Chapter 13: 2 Boys In A Comfort Zone

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Chad and Sapphra was bored in a dark cloudy day, watching the beautiful rain pass by. they tried to think about something to do, but all they could do is watch the rain pass by as they were going to the country of Soredisho for a vacation. Sapphra said, "6 more hours until we reach Soredisho." Chad said, "It has been a day now, I don't know if we could reach there without freezing." Sapphra replied, "We have air conditioners, fluffy blankets and also some coats and pillows, we'll be fine, I promise!" Chad said, "are you sure? it's getting colder out every time we take a break to use the bathroom and eat! it's even colder than where we live, Medeskaharia!" Sapphra said in a comforting way, "Don't you worry! you'll be okay." Chad then said, "Okay." Chad then looked at the rain again as his arms and hands get cold from being too close to the window. He shivered in discomfort and then tried to hide the signs that he was cold, but Sapphra noticed that Chad was cold, so he put a blanket on him and then he gently pulled him away from the window and lied him down on the middle seat that has a pillow. he then said, "don't leave yourself being cold! it's too cold out to be doing this." Sapphra then said, "that's the reason why everyone except Chieko and corrupt didn't want to go with us. and then he put his hand on Chad's cheek and stroked his cheek. Sapphra then said, "We'll be in there soon." Sapphra then gave Chad some comfort to get things out of Chad's mind that is making him worry about how increasingly cold it is in the middle of the country of Freumae. Sapphra said, "It's okay, we just have to wait until we're at the resort. Chad decided to sleep during the afternoon and then Chad had a nightmare about freezing to ice; Chad "woke" up from his sleep and have nowhere to go. the doors were ice-closed shut and the air conditioner malfunctioned. all of the water and food froze into one gigantic ice cube and then he tried to break the window, but he forgot that he had no claws, and he was declawed. He started to cry because he was about to freeze, his arms and legs became numb, one by one and then he started to freeze. then He actually woke up from his dream and then, He froze in distress and cried quietly because He couldn't move, but Sapphra noticed when he turned around. so, Sapphra put Chad close to him and then looked at him. then he said in a comforting tone at the same time of being in concern, "Why are you crying? did you have a nightmare?" Chad nodded while he was traumatized as he stopped freezing. Sapphra then went through his bookbag and then got his audio player. he then played some relaxing music and then he put the audio player earphones on Chad. then Sapphra went through his bookbag and took out a stuffed animal He brought with him and then he put the stuffed animal into Chad's arms and since the music method didn't work, He sang to him because Chad feels massive comfort whenever a friend or his mother (doesn't matter if it's his biological mother or not) sings near him or directly to him and then after that, Chad calmed down and then slept. Sapphra looked at the evening rain as Chad slept again. 3 hours later in the evening, Sapphra gently woke Chad up and then gave him some takeout food because the driver stopped to get some food. Chad ate the food and after that, He drew in his notebook and then Showed Sapphra his art. 

Sapphra then smiled and gave it back to him

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Sapphra then smiled and gave it back to him. Sapphra then looked at Chad and rubbed the top of his head and then, Sapphra slept. Chad used the stuffed animal that Sapphra gave him and then snuggled with it. Chad then slept with the stuffed animal until 3 hours later when the driver woke the boys up. Chad woke up and realized that they were at a resort and then Chad's hyperness lead to Sapphra to wake up from the loudness from Chad being so hyped about it.  Sapphra realized that they're at the resort, but Sapphra tried to calm Chad down, but Chad fainted from being so hyper, so the driver gave Sapphra a smelling salt and then Sapphra said, "What's this for?" The driver then said, "Put it up his nose and see what happens" Sapphra then opened the cap and then put the salt up Chad's nose and then he woke up. Chad was confused what happened and then he said, "I feel a bit tired, what happened?" Sapphra then Said, "You got too hyper and then you fainted." Sapphra then grabbed a water bottle from the back and said, "Anyways, do you need any water?" Chad said in fatigue, "Yes." Sapphra then opened the water bottle, then he held Chad's chin up and then gave him some water. Sapphra then gave Chad's coat to him and then Chad put the coat on. then, Sapphra carried Chad to the resort reception, since Chad was tired from fainting and from being woken up. Sapphra then paid for the room he wanted to be in, so hotel room 425 is his key hotel number that he chosen, since it was a hotel room with 1 bedroom with 2 separate beds, 1 bathroom and 1 jacuzzi. then, Sapphra went outside to the Hotel area of the resort. then, He went upstairs to room #425. he then opened the door and then he went to a bedroom and placed Chad on a bed. Sapphra then said, "I'll go to the grocery store to make some soup since the takeout food was a relatively small portion of food, let me know if you need anything." then Sapphra gave Chad his phone number and then gave him a pat on the head and left to the kitchen. Chad grabbed a remote and then turned on the TV, since he was bored from sitting in the car ALL day. He watched the TV and after a while, He went to sleep. Eventually, Sapphra got the supplies He needed for the soup, but he excluded carrots because Chad only likes raw carrots. Sapphra then took the groceries out of the bag and then he sliced and then diced the mushrooms, beef, cherry tomatoes, peas, celery and potatoes. then He made a broth with spices and some basil. he seasoned the beef and then mixed the beef to make it seasoned fully. then, He poured some oil in a sauté pan to sauté the beef. then, he put the beef in the pan. then after the beef was done Sautéing, He put the beef and the vegetables in the broth to a simmer. then, once the Soup was done, He let the soup sit for a few minutes before putting the soup on the table. after a few minutes, Sapphra put the soup on the table and then He grabbed the other bowl and put the bowl of soup on the table. then, He went to the bedroom and then he gently woke Chad up so He wouldn't be confused and mad that he woke him up. then, Sapphra said, "The soup is ready." Chad went to the table and then grabbed 2 cups and poured them with lychee juice. He then put the cups on the table and gave the other cup to Sapphra. Chad ate a spoon of the soup and then Sapphra said, "How does it taste?" Chad smiled and then said in appreciation and honesty, "It tastes so good!" Sapphra then smiled and said, "I hoped the soup tasted good! I'm glad you like it! It's my first time I've cooked a dinner before." Chad ate the soup and then drank the lychee juice. once he was done, he went back to his room and then slept. Tomorrow, Chad woke up and then while Sapphra was sleeping, Chad took some tomatoes out of the fridge and made tomato soup. then, Chad took salted butter out of the fridge and then took a butter knife. then, He used a pan to put the butter in the pan. he put the sandwiches in the pan and grabbed a spatula. then, he flipped the sandwich when it was ready and then after both sides were flipped, He turned off the stove and then used a spatula to put the sandwiches on the plate. Chad then put the food on a tray and then gave the tray to Sapphra. Sapphra already woke up because of the pleasant smell of breakfast and then Sapphra tried the grilled cheese and tomato soup and then He smiled. then he said in honesty and appreciation, "It's tastes good!" and then after they ate, they took a shower. then, Chad chilled in a hot tub while Sapphra played a video game to pass time by.

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