Chapter 17: Hurt again

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Chad woke up and then He did his usual routine. He didn't want to go to school, since He had a reputation for looking ugly to people and he also had a reputation for having a different personality than others and School was so stressful, he wasn't getting homework every single day, but He was getting hurt almost every day by other people, which made him want to stay home, so he wouldn't get hurt. but, he just tried to deal with it. He went downstairs and then fell down the stairs once again from tripping on a tied lace that was too long. He cried in pain and then Maina frantically ran to him and said, "Are you okay?" Maina then seen a wound that needed butterfly stitches on his face and a bruise on his arm and forehead. Maina then said, "you might have to stay here for a few days!" Maina carried Chad to the care room. As Maina was carrying Chad, She said, "Don't you cry!" and "it's going to be okay." Maina then lied him down on a bed and then Cheiko was about to leave her room to go to the care room to work there. Cheiko then went to the room and said, "What happened for Chad to end up like this? did He fall and hurt himself again?" Maina said, "Yes, he did fall down the stairs and He hurt himself from the fall." Cheiko said, "Oh dear!" She then sanitized her hands and put on some gloves. she then went up to Chad and then lifted his ankles up to a leg lifter. Cheiko then said, "Did one of your legs feel pain or have worse pain when I lifted them? Chad pointed to his left leg and cried, "It hurts!" Cheiko then said, "Did your leg started hurting when I moved it, or did it get worse?" Chad cried, "It got worse for a second!" Cheiko then said, "then It must be either a cramp or a swollen bruise!" Cheiko then Checked his wounds and bruises and then She said, "It is a swollen bruise and also, one of your wounds needs to be stitched!" Chad got scared and tried to move away because He thought he needed the stitches that involves a needle. Cheiko then said, "No, no, don't you worry, your wound isn't deep enough to need suture stitches! What I meant is the butterfly stitches!" Cheiko then cleaned his wound with witch hazel and said, "your wound is going to be a bit sore for a while after I put these on." Cheiko then grabbed a steri-strip and put it on Chad's wound on his right cheek. She kept putting the strips on until the wound closed up. then, she cleaned and bandaged his other wounds. Cheiko then said, "well, how did he get a cut from falling?" Maina said, "The edges of the stairs are sharp, and I've been trying to replace them with carpet to induce less pain and injury when someone falls, but the repairmen here only take care of plank that's in bad or mild condition! now, I'm thinking of getting one of my neighbors to replace the stair planks with carpet and recycle the planks!" Cheiko then said while getting ice packs, "Oh! well, that's bad news! I hope another repairman would do it for you." Cheiko then grabbed an ice pack and then wrapped both of the ice packs in an individual towel. Cheiko then walked up to Chad and placed one on his bruised leg and one on his forehead. after some time, Cheiko then took off the ice pack and bandaged the bruise up with an elastic bandage to reduce the swelling of the bruise. Cheiko then said, "Please do not press on your bruise with your finger, it'll only make it worse, I know it's tempting for you to do so, but please don't do it, okay?" Chad said, "Okay."Cheiko then gave Chad love and affection. Maina went up to Chad said to him, "I have to go and make some breakfast, I'll bring it to you once I'm done making it, okay?" then She kissed Chad on his left cheek and left. In the kitchen, Sapphra made himself a bagel-egg sandwich and then Maina said while making scrambled eggs mixed with potatoes and sausage, "are you sure that's enough food? you might get hungry again when you're at school!" Sapphra then said while eating the sandwich, "I'll be fine!" as soon as Sapphra was done eating, He went upstairs and then went to Chad's room to get a stuffed animal. then, He went to the care room and then he went up to Chad and said, "So, what happened?" Chad said while feeling sad from the bruises, "I fell down the stairs." Sapphra then replied, "Well, how's your cheek doing?" then, Chad said, "It still sore!" Sapphra then said, "It's going to stay sore like that for a while now, but It'll go away." Chad then said while tearing up, "Well, at least it's better than constantly being beaten with a paddle for being late and being beaten and called names even worse by kids who hate me for a reason I don't know why." Sapphra then tried to comfort Chad and then shushed him. Then he said while hugging and caressing the back of Chad's head, "don't you cry, it's okay!" Sapphra then gave Chad a stuffed animal from his room. Sapphra then said, "Just, rest. Don't think about it and rest, it's going to be okay, I promise." Sapphra then gave Chad some cheek rubs and then said, "I'll bring you something, I promise." He waved goodbye and left. At school, Sapphra went to the garden and watered the growing strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes, Cabbage and other crops so that in spring, so that the school doesn't have to rely on imports all the time. he got his daily pay for doing so and then went to the dodgeball area, since it was an active day, so People at the school could have even more fun all day than they usually do for that day, since they could do more than their deep interests and participate in hobbies that are their not so deep interests but still has fun with them, so they wouldn't get bored of their deepest interests. Sapphra went to the art room anyway, since He never got bored of his deepest interest, art. He grabbed a canvas and then dipped a brush in paint and then painted the canvas. During this, he got a phone call. He answered the phone and then said, Hello? Then, a person said, "Hey Jenny, would you like to order an office chair?" Then, Sapphra said angrily, "No, I do NOT WANT AN OFFICE CHAIR!" Then, Sapphra just hung up the call in an angry manner as usual. Sapphra then continued painting the canvas and then Freisha came in. then, Sapphra turned around. Freisha said, "I heard you yelling a bit, what's going on?" Sapphra then said, "nothing really, just another scam call." Freisha then said in a babyish, teasing manner, "Well, what's so annoying about a scam call that it's necessary to throw a little huffy Missy fit?" Sapphra then replied in annoyance, "I'm not throwing a Missy fit!" Freisha then said, "Jeez, I was joking! You always take things too serious." Sapphra then said in a warning manner, "Maybe if you didn't say it often!" Freisha then said, "Alright, Mr. Huffy fit!" And then walked away. Sapphra then continued painting and then once he was done painting, He took his canvas to the canvas rack to let it dry and then He took off his apron. Then, he went home to eat, since He hasn't eaten in 6 hours because it was very tempting to finish the painting before he eats but first, He went to a store and then seen a stuffed animal that looks exactly like the one that Chad used to have before a couple of kids in a park took his stuffed animal while he was minding his business, Playing with it since he had no one to play with and then they ed it to pieces until it was unfixable. So, Sapphra bought the stuffed and then bought a box with wrapping paper and ribbons. He then went to a bench and sat down on it. Then, He put the stuffed animal in the box and closed it with some tape. Then, He carefully and precisely put the wrapping paper on the box and then used a ribbon to keep it intact. then, he went to the Manor and then grabbed his house keys from his pocket. He opened the door and then went inside the house. He grabbed a snack and then quickly ate it. Then, He grabbed the gift and went upstairs to the care room. Then, he went up to Chad and gave him the gift. Chad took a glance at it for a while and then slowly opened it. Once he was done opening it up, he closed his eyes and then grabbed the stuffed animal and put it close to him. He then opened his eyes and looked at the stuffed animal. Then, He started to say, "... Rex?" Then, He started to tear up from the joy he felt. Chad then hugged Sapphra as he started to smile. Chad then said in happiness, "How did you find him?! I thought He would be gone!!!" Sapphra said, "I just found him in a store." Chad then kept hugging and snuggling with the stuffed animal after He was done hugging Sapphra.

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