Chapter 9: Declaw

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(Please note that this chapter has some offensive stuff in there and this is only meant to spice up the chapter, so please skip this one if you get offended a bit easily, because the offensive words are for satirical purposes only whether it's funny or not and I do NOT have the intent whatsoever to offend anyone in real life, so, if you get offended, please click off and don't leave a comment about it unless it doesn't have to do with the disclaimer, All slurs WILL be censored.) 2 weeks later, Chad woke up and then did his usual routine, then He went downstairs to go to school because He's getting breakfast from school, since it was a cereal day and he had to make cereal if He ate breakfast now so, He was dashing to school and then arrived to be the first one in the lunchroom because He didn't want to have mashed plantain with eggs and turkey bacon and instead, He wanted some chocolate muffins with a side of berries and a bagel egg sandwich. He went to the lunchroom and grabbed his tray. he grabbed the food he wanted with tongs and grabbed some extra food like seasoned alfalfa sprouts and bean sprouts mixed with beet sprouts and clover sprouts with some Lychee. he grabbed a cup and filled it with some longan juice. he went back to the lunchroom and sat down to eat there, since there wasn't any people there and he was early. He ate the muffin as well as the other food on his plate and then went to the gymnasium to go on one of the treadmills, since he was bored and then after about 30 minutes, he went to the parasol with his friends and had a conversation with them. Once class started, Chad walked upstairs to class but, he was encountered by a group of people who wanted to fight him for an unintelligible reason.  Last time, He was partners with Brent and he got mad at Chad for doing something wrong, but it wasn't his fault at all and he apologized after class, but Brent still got some people to fight him, specifically people who hate Chad and then Brent and the other people who hate Chad came up to him and then, they yelled at him loudly to start up an argument, but Chad wasn't trying to start one and talked in a confused, threatened tone, but that didn't work and it only escalated. Chad said, "Why are you yelling at me?" Brent yelled, "ARE YOU A DUMBASS OR YOU'RE JUST ACTING LIKE IT!?" Chad said, "What do you mean?" Brent yelled, "DON'T PLAY WITH ME YOU IMBECILE!" Chad said in fear, "Why are you yelling at me? I didn't do anything wrong, did I?" Brent yelled, "STOP TRYING TO PLAY VICTIM, BITCH!" Chad said, "I'm serious! I don't know what I did."Brent yelled in an angrier, more threatening tone, "STOP LYING OR I'LL BEAT YOUR ASS YOU LYING PIECE OF SHIT!" Chad said, "What did I even do?" Brent yelled, "If you DENY ONE MORE TIME, I'LL-" Brent was cut off by Chad saying, "but I'm no-" Chad was cut off by Brent Suckerpunching him at the face. Chad was out for 3 seconds and then When he got up, Chad kicked Brent at the stomach to get him away. Desmond jumped in and then kicked Chad at the groin. Chad screamed and cried in pain and then punched the person at the cheek, which caused his teeth to fall out and bleed. Fritz jumped in and then bit Chad's right arm, which his arm bleeded, then the others jumped in and and then Chad scratched all of the people to fend himself off, but it was overwhelming. a few minutes later, Gilda came and then restrained Chad with her powers, then She walked up to Chad, then She crouched down and said, "Tough imbecile eh, not for long." then exhaled smoke from a cigarette onto Chad's face and put a sock in his mouth with tape, Then Gilda said while holding his hand to look at his nails, "You won't be having these for long, you've scratched too many people for too many singular, long days. stop trying to defend yourself, it won't work." Chad Muffled a scream, "STOP! PLEASE! NO!" Gilda then ripped his claw out. Chad screamed louder and cried louder in pain. Brent ripped of a claw as well, but Gilda left so she wouldn't get in trouble for it and get herself beat by Sapphra. Each one of his claw was ripped and for each one, it increasingly got more painful, so he also screamed louder and louder until Sapphra heard it and then came to the fight and when Sapphra came, Brent turned around and then yelled in fear, "GET AWAY FROM HIM! HE COULD POSSIBLY KILL US!" The group ran and Sapphra chased them down to give them a piece of him, and eventually, Sapphra caught them and bit them with his long, sharp canines and then punched Brent and Gilda to the point where they were both unconscious and his hands were covered in blood. Then, he turned his head to the other people, including Desmond. Sapphra then attaced all of them at once and then Desmond grabbed Sapphra's wrist and then gripped his wrist tighter and tighter to the point that Sapphra grunted in pain and then Shouted unintelligibly and he clawed Desmond's eye. then, Desmond then covered his eye and yelled, "YOU BLOODY LITTLE BASTARD!" Then, Desmond Punched Sapphra in the face until he had bruises and bled. Sapphra then grunted in pain with each punch he had in the face and then, Sapphra gripped on Desmond's neck and threw Desmond to the wall. Desmond grunted in pain and then Sapphra walked up to him and then grabbed him by the collar and then Sapphra bit parts of Desmond's face off. Desmond then screamed and ran away. Some of the other people heard his screams and Sapphra's shouting and then ran to where it came from and then, Reumar just sat there and smiled. Then she thought, "Well deserved...finally those little shits will also get a piece of me after, especially that long haired pink haired little c_nt that took away my deserved hierarchy! this is what SHE and the others get for being such a loser and a dickhead to fluff fluff! The other students tried to restrain him and said, "YOU'RE DOING TOO MUCH! STOP!" or "THEY ALREADY HAD ENOUGH OF YOU! STOP!" then, Sapphra kept attacking people and the people restraining him lost grip and flew to a wall while Sapphra swung 2 people to a wall the people who tried to restrain him. Then, One of the people restraining him said, "we might need reinforcements." And then they called for more stronger students to restrain him. They came back and then helped them restrain him and then, Sapphra was sat down by them and then, Sapphra tried to get back up to fight the other people, but they ran away and then just by that, he got even more pissed off and then he tried to run to get them, but the stronger students kept him pinned, but not to the point that he gets hurt by it. Then, the 2 others tried to calm him down, but it was too late, since not long after, he fainted due to a rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing and exhaustion. During this, One of the teachers was at the upstairs hallway to print some papers and then seen Chad injured, crying and muffling. He ran up to him and removed the tape and the sock, then said, "What happened to you?" Chad was wailng, screaming and crying in pain and then, the teacher looked at Chad's face, arms legs and nails. The teacher then said, "OH MY GOD! ANOTHER ONE HURT?! I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST SAPPHRA AND THE PEOPLE HE FOUGHT!" The teacher then ran to the nurse and then said, "A student's claws were declawed! The nurse grabbed a first aid kit and then went upstairs to Chad. Nurse Nikki looked at his nails and said, "Oh my, We're going to have to take him to a hospital! his nails are very damaged that it might not grow again! even part of his finger got injured! Nurse Nikki took Chad to the Infirmary and then called the paramedics and then Maina and the principal to notify her about the incident. She then performed first aid on Chad until the paramedics took him, and the others, including Sapphra to the ambulance and drove away. Maina came to the school because She heard that Sapphra got in trouble also. Maina dashed in the office and then the principal said, "you may Sit down, Ma'am." Maina sat down and then the principal said, "So, your son has assau-" Maina cut the Principal and calmly said, "Look, I am not about to believe anything YOU say unless you show me evidence that my son assaulted someone without self defense because if I don't get evidence, how am I supposed to know that he assaulted anyone." The principal showed the evidence, but forgot to Show one more singular video tape. Maina then said, "Can you check the upstairs east wing hallway camera? Just to make sure." The principle said, "sure." She checked the camera and then said, "Either way, assault isn't tolerated self defense, defending others or not." Maina angrily Yelled, "THAT'S BULLSHIT! IF MY SONS CAN'T DEFEND FOR ANYTHING THAT SOMEONE DID, THEN HOW WILL HE EVEN SURVIVE?! YOU GET BOTH OF THEM IN TROUBLE FOR SOMETHING THAT THEY CAN LEGALLY DO?! The principal said, "yes, because it enforces more violence." Maina angrily yelled, "SO BOTH OF MY SONS GET IN TROUBLE WHILE THEIR (the people who beat Chad up) SON OF A BITCH PARENTS DON'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! YOU'RE ALL THE SAME! "BOYS DON'T HIT GIRLS!" WHO IN THE HELL CARES?! NO ONE! EVEN THE FUCKED UP COUNTRIES LIKE THE USA DON'T PLAY IT LIKE THAT! YOU ALWAYS LIKE TO CLONE THE MANNERS BOOK! SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO DITCH IT FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY! IF YOU WAS A MALE AND A FEMALE HITS YOU, WHAT IS YOUR FIRST ACTION?" The principal said, "I'll let her do it." Maina angrily yelled, "NO YOU WOULDN'T! YOU WOULD BE HITTING HER THE SECOND SHE HITS YOU!" The principal said, "i have to get a cup of coffee for a minute, I'll be right back." One of the parents said, "But hitting a female if you're a male is ba-" Maina cut her off and yelled, "DO YOU EXPECT ANY OF MY SONS TO GO HOME WITH BRUISES, AND WITH CHAD, CRYING?! NO! NOW SHUT UP! The parent said, "bu-" Maina cut her off with a punch and then said ominously, "if you say anything about "boys don't hit girls" one more time, with this fist, right over here, I'll knock you out. I'm not kidding." the parent said, "I'm not going to listen to a stupid bunny whore with some ret_rded cat kid that doesn't know how to shut up that also has a mentally ill looking red-dread son. Maina said, "First of all, they're Locks, not dreads. Second off, you're NOT going to call any of my kids ret_rded. Third of all, I'm not a "bunny whore" prostitute who has sex with a male to get paid bucks! Now I'm going to leave this bullcrap before I get fucked up!" Maina calmed down and then she took herself home, then Maina washed the dishes, cooked food and then after, Maina came to the living room and said to everyone, "I'll go visit the hospital, do anyone want to come?" And then they said, "We're a bit too busy to come. We'll come tomorrow, Sorry! " Maina then went to the Hospital and went to the reception area. the receptionist said, "Hello, how can I help you?" Maina said, "Which room number is Chad Azura's room at?" The receptionist checked through the pediatric ward book and said, "go to the pediatric ward to room 104 at the north wing hallway" Maina said politely, "Thank you Ma'am." Maina went to room 104 and then a doctor opened the door, because He was notified that a person was visiting. The doctor said, "If you're wondering if your son is okay, His claws won't be able to grow back again and He will only be able to grow normal nails. You could give nail growing remedies to him and then file the nails to look like claws, but, the declawing of his claws was so bad, but overall, He's okay. He didn't get any brain damage or anything deadly and the bite wasn't too deep, but another thing, We tried to comfort Chad, but he was in so much distress and he still is. could you get him out of distress?" Maina said, "sure." Maina and Sapphra entered room 104 and then Maina went close to Chad's bed and then hugged him. then, said in a calm, soft tone, "I heard you were all feeling down, what's all the crying About?" Chad cried while stuttering, "my fingers hurt and the people at the school beat me up for no reason!" Maina rubbed his back and said, "Shh, It's okay, don't you cry." Sapphra got permission to get out of his room for a bit, since he started to feel better and then, He went to Chad's room and he seen that Chad was crying, so he rubbed Chad's head and then said, "now that those people are probably expelled and I defended you, no one could hurt you, okay? Chad said, "okay." Maina and Sapphra comforted Chad until he was fully calmed by comfort and then Maina said, "don't be so sad all the time, okay? I don't want to see you cry and be distressed all the time, okay? Chad said, "okay." Maina gave Chad a kiss on the forehead and then left a gift on his bed and She said, "And also, someone gave this to you." Chad opened the gift and then looked at the note. it said, "I didn't want to leave you alone, So I wanted to give you a gift to comfort you when you are distressed because I know you cry a lot when you get hurt, because the declawing itself is painful and I did not expect them to even fight you for such a small and innocent reason. I hope you get better and hopefully it helps your mood. -Roselatie and Noah" Chad looked at the present and seen a stuffed animal. He gently grabs it and then looks at it, then he put down the box and snuggled with it.

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