Act 2 Scene 10 A Graveyard and Tomb

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Enter Cedric looking grave and heading to Millie's grave. 

Cedric: Sweet flower, I- oh fudge! What idiot is coming this way? 

He hides. Enter Harry and Regulas walking cautiously to near where Cedric is hidden. 

Harry: Take this letter and give it to my father early in the morning. If you value your life, then I beg you not to interrupt what I'm doing. 

Regulas: I'll go then, so as not to trouble you. 

Harry: Live and be happy. Farewell Regulas, and goodbye! 

Regulas: (To himself) I will hide somewhere here. I fear his looks and doubt his intentions. 

He hides not far from where Cedric is also hidden. 

Cedric: (To himself) It's that Potter who was banished, the one who killed Millie's cousin. I bet he's here to kill more people. (To Harry) Stop Potter, I will arrest you! Come with me for you must die. 

Harry: I know I must die, which is why I came here. Therefore, I request you leave me alone. 

Cedric: I suspect you, and therefore I will have you sent to Azkaban for your crime. 

Harry: Are you provoking me? Then let's fight! 

They start shooting spells at each other. Harry shoots the killing curse and Cedric falls to the ground unconscious. Harry goes over to Millie's tombstone and stands beside it. 

Harry: Oh, my love! My wife! Death has not changed your beauty one bit: I will join you now. Eyes, take it all in. This is for my love! 

Drinks the poison in one gulp. 

Harry: Oh, true apothecary! Your potions are quick! 

He dies. Enter Dumbledore at the other end of the graveyard. 

Dumbledore: Merlin's Beard! Who's there? 

Regulas: (Pointing to Cedric's body) Here is someone you know well. (Pointing to Harry's body) And here is Harry, who you love like a son. 

Dumbledore: How long has he been there? 

Regulas: A full half an hour. 

Dumbledore: Oh, I fear something unlucky will happen. Harry? Cedric too? And covered in blood? Oh, what a horrible day this is! 

Millie wakes up feeling joyful and is oblivious to what has happened around her. 

Millie: Sir, where is my love? Where is Harry? 

Dumbledore: Millie, a greater power has come in between my plans. Your husband lies there dead: and Cedric too. I'll take you to your aunt's house. Come on, I don't want to stay longer. 

Millie: You can go, but I will stay. 

Exit Dumbledore looking quite grave than before. He looks at Millie questioningly before leaving. 

Millie: What's this? A cup, held in my lover's hand? It's poison, and he didn't leave me any. Then I will be brief. Oh dagger, this is your sheath, and let me die. 

She falls on Harry's body and dies. Enter two aurors keeping watch of the graveyard. 

First Auror: Search the graveyard, such a disastrous site. Here lies Cedric Diggory. And Millie Lupin who is bleeding but as though she just died when she was just laid here two days before. Tell the minister and tell the Lupins and Potters. 

Second Auror enters with Regulas and Dumbledore, Regulas who is struggling while Dumbledore is calm and has the same twinkle in his eyes. 

Second Auror: Here's Harry's relative; we found him hiding in the graveyard and Albus Dumbledore who was crying while coming from the graveyard. 

First Auror: Very suspicious. Keep hold of them till Cornelius comes. 

Enter the minister, Percy, Remus, Tonks and others looking confused and tired. 

Cornelius: What misfortune is happening to wake us up this early? 

Remus: Some people cry 'Harry', others cry 'Millie' and some cry 'Cedric'. They are all running towards this tomb. 

Second Auror: Minister, here lies Cedric dead. 

First Auror: And here is Harry also dead. And Millie, who was dead before is newly killed. 

Tonks: Oh Helga! 

Enter James and others looking quite oblivious. 

Cornelius: Come James, for you are up early to see your son. Say, where is Lily? 

James: My wife unfortunately passed away last night from grief of Harry's exile. What further woe brings us here? 

Cornelius: Look and you'll see. Bring the suspects here and we'll see what they know. 

Dumbledore: I will be brief- Harry who is dead, was Millie's husband; and she was Harry's faithful wife. I married them on the same day Draco died, which led to Harry unfortunately being banished from Britain. Millie came to me and begged me to get her out of the second marriage and I gave her a potion which made her look dead for two days. But when I came here, the noble Cedric and true Harry were dead. She woke up and refused to go with me, but she committed death on herself. 

Cornelius: Where is Harry's relative? What does he say? 

Regulas: I brought Harry news of Millie's death; and he came from Ireland to this same place and gave me this letter to give his father. 

Cornelius: Give me the letter, I will look at it. This letter makes Dumbledore's words true. Remus! James! See what bad luck is laid upon your hate, the heavens have killed your joys with love. 

Remus: Oh James, let's stop our feud. 

Tonks: This is for our daughter; we don't ask for anymore. 

James: But I can give more, for I will raise a gold statue of true and faithful Millie. 

Remus: I shall raise a statue of Harry beside his love. 

Narrators: Go and have more talk of these sad things. Some will be punished and some forgiven, for there was never a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo. 


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