Chapter 20: Call for an Accident

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Sapphra woke up and then got ready for the day. He noticed that there was a SINGULAR strand of string on his uniform, so he cut the tiny piece of string off that was annoying him, so he wouldn't pull on it and then make a whole atomic bomb out of the force of the pull. Sapphra went downstairs and then cooked himself a ham-egg bagel sandwich with cheese. then, he went downstairs. he went to school early because he don't want to be late while Chad took his time to eat. as soon as he was done, He noticed that it's almost late. He ran out of the Manor and said quickly and frantically, "Goodbye!" and left. he ran and ran until he's at the school, but He's late. Chad tried to sneak into the hallway, but the principal caught him and then yelled loudly and angrily, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE LATE IN THIS SCHOOL?! YOU SHOULD'VE BEEN HERE EARLIER!" Chad then said in fear, "I was just-" the principal then said, "Let me guess." then, she yelled, "YOU MUST'VE BEEN TAKING YOUR SWEET OLD TIME TO GET HERE, AREN'T YOU?! then she dragged Chad to a detention room and grabbed a meter stick. Chad then said loudly, "Please! It wasn't my fault!" Then, as she came closer, He said louder and more in fear, "Stop!" because if he hits her even if she hits him, She'll press charges on him. and then, She grabbed Chad so He won't move and then hit him with a meter stick. Chad screamed and cried, but she kept hitting him until she was done. then She yelled, "STOP CRYING OR ELSE I'LL GIVE YOU A GREATER REASON TO CRY! THIS IS YOUR LAST DAY BEING IN HERE ANYWAY!" Chad then said in fear and tears, "But why?"  the principal said, "BECAUSE YOU'RE ANNOYING AND LOUD! YOU CAN'T EVEN CONTROL A SINGLE THING ABOUT YOURSELF AND YOU'RE JUST MADE TO BE A  DROPOUT BY THESE ASSIGNMENTS!" Chad said, "But-" The principal cut him off and yelled, "I DON'T CARE! NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" Chad then left and went to class. When he was in Mr.s Rose's classroom, She heard Chad's cries. then she turned around and said to Chad, "What's wrong?" then, She noticed a red mark on his cheek. then, she came closer and said, "Oh my! did She use the meter stick to hit you again?" Chad nodded his head and then Mr.s Rose grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and wrapped it in a towel. then, She put the wrapped ice pack on Chad's cheek and then Chad sat down in his assigned seat. As soon as class is over, Chad walked down to the parasol and as Chad was walking, Sapphra said, "I know what will make you feel better." Then, Sapphra took Chad to the garden and Chad looked at the garden tools. it reminded him of when he used to help his mother with the garden. he picked up a watering can and filled it up and then helped Sapphra with the garden. Chad watered down the tomatoes, strawberries, blueberries, apples and oranges while Sapphra put in some plant fertilizer and plant food on the rest of the plants. Chad pruned the trees and bushes while Sapphra helped Chad prune the plants that still had some dead parts that Chad couldn't see. Once Chad ran out of water to pour, He went downstairs to fill up the water so he could water the other side of the garden. He went to the hose and turned it on. He filled the watering can with some wter and then went back to the garden. he went up the steps and as He went up the steps to the garden, Chad fell and as he was falling, Sapphra tried to run to him to catch him, but it was too late. Chad fell down the stairs and then he cried in pain. then Sapphra carried Chad to a bench and seen if he was okay. then, Sapphra carried Chad to the nurse's office. As he carried Chad, Sapphra repeatedly said, "Shh." in a comforting way to calm him down and comfort him. when Sapphra arrived at the nurse's office, He put Chad on a bed. then, Nurse Nikki said, "Do you need anything?" Sapphra said, "Yes actually, the person in the bed. He fell down the stairs." Nurse Nikki then walked to the bed Chad is on and then took a look at his body to see how hurt he is. then She said, "does any part of your body still hurt?" Chad pointed to his left ankle and his wrist. Nurse Nikki then said, "Well It might be a cramp, But I think it might be something worse. I'll call a doctor to get you checked out if the pain is worse than a cramp. is it?" Chad nodded and then Nurse Nikki called the paramedics. once she was done calling them, She used a first aid kit and then after that, She waited for the paramedics to come. during this, Sapphra said, "Shh, It's going to be okay." and then comforted him. a few minutes later, the paramedics came and took him to the ambulance in a stretcher. Then, He was dropped off to the ER and the nurses took him to the X-ray room and turns out the bone on his right wrist and left leg got cracked, which resulted in a fracture. Once one of the doctors said that He needed surgery due to his right wrist and left ankle being cracked. Chad then forcefully smiled and raised his left arm and then did a thumbs up and said in a forced emotion, "Great, Good thing It's not broken!" Then, he screamed and then tried to run from the Doctors and nurses due to being extremely scared of surgeons, surgery and anesthesiologists, but He kept limping and falling which made it easier for the doctors and nurses to catch him. after about 20 seconds, He just gave up on running due to the immense pain He felt from the injury and fell again. the nurses carried him back to the stretcher he was on and then reassured him so He wouldn't get scared this time. then, an anesthesiologist walked up to Chad and gave him the right dose of anesthesia and after a while, He fell asleep. after some hours of surgery and some hours after, He woke up. the first thing He said to the nurse after He woke up and rung the bell with his left hand is, "Where Am I? Why Am I here?" The He then said, "The school nurse notified Me about what happened. You fell down the stairs and then your wrist and ankle got cracked." Chad then said, "Oh, now I remember." The nurse then said, "And also, Someone's waiting to visit you." The nurse then went downstairs to the waiting room and then He went up to Maina and said, "You can come in to Room 125 at the Pediatric ward in the North Wing hallway." Maina then said, "Thank you for your guidance." and then went to room 125. Maina then opened the door and walked up to Chad. then, she stroked his head and said in concern, "I heard that you fell down the stairs at school again. try to be careful so you wouldn't get in accidents like those again! the doctor said that your ankle is so cracked that it almost broke during surgery when I was waiting in the waiting room!" Chad said, "But I fall almost every day!" Maina said, "Well, try to hold onto the rails." Chad said, "There weren't any rails, I was at the garden! there were 3 steps!" Maina said, "Well, try to practice your reflex skills. if that doesn't work, I'll assume that it's another problem." Chad said, "okay." Maina said, "I took your stuffed animal and some other stuff with me and I hope that'll keep your mood good." Maina gave Chad his favorite stuffed animal and some pictures in hopes that He won't be homesick from the days he'll be in the Hospital and then Maina gave Chad a hug and then a kiss on the forehead, then She left.

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