Chapter 24: The day of the infection: [SPECIAL]

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It was Tuesday, and it was 2:00 in the morning. Chad usually didn't wake up at that time, but he heard something so loud that he thought it was a shriek. He tried to shrug it off and go back to sleep, but he felt like he was being watched from the window. He opened the curtains but saw nothing until the entity noticed him opening the curtains. He still felt extreme paranoia that the entity was staring at him and didn't just see him that moment, since all of his dreams turned out to be lucid nightmares, a regular nightmare, or a night terror that has either demons or bullies tormenting him. He then hid under the bed for the rest of the night in tears and started pleading to get away from him voicelessly and indescribably, since the entity was so tall and big that it couldn't get him from under the bed. Meanwhile, in Sapphra's bedroom, he woke up from the same noise that Chad heard. Sapphra then sneaked outside of the Manor to see what was going on, and it turns out, it's an entity. The entity was so huge and tall, and it looked like a colossal animal with multiple heads of different animals and even demons. It had a long, slim and partially muscular body with an abundance of arms and legs. It had a long, slim head with a big, gaping mouth that looked like it could swallow a person whole. It had long, sharp claws on its hands and feet. It was so hideous that Sapphra took a look at it in utter shock and then, the entity attacked Sapphra once it noticed him and then he dodged it and then he flew back into the Manor with the wings on his head, but he lost balance due to the entity attempting to attack him again, which made him get distracted and then he fell at a high height, but not high enough to suffer injuries enough to knock him unconsious. Once Sapphra fell to the floor and landed on the right side of his head, he grunted and groaned in pain and then he flew again at the nearest window and his injury on his right wing made him grunt even more in pain and then He pried the window open without breaking it and then closed the window once he was inside. then, he hid under the bed, since he felt a bit of paranoia and then turns out, it's Chad's bed and then Chad said, "What are you doing in my room?!" Sapphra then shushed him and whispered, "You know, we could potentially get caught by Mom and then get in trouble if you keep talking at your regular tone!" Chad then whispered in fear, "but, that thing is trying to get us! I don't want to get hit by that thing!" Sapphra then whispered, "but the entity is too tall and collosal to even attack us." Chad then whispered, "well, if you think It's so tall and big, then go to that demon and see what it'll do to you!" Sapphra then whispered in utter disgust, "I'm not going to look at a generic looking bright-eyed demon again! it looks disgusting and it already attempted to attack me with it's dirty, big disgusting claws!" Chad then looked at him and whispered, "Then why did you even get out of the bed in the first place to go outside and check it out?!" Sapphra then whispered in a neutral tone, "Maybe because I'm curious and also not feared by it and I'm not the one who screams and runs back to the Manor and I'm shocked instead!" Chad then said, "Oh, I guess then don't do the dare I've asked you to do." both Sapphra and Chad stayed up the whole morning as the sun starts to rise later since they were in paranoia. once the sun has risen, Maina woke all of the people up and once She went to Chad's room, She couldn't find him so she looked under the bed and then She said in shock, "What have you gotten yourself into in order to stay up so late?! you look so deprived of sleep!" Chad then said loudly in utter fear as his tears start to dry up, "THERE WAS A MONSTER OUTSIDE!" Sapphra then said in paranoia but not fear, "I heard a strange noise from outside!" Maina then said, "I'm pretty sure that was an animal outside doing it's thing. if it's not, then I'll do something about it and also, You're going to have to stay home from school to take a nap, since both of you stayed up for so long!" both Chad and Sapphra nodded and then he went back to his room. Chad then lied back down on his bed and then Maina said, "Please try not to stay up and also move around too much! your leg needs to rest because it still has those cramps! plus, you're very deprived of sleep." Maina then kissed Chad on the cheek and then said, "Try not to think about the creature, Okay?" then she went to Sapphra's room. Maina then said to Sapphra, "Please try not to stay up! I can't have you being deprived of sleep again. you're already tired." then, She gave Sapphra a kiss on the cheek. then, She noticed an injury on his wing and then she said to Sapphra in utter concern, "What happened to your wing? it looks like the bone almost got cracked!" then, She went to get some witch hazel and bandages. Once she grabbed the witch hazel and some bandages, She cleaned Sapphra's wound and wrapped it in a bandage. As she bandaged his wing up, she said, "Now tell me, What happened to your wings for it to get like this? It looks severely injured!" Sapphra then said in a tired manner and in pain, "I tried to see where the shriek came from and I fell While trying to get inside the Manor because the entity tried to attack me again." Maina then said, "You shouldn't be outside the house that early in the morning! People are still sleeping at 2:00 A.M in the morning Even if it's an entity outside!" Sapphra then said, "But the noise was too strange to be normal." Then Maina said, "It's too dangerous to go out in the dark." Then once she was done wrapping Sapphra's wing in a bandage, she then said, "Just, rest and try not to think about it too much. you've already stayed up too much by the amount of paranoia you had when you heard the sound." While Maina was making breakfast later on, She heard something from the news and then, She said to Corrupt, "Watch the food while I'll be gone for a minute and also, please give Chad and Sapphra their plates in their rooms. they both need to rest." She looked at the news and the news reporter said, "There has been 40,000 cases of an unknown disease and people are getting suspicions that it might be a new outbreak and about 5,460 of them are already on stage 4! the epidemiologists already found out that disease isn't transmitted by touching anything or passing it down to another! the disease is classified as a Terminal illness and it should be recommended that you wear protective items when you're outside! for our safety, all restaurants and places we don't need to go is closed! All schools and learning places are closed due to the lack of knowledge of how the disease works and the aggression of stage 4 patients become extreme! Stay safe and don't get attacked!" Maina got very concerned and then went upstairs to both Chad and Sapphra's room and then said, "What was your description of the entity look like?" but She said it in a more simplified way for Chad, since he sometimes get confused when she says more complex words. Both of them gave out the exact same description as the news gave for the infection. it's just that Chad gave a less complex and more clarified description. Maina looked at the news picture and then thought of the description. then, she was horrified and bothered by the fact that both Chad and Sapphra had an accurate description of what it looked like. then, She decided to lock up all of the doors that lead to an exit downstairs and the windows upstairs and downstairs and hoped for the best. Corrupt then finished making the breakfast, since Maina was too busy being concerned about all of her children in the Manor. Corrupt called all of the children to the table and gave Chad and Sapphra their plates upstairs, since both of them has to rest. Once Corrupt went to Sapphra's room, She said, "Here you go-" and then she got cut off by looking at his right wing. Corrupt then put his food to the side and said in concern, "What happened to your wing for it to get injured?" Sapphra then said, "Falling." Corrupt then said, "Oh my goodness, how high did you fall to need the wrapping bandages?" Sapphra then said, "approximately 30 feet high or slightly lower." Corrupt then said, "you should be careful! I don't want you to be injured again and if you do, It might be worse!" then, She picked up the plate and gave the breakfast to him. Then, She said, "I hope this will at least calm down at least a bit of your paranoia." Then, she went to the door and closed it to go to Chad's room. once she arrived at Chad's room, she noticed that he was trying to sleep but, Chad still looks feared by the thoughts of the entity and also, he still kept making sounds associated with fear. then, Corrupt walked up to him and then turned him around, since he was sleeping on his side. then, She crouched down to his current height when he's lying down. She then started to caress his head slowly. then, she shushed him and said, "I know, just thinking about that creature is scaring you and it's making you scared!" then, she grabbed his breakfast and gave it to him. then she said, "Hopefully, this will keep things out of your mind and help you loosen up at least a bit!" then, She went to the door and went out of his room. then, She closed the door behind her and went downstairs to the living room and then she sat down. Maina then said while She was on an old telephone, "hold up for a moment" then, She said to Corrupt, "Are you going to eat breakfast?" Corrupt then replied, "I already ate 2 provolone grilled cheeses with tomatoes and bacon before you even made breakfast. I'm not hungry." then Maina said,"Alright, you can just make your plate later whenever you're hungry, as long as it hasn't passed within 2 hours. if the food is passed that time, then throw it away unless you put it in the fridge before 2 hours." some hours later, someone knocked on the door and then Corrupt opened the door and then seen Noah and Roselatie. She then said in a very concerned tone, "Roselatie, Noah, What are you doing here?! Noah then said, "Our mother and father is infected and we already stayed a certain amount of feet away from them so we wouldn't get infected and attacked! is there anything we can decontaminate ourselves with just in case there is anything that could make us sick so our immune system won't weaken?" Corrupt then said, "sure, I'll just have to clean the bathrooms before use so you won't get infected with other stuff if anyone here is sick. Corrupt then called the maids and said, "whoever decides to clean the bathroom and surfaces gets a raise of about 6,000 more ceresties. 2 maids will help with each room so it'll be quicker." Then the maids went upstairs to clean the bathroom and the surfaces. The other half of the maids went to the bathroom that's downstairs in a room for guests. They cleaned the bathrooms thoroughly and then, once the maids were done cleaning and letting the floor dry, Corrupt then said to both Roselatie and Noah, "What is your clothing taste?" Roselatie then said, "I kinda like those knee high vintage dresses with flowers or fruit on it. They kinda remind me of when my grandma knitted me some dresses with strawberries, blueberries, roses and daffodils." Corrupt then pointed to Noah and said, "And you?" Noah then said, "I kinda like wearing these." Then, Noah showed them the clothes he fit in and preferred when he was 14. It looked a bit like 70s fashion and then Corrupt said, "You both have good taste." Then, She got some unused clothing from the guest closet and gave their exact clothing taste to them. She then said, "Make sure you change your clothes in the bathroom and I don't want any clothing on the floor. Put it at the area near the washing machine and then you can get out once you're done. Roselatie and Noah went to seperate clean bathrooms and then they showered. After they showered, they put their older clothes to the side and then wore the clothes Corrupt gave them and then Noah went upstairs to Chad's room and then he seen that Chad was asleep. He didn't suspect that Chad would be in anger and cry, but also be resting due to sleep deprivation, so as a joke, he shook Chad until he woke up. Chad then noticed that someone's waking him up and then he said in anger, "Stop!" Noah then stopped and then, He said in shock, "I'm sorry, I didn't know that you didn't like being woken up like that!" Chad then said in a less angry tone, "I guess it's alright." Noah then started to rub his belly, since he loves belly rubs so that He won't be mad at him anymore and then he squeezed his cheeks, since he also loves his cheeks getting squeezed and squished and then Noah said, "I now know why you don't like to be shaken." Then, Noah kept rubbing Chad's belly and squishing his cheeks. Later, He started to notice that Chad is getting less mad until he starts to feel comfortable due to having his belly rubbed. Chad then just realized that it was Noah doing this and then he said, "Wait, what are you doing here?" Noah then said, "Me and Roselatie had to get out of our house because I seen something from 20 feet away and I suspected it was the infection on the news, It said to be 15 feet away so it won't notice you and also get a chance to be infected. I also heard that everyone that is immortal is immune to having stages 3 and 4 because the infection stages would've ended at 2 for them and fade away or it persists. either way, I heard that those stages aren't aggressive and it's not contagious at those stages." Chad then said, "How did you get out though?" Noah then said, "My mother said to get away from me and that She feels something off about her. Does that at least explain why She hasn't been at the classroom a few days before it was announced a virus? Also I decontaminated myself before I went to your room." Chad then nodded and said, "mhm." And kept letting Noah rub his belly. Meanwhile in Sapphra's room, Roselatie played a board game with Sapphra and then, Roselatie said, I'm still kinda bored. Sapphra then said, "I mean, I always save these for a last resort, so they're kind of meant to be boring" Roselatie then said, "I probably know how to interest you." Sapphra then said in a neutral manner, "Then do it."Roselatie then took a jar out of her bookbag and pulled up an immunity test. The immunity tests had a syringe and some skin patches that changes color once you inject the liquid. Roselatie then said, "this could make us able to go outside if we're immune to the infection! I bought these recently when it broke out." Sapphra then said, "If you're going to bring Chad to get the test, he's not going to be very easy to handle." Roselatie then said, "I'm pretty sure he's gonna be easy to handle." Sapphra then slowly shook his head and then Sapphra said, "He's scared of syringes." Roselatie then doubted it since She didn't know he's scared of syringes and then went out of Sapphra's room, carried Chad in there and then sat him down on the floor. She then held him while she had her gloves on and then She grabbed a syringe, but first she used an alcohol wipe on his shoulder. She then tried to use the syringe on him, but he tried to get out of her hands and then he went on Sapphra's shelves. He shook in fear and then he screamed and cried, "NO NEEDLE!" Roselatie tried to reach to him, but She couldn't reach him and then She called Noah to get him, but He couldn't reach to Chad either. Then, Sapphra gently carried Chad out of the shelf and then he sat down on the bed. Then, Sapphra turned Chad's head to face him and then Sapphra repeatedly said, "It's okay!" And then once the alcohol wipe was used on his shoulder again, since his shoulder probably touched an object, She injected the liquid into his shoulder and then Chad cried a bit due to it being painful. She then put the skin patch on the spot where it was injected and then She did the others until She had to inject herself. She injected herself and then she waited for an hour and turns out, everyone tested positive, which meant all of them are immune to the infection. Roselatie then said, "I guess we get to trespass carnivals since they're closed and no one really checks the cameras like they're supposed to when it's closed...?" Chad then said, "I don't think we should do that. It feels a bit off and I don't wanna risk it." Sapphra then said, "Maybe, just go to a forest? It won't be trespassing!" Roselatie then said, "Sure, but we'll need to sneak out somehow. Sapphra then said, "But she made the exits to where only she can get out, so We'll need to sneak out from the window. If Chad is coming with us, then I'll carry him. His legs need to heal, since it'll be too painful for him to walk on his own." Chad then said, "I can walk on my own, y'know, see?" Sapphra then said in a concerned way, "Stop!" while Chad tried to walk on his own, but the cramps on his legs made him fall. Roselatie and Sapphra tried to catch him in time, but it was too late. Chad fell onto the ground so hardly that his forehead bled and he grunted. Sapphra then mumbled, "Ah shit!" Chad then started to cry due to the pain he felt from the impact and then Sapphra said, "I'll be right back." Sapphra went to the bathroom and then looked for the witch hazel and bandages in the medical cabinet, but turns out that there's only mini bandages, witch hazel and medical tape, so Sapphra went back to his room and then Sapphra said, "I'll have to go to the pharmacy. There's no more gauze bandages!" then, Sapphra grabbed his money, opened the window and then went on the roof. He then said before he went to the pharmacy, "I'll be back!" Sapphra then went outside and then he flew to the pharmacy. as he flew to the pharmacy, he encountered an entity with stage 5 infection. Sapphra flew around the entity and then, the entity tried to attack him. Sapphra then used chrysalis hindering to restrain the entity with sapphires and emeralds. He then used Chrysalis mortality II to impale the entity. Sapphra then went to the pharmacy and seen that it was closed with all of the stock, too. so he pried the door open without breaking it and then grabbed the gauzes and left some money. he then closed the door and then a random person bumped into Sapphra and then, He fell onto the floor. Then, Sapphra shouted in pain and covered the knot on his head. then the random person said in a calm, but concerned tone, "Oh my goodness, I am so sorry! Are you alright?!" She then grabbed the wrist Sapphra was covering the knot and then said, "let me see." Then, she moved Sapphra's hand off of his head and then she said calmly, "oh my.....again, I am so sorry!" She then said, "I don't have any ice packs or heat compressors, so I hope this will make up for it!" She then kissed him on the cheek and gave him her number. Then she said, "the name's Rachel by the way, and also, I kinda recognize you." Sapphra then said, "What do you mean by that?" Rachel then said, "You know? The guy who's always on newsletters every time he defeats people or gets defeated and unlike all of the others he laughs maniacally at criminals for the true sake of boredom?" Sapphra then said nervously while blushing, mainly due to having a crush on her, "Well u-uhm, That is True. I'm sure I'm that person!" "Call me when you need me. I won't care about the situation you have, just have a situation." Sapphra then blushed a bit by the fact she gave him her number and they just met. Sapphra then took the gauze from the ground that fell when he fell and then walked away, blushing even more, feeling very flabbergasted.

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