Act 1 Scene 1 Godric's Hollow

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Enter Severus and Lucious holding their wands with deep frowns creasing their face. 

Severus: Lucious on my word, I fight better when I'm angry. 

Lucious: But you don't get angry quickly enough to fight. 

Severus: One of those Potters anger me. 

Lucious: If you are angered, you run away. 

Severus: A Potter shall anger me to fight. 

Lucious: Draw your wand, here comes two of the Potters. 

Severus: (Draws his wand and looks at Lucious) Mate, I will back you. 

Lucious: How? Turn your back and run?

Severus: Don't fear me.

Lucious: No, I fear you. 

Severus: I will point my middle finger at them, which is a disgrace to them if they bear it. 

Enter Sirius and Regulas side by side opposite Lucious and Severus. 

Sirius: (Pointing his wand) Do you point your finger at us, sir? 

Severus: I do point my finger, sir. 

Sirius: Do you point your finger at us sir? 

Severus: (To Lucious) Is the law on our side if I say yes?

Lucious: No.

Severus: No sir, I don't point my finger at you sir, but I point it. 

Lucious: Do you duel, sir?

Regulas: Duel sir? No!

Severus: If you do sir, I am for you. I serve as good a wizard as you. 

Sirius: No better.

Lucious: Say better, here comes my son. 

Severus: Yes, better sir. 

Sirius: You're lying. 

Severus: (Points wand at Sirius) Fight, if you are wizards.

They fight- Enter Hermione with her wand drawn ready to stop the fight.  

Hermione: Idiots! Put down your wands. You don't know what you're doing! 

Enter Draco looking smart and cocky and grinning like mad. 

Draco: Why are drawn to these peasants? Turn your back, Granger and look upon your death.   

Hermione: I keep the peace. Put down your wand or use it to stop this fight. 

Draco: What, drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word, as I hate muggles, all Potters and you: have at you, mudblood! 

They fight- Enter more families that fight, including the Potters and Lupins. Everyone is badly scarred and a mutiny has broken out.  

Remus: (To Tonks) What noise is this? Pass me my wand! 

Tonks: You need Wolfsbane, why are you asking for your wand?

James: (To Remus) You're a villain, Lupin! (To Lily) Don't hold me, let me fight!

Lily: I won't let you step one foot to fight an enemy! 

Enter Cornelius Fudge begrudgingly, followed by Percy Weasley, his assistant. 

Cornelius Fudge: Rebellious subjects, enemies to peace, throw your wands away! Three civil brawls have been taken place in Godric's Hollow. For you, Lupin and Potter, have disturbed the peace. If you shall ever disturb our streets again, you will pay with your lives. On pain of death, everyone leave! 

Exit everyone but James, Lily and Hermione who stay behind to talk. 

Lily: Oh, where is Harry? Did you see him today? I'm so glad he wasn't at this fight. 

Hermione: Madame, an hour before six, I was out walking, and I saw your son.

James: He sits there every morning. Such a portentous humor.  

Lily: Unless good council may remove...

Enter Harry sulking. His face looks as though he had been crying for the whole morning. He goes to sit on a stool nearby.  

Hermione: Please step aside, I'll find out why he's sad. 

James: Or be denied. 

Exit James and Lily with nervous exchanges towards Hermione. 

Hermione: (To Harry) Good morning cousin!

Harry: Is it still morning?

Hermione: The clock just struck nine. 

Harry: Sad hours seem long. 

Hermione: What sadness lengthens your hours?

Harry: Not having the thing that makes them short.  

Hermione: In love?

Harry: Out-

Hermione: Of love?

Harry: Out of her favor, when I am in love. 

Hermione stifles a laugh as the song ends. 

Harry: Are you laughing?

Hermione: No, because I'd rather cry. 

Harry: At what?

Hermione: At your good heart. Be ruled by me, forget about her.  

Harry: Then teach me how I should forget to think. 

Hermione: By looking at other girls. 

Hermione shows Harry an Instagram post sent by Remus. 

Remus: This night I hold a feast: and you are most welcome to join. If you are not one of those ruddy Potters, come and crush a cup of wine. Have a good day! 

Hermione: At this same feast of Lupin's compare her face with someone else. I will make you think your swan is a crow. 


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