Chapter 5: Recovery

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When Chad was in the classroom, Gilda and some others threw stuff like pencils at Chad. While Chad was doing some work, He got called to go up and make an answer. While He was answering Mr. Clark's question, one of the girls in Gilda's group said while Chad was answering, "He's special" Gilda replied and yelled out "ED!" Gilda, the group and some other students out of the group laughed.  Mr. Clark cursed out the class, but Gilda taunted, "What are YOU gonna do about it? take me to the principle's office and call my mommy?" Gilda laughed even harder at Mr. Clark and said, "do it, then!" Mr. Clark yelled, "IF YOU DISRESPECT ANYONE ONE MORE TIME, I'LL MAKE SURE THE PRINCIPAL SUSPEND YOU!" As soon as Chad was explaining his answer, One of the girls whispered sarcastically, "He's so smart that he's a special Ed!" one replied sarcastically, "He's so smart that he has been labeled ret_rded!" both of them including Gilda giggled and then Mr. Clark turned around and said, "Why are you laughing?" Gilda said, "We accidentally thought of something funny! sorry!" Mr. Clark went back to teaching, but got suspicion and one of the boys in Chad's class whispered to Gilda, "Why don't he know how to do multiplication? oh, I forgot, He's so smart that He's a special Ed!" Both of them giggled quietly and as soon as Chad sat down, He went back to writing. Gilda went back to throwing some balled paper and pencils at Chad. at one point, Gilda pulled his hair and once Chad felt the tug, he hit Gilda in the hands hard so she can let go of him. Mr. Clark seen the situation and said, "Chad, why would you hit her?" Chad pointed and said, "She pulled my hair! She called me the r-word and threw pencils and paper at me!" Mr. Clark said, "GILDA! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO USE THAT DISRESPECTFUL LANGUAGE AND PUT YOUR HANDS ON OTHERS! THIS IS VERY UNACCEPTABLE!" Gilda said, "well, what are you gonna do about it? take me to the principal's office and make me call my mommy? MAKE ME! TAKE ME TO THE GODDAMN PRINCIPLE'S OFFICE! Mr. Clark angrily said, "GO TO THE PRINCIPLE'S OFFICE RIGHT NOW!" Gilda went to the hallway corridor, since she wouldn't get in trouble for roaming the hallway without a pass. Gilda went upstairs where Chad usually goes downstairs and hanged out there. Gilda waited and waited until the clock strikes 12:00 P.M. Chad went out of the classroom and then went to the stairway. When Chad was close to the stairs, Gilda put her foot closer to the stairs when he didn't notice. Chad tripped on Gilda's shoe and went tumbling downstairs. Chad was screaming and crying as he fell down the stairs. as he fell, something scratched his cornea. Nurse Nikki was out in the hallway to get lunch, but She heard screaming, crying and bashing from the stairs. She ran to the stairway to see what's going on and seen Chad on the floor. Nurse Nikki worriedly said in a soft tone, "Are you hurt?" Chad cried, "It hurts!" Nurse Nikki said, "Where does it hurt?" Chad said, "My leg hurts!" Nurse Nikki said, which leg? Chad pointed to his left leg. Nurse Nikki said, "Is there any other part of your body that hurts?" Chad pointed to his right eye. Nurse Nikki grabbed a flashlight, turned the brightness down, opened his left eye and flashed the light at his right eye. She seen that part of his eye was red, and said, "I'll have to call a doctor to get some eye drops. She took him to the Infirmary and put him on a bed. She called the doctor and then after, She confirmed she could use the eye drops. Nurse Nikki grabbed some medical-grade eye drops and put the eye drops in his eye. She put an ice pack on his left leg, cleaned the wounds that she noticed on his face that he didn't tell her about and bandaged him up. after a few minutes, Nurse Nikki said, "are you hungry?" Chad said politely,  "I'm hungry! may I please get some food?" Nurse Nikki said, "What would you like from the lunchroom?" Chad said, "Bokkanoa (soup with fish broth, rotelle noodles, farfalle noodles, mussels, a bit of tomato broth, shrimp, onions and some shiitake mushrooms)" Nurse Nikki said, "would you like the soup with anything else?" Chad said, "Bread, bean sprouts, rice, lychee juice, a few asparagus with some artichokes." Nurse Nikki went to the cafeteria, grabbed some tongs and grabbed the food he requested. She went back to the Infirmary and gave Chad the food he requested. Chad said politely, "thank you." and then he ate his food. after he ate his food, Nurse Nikki grabbed the tray, bowl and silverware to the tray dishwasher. When Nurse Nikki came back, She sat down on her chair for a bit. Chad slept for about 2 1/2 hours and after those hours, She said, "Do your leg feel better?" Chad said, "yes." Nurse Nikki looked at the time and said, "It's 2:30, usually the time students go home. if your leg still hurts, but only hurt less, make sure you don't engage in activities that involves your leg so it won't get worse." Chad went to his locker, grabbed his coat and bookbag then left. As he went outside, he walked with Sapphra. eventually, at a field, Sapphra decided to chase Chad around the field. Chad joyfully laughed and as soon as Sapphra caught him, he headlocked Chad, gave him a noogie and then Chad chased Sapphra around. When he caught Sapphra, he pounced on Sapphra, went on his shoulders and play fight him. this went on for a few minutes then, eventually they stopped and walked to their house. when they arrived, Maina said, "Hello! how was School?" Both of them said like ALL of the other kids, "BORING." Chad and Sapphra went to a card game room and played a card game called Cheat. after a few rounds, Sapphra got advantage of Chad again and after a few minutes, He won the round.

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