Chapter 19: Lost.

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Sapphra woke up and then got ready for the day. He made some breakfast and then after eating breakfast, Sapphra then went to the door. as He went to the door, he said, "I'll be back." Chad said, "Where are you going?" Sapphra said, "Dont you worry, I'll be back!" Chad then said, "Can I go with you?....Please?" Sapphra then said, "No, it'll be too dangerous for you. I don't want it to happen to you again." Chad then said worriedly, "Why?" Sapphra then said, "Please, Don't you worry about me. just stay here, okay?" then, Sapphra kissed Chad on the forehead and said while walking away, "Please, Don't follow me, you'll be in danger if you do. I love you as a friend, see you later!" Chad said, "Bye bye!" Sapphra then left to do bounty hunting once again. Chad just chilled in boredom, but he decided to risk himself and just follow Sapphra, because one reason is that he is bored, but the main reason is because He often gets very worried when someone is gone. He followed Sapphra until he was at a forest. then, Sapphra turned behind because he heard a tiny "crack!" Sapphra then was shocked and said in utter shock and concern, "What are you doing here!? You're not supposed to be here! You'll get yourself raped and sexually assaulted again if you get caught!" Chad then said, "I was too scared!" Sapphra then said, "Being scared of what?" Chad then said, "I don't wanna be alone!" Sapphra said in empathy, "yes, but this doesn't mean to risk yourself! I can't have you traumatized again, needing to go back to therapy again!" Chad said, "But I wanna come too! I'm always stuck bored at home while you get to do something!" Sapphra then crouched down to Chad's height and said in empathy, "I understand that you're bored, but I really don't want your trauma to get worse! plus, your bruise needs to heal! You need to get some rest in to heal!" Chad then said, "Okay." Then, Sapphra said, "Now, try to find your way home." Chad said, "but I forgot where it was!" Sapphra then mumbled, "Oh no." And then said, "just try to hide, there are rapists out here! I don't want you to get caught!" Chad ran to a bush that had thorns, but it was the nearest one. Sapphra then ran to kill another murderer or sex offender.  After Chad thought that the coast was clear and he couldn't stand the pain of the thorn bushes, he went out of the bushes and then he walked with Sapphra. Chad felt very uncomfortable that somebody might touch him again. An unknown person quietly sneaked up on him and then used a scarf to mask out noise. Chad started to scream and cry as he tried to kick him off and run. The unknown abductor then pinned him down to the ground hardly to stun him for a few seconds and punched him. Sapphra tried to run to Chad, but he was a bit too far away, since he was running to a house. Sapphra seen the whole thing happen again as he was running. He then tackled the abductor and then seen that his face looks familiar. Sapphra then thought: "Is that....Girihana? How did he survive?! I thought I killed him!" Sapphra then continued to attack and punch him in the face until he knocked him unconscious. Sapphra then threw the body in the river, since he seen a death mark on his face that tells that he only dies from drowning. then, Sapphra then ran to Chad and said in concern, "Are you alright?" then, he looked at his face and other parts of his body to see if he's hurt. then, Sapphra carried Chad to a place that is secluded from people. Sapphra looked through rooms until he found a bed for Chad to lie on. it wasn't dirty, so he figured that the house might be abandoned recently, since the door was left unlocked and the house records says that no one owns it and it was left for other people to shelter it for free temporarily. Sapphra placed Chad on a bed and then took out some witch hazel and some bandages from his messenger bag. he cleaned his wounds and bandaged him up. then, he got some tweezers and took each thorn of of him. then, he opened up a water bottle and then put the water bottle up to his mouth. Chad took a big sip of the water and as Chad was drinking the water, Sapphra said, "you must've been exhausted!" then, once Chad was done with the water, Sapphra closed the cap and then a beep from his watch and then He pressed the button that said that he was done hunting, since he was done hunting down Girihana once again. Sapphra then noticed that Chad is still crying, so he gave him a hug and rubbed the top of his head to comfort him and said, "No one is going to hurt you now in here. it's okay." Chad then said loudly in fear, "But the blue-haired guy keeps touching me in parts I don't like! Sapphra then said, "I promise, He's not going to hurt you now! Chad then came a but closer to Sapphra and hugged him back. Sapphra then took Chad back to the Manor and placed him on the bed in his room. Then, Sapphra took his favorite stuffed animal and placed it on Chad's bed. Then, he said to Chad, "please, just rest. You've already ran too much." Then, Sapphra left the room.

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