Chapter 23: A Louder Place isn't Pleasant

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Chad woke up and took a shower. then, he threw some clothes on and went downstairs to eat some breakfast. He washed his hands and went to the table to sit down and then Maina said,  "Well, someone's hungry, ." and then once she was done making the eggs, she put the eggs with a side of some steamed vegetables and a main course of some lentils and turkey on the table and then She said, "Pass it down." Chad then passed the plate on to the person at the end of the table and then once he got his plate, Chad ate the food and then said, "thank you!" and then He went to school. since the principal got sued and fired for expelling him for something minor and already excused and also for hitting him, being expelled and everything that was supposed to be excused is off of his log entry. Chad went to the sportsyard as soon as he walked to school and showed the principal his ID the school district gave him due to security reasons and then played volleyball. after that, he helped Sapphra with the garden, since the garden is already big and it would take Sapphra a long time to finish it without help, since there's so many plants and crops that need to be pruned, watered and fertilized. after that, Chad went to Mr.s Rose's classroom and then he sat down on a chair. Mr.s Rose then said once all of the students are in the classroom, "Hello class, feel free to do your interests, since this is not a boring school where everything is so uncreative to the point where you lose motivation to do what you love, so I'll get some supplies while you stay here and please be quiet to an extent." Mr.s Rose closed the classroom door as she went out and walked to the storage room. As She was getting supplies, Some of the people in the classroom started to get loud, Which irritated Chad and then He tried to say to them in a polite way, "could you please lower your voice a bit? it's making my ears hurt!" since it irritated his ears and of course, they just ignored his request even though they knew he don't like loudness and due to that request, the other people started to think He was being a teacher's pet, since they only heard the part where he asked to lower someone's voice down instead of the reason why he said it and then the people other than the people speaking loud started to speak louder than them, which started to make his ears hurt badly and then others tried to alert that his ears are hurting badly and if they continue to be loud, He'll end up triggering a tantrum that'll pose a threat to his own safety because he usually ends up hurting himself in the process, but people didn't hear them, so after a few minutes, Chad started to cover his ears and started screaming and crying while gripping onto his ears to the point that the force he made on the skin on his ears started to bleed. the students in GIlda's group started to chuckle and giggle, then, Gilda started to whisper, "Why is he throwing a temper tantrum at the age of 16? isn't that a bit embarrassing?" while the people who stayed at a lower level of loudness started to be quiet, looking at Chad in concern because they don't know what to do and because he gripped onto his ears to the point where the skin of his ears starts bleeding and while he tried to get out of the room, he started to fall, which ended up making him bash his head into the floor and the table. Mr.s Rose heard the commotion and screaming from upstairs and then She decided to go upstairs to her classroom. She then opened the door and said, "What is even going on in here and why is the room is in such a mess?! it's 9:30 in the morning! it's too-" then, she got cut off by realizing what happened. She carried Chad to another room and then She said in a  stern voice, "Didn't I just tell you not to be loud?! this is what happens if you start to get loud around someone with a lower hearing tolerance!" Gilda then said, "Then maybe take that manchild to another homeroom if you never thought about it! then We wouldn't have to deal with a literal manchild that doesn't even know what 4 x 6 is that cries all day about something we don't care about!" Mr.s Rose then said, "I can't control who goes to which homeroom and stop being so disrespectful to him! whoever was too loud has to clean up this mess, since they caused this whole ordeal that would've been extremely easy to respect boundaries!" then, Mr.s Rose Said to one of the students, "What happened?" Then, the student said, "Chad gripped onto his ears to the point that it bled and he fell into some tables, which he landed on his head and fell onto the floor. " Mr.s Rose went back to the room Chad was in and then walked up to Chad. She then crouched down and whispered while caressing his head, "Shh, the noise is now gone. now you can uncover your ears. Chad stopped covering his ears and then realized that it's quiet in the room. Mr.s rose then took a look at his ears and face to see if he was hurt because every time it gets too loud in the classroom, he starts to pose a threat to himself due to falling from running and piercing his ears. then, Mr.s Rose whispered in concern, "Oh no...." and then she carried Chad to the nurse's office. once they arrived at the nurse's office, Nurse Nikki said, "Hello! Do you need anything?" Mr.s Rose then said, "Yes actually." Then, She put Chad onto the bed and then Nurse Nikki then took a look at Chad to see if he has injuries. Then, Nurse nikki turned to Mr.s Rose and said to her in deep concern, "What happened to him?! Those look like injuries inflicted by someone or inflicted on himself! his bruises and knots are badly swollen and His leg looks like he fell!" Mr.s Rose then said, "He gripped onto his ears to the point that it bled and then While he was trying to get out of the classroom, he ran into tables and fell, bashing his head onto the floor and some tables when he fell." then, Mr.s Rose showed proof that the injuries were inflicted on himself. then She said, "one or both of his legs is probably injured, too because both of his legs hit something when he fell. Nurse Nikki then said, "Alright, I'll take note of that as well." Mr.s Rose then said to Nurse Nikki, "If the students in my class starts to settle down and if Chad's legs aren't cramped, He'll go back to class. Nurse Nikki nodded her head and then She said to Chad, " Do one of your legs hurt?" Chad then cried in pain, "Both of them hurt!" Nurse Nikki then said, how much does it hurt?" Chad then cried in pain, "It hurts so bad!" Nurse Nikki then said, "Alright, I'll have to notify the other teachers that you have been excused from going to class so they could put it in the system, alright? Chad said while nodding his head, "mhm." Nurse Nikki then grabbed some bandages as well as some cotton swabs, ice packs, towels to wrap up the ice packs and Then some witch hazel. Nurse Nikki cleaned up all of his wounds, which he had A LOT and then wrapped some of his wounds in the bandage and for the rest of them, the mini bandages were put on. His wounds.  Nurse Nikki then said while putting the bandages on, "you poor little thing, you got yourself hurt and now you're in desperate need of resting and care!" Once she was done wrapping up and putting on the bandages, She wrapped each ice pack she needed in a towel and then put each ice pack on a bruised or knotted area. Nurse Nikki then caressed Chad so that she could calm him down and then after Chad calmed down, Nurse Nikki notified Maina about the situation and then she went to the school to pick Chad up. Maina then had a talk with the new principal about the notified situation and then She was recommended some headphones where he could only hear the teacher speaking, since by the notification he got about the situation, the new principal guessed that Chad hates being in loud places and instead of getting him into trouble, he started to recommend some accommodations so Chad wouldn't endanger himself like that again, since he got utterly concerned that if Chad dislikes certain things people do, that something like this will break out again. When the conversation with the new principal was over, Maina picked Chad up from school and drove him home. She then said while driving, "how loud were the people in there?" Chad then said in dismay, "They made my ears hurt!" Maina then said, "oh my... How much did your ears hurt?" Chad then said in dismay, "it hurts so bad!" Corrupt wrapped Chad in a blanket and then Once they arrived, Corrupt carried him upstairs to his room and then placed him on the bed and then said while caressing his head, "you'll need to rest here for a while, so try not to get up off of the bed unless you need something. I know it's a bit tempting, but it'll be worth it in the long run." Corrupt then kissed Chad on the forehead and then left.

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