow for him, since She lived in better conditions than him and Periwinkle was less focused on getting a pillow and a blanket first and was WAY more focused on saving Sapphra from getting too asphyxiated. Experiment 701 then grabbed a pillow and a blanket and then She walked up to Sapphra and then lifted his head up. then, she placed a pillow under Sapphra's head. then, she gently and slowly placed his head onto the pillow and then covered his body with a blanket. Periwinkle then caressed Sapphra's upper belly to comfort him and then, experiment 701 gave Sapphra a caressing on the forehead. this went on until Sapphra was called to a room. Periwinkle then whispered to Experiment 701, "Watch the device explode, we'll be able to get him and make a run." Experiment 701 whispered, "Okay!" Sapphra was fighting for his life, kicking, punching, projecting his claws and biting. Sapphra got his wings stuck and then, He screamed in pain. then, he fell down the stairs. he tried to escape, but He was dragged to the room by one of the lab workers. He then got tubes all over his body and then the lab worker turned on the mortalizer. Sapphra felt pain increase as he was about to fall unconscious. He was lucky that one of the machines exploded When he was unconscious because the mortalizer only starts to take away immortality when the victim is unconscious. then, the lab workers died from the explosion and Periwinkle took all of the tubes off of Sapphra and then checked his pulse to see if the mortalizer killed him or not. turns out, she knew that He wasn't going to get killed. Periwinkle then came with Experiment 701 and then went out of the lab. then, she took him to the hospital to get healed, since her healing powers in terms of recovery was slow and then She waited for Sapphra to be done with a procedure in the hospital. after She waited, she was called into room 121 to see him. Periwinkle then said to Sapphra, "Wow, You're already conscious again?" Sapphra then said, "Yes, and what happened? the only thing I remember was seeing you for a second and feeling lots of pain before I passed out. Periwinkle said, "Well, do you at least feel a bit better?" Sapphra said, "Yes, I probably just fainted from the sharp pain from the mortalizer. Periwinkle said, "good." The nurse said I could take you home Tomorrow because my healing powers lead to you also healing from the chemicals in your throat and because you recovered very fast and all I need to do when You're at a bed is just have you on strict rest for an extra day." Sapphra then said, "If that's what I need to do to get fully better, then I guess." Periwinkle then gave Sapphra a hug, Then She said, "now make sure you get some rest here." Periwinkle then left the hospital and then She payed for an apartment, since She stole money from each and every one of the lab workers that died or was unconscious after the explosion and then tomorrow, she took Sapphra to her apartment and then lied him down on a bed and fed him. Then She said, "Don't worry about strict rest, this is the last day you'll be on strict rest. Sapphra rested for the whole day and then tomorrow, Periwinkle said, "Since I'm 20, would you like to be with me, or with another mother?" Sapphra took a penny from the ground and said, "Heads and tails?" Periwinkle said, sure. Heads is another mother while tails are with me. now here's the coin, you have the opportunity to flip it." Sapphra flipped the coin and turns out, it landed on heads. Periwinkle said, "Well, it was honestly nice meeting you, What's your name?" Sapphra said, "In the letters, it said that my name is Sapphra." Periwinkle said, "It was nice meeting you, Sapphra and I know the exact person that could adopt you that has people to socialize with. Periwinkle said to Sapphra, "Hold my hand." Sapphra holded her hand and She flew away to Coolestrie. She went to Medeskaharia and then went to a Manor. Sapphra said, "Wait... What house is this? Periwinkle said, "You'll see, I've known her for a bit." Periwinkle then knocked on the door and waited. Then, Maina answered the door and then She was in shocked and squealed. She hugged Periwinkle and said loudly, "HI!!! IT HAS BEEN 2 YEARS SINCE WE LAST MET! HOW YOU'VE BEEN?" Periwinkle said, "I've been good and also," Periwinkle stepped left and said, "Could you adopt him? I don't want him to deal with the ruthless kids in the adoption center." Maina said, "Sure!" Periwinkle then said while gently pushing him, "Sapphra, this is Maina," Maina said, "Hi!" Sapphra then said, "And my name is Sapphra." As soon as Sapphra went into the house, Chad looked at him in curiousness and then thought, "Is he a new friend?" and then as Sapphra went upstairs to a room. Chad went to a room and then, He looked at Sapphra as he was on the bed. Chad sat on the bed and then He played with his hair, trying not to accidentally pull it. Sapphra then grabbed Chad's hand and placed it off of his hair. Chad then looked at him in curiosity and then seen that He kept having a straight face. Chad then lightly poked Sapphra's nose again. Sapphra looked at Chad and then all He seen in his mind was a cat. Chad then tried to poke his noes again, but Sapphra carried him to a corner of his room and then, Chad looked at Sapphra in a playful gesture and poked Sapphra's cheeks. Sapphra then realized Why he was being touchy. Sapphra then playfight Chad and then after that, Chad received some belly rubs after Sapphra let him win the fight.

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