Act 2 Scene 1 Lupin's House

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Narrators: Violent delights have violent ends, come gentle night on a Raven's back. All things that we celebrate, turn them into a black funeral. Our instruments to melancholy bells, wedding cheer to sad burial feast. Cold fear through veins, freezes up the heat of life. What's a name? Nothing to the world. Dry sorrow drinks blood, how can this be prevented? 

Enter Millie and Luna looking quite oblivious to what is happening outside. 

Millie: Come night: bring me Harry, and when he dies, cut him and turn him into little stars. He will make the finest piece of heaven and the whole world will fall in love with him. 

Enter Madame Pomfrey looking quite gloomy and depressed. 

Millie: What news did you bring? Why do you look so sad? 

Madame Pomfrey: He's gone, he's dead! Why Harry?  

Millie: What devil are you, that's torturing me like this? 

Madame Pomfrey: Oh, brave Draco! I never wanted to live to see you die! 

Millie: What storm is blowing here! Is Harry and Draco both killed? 

Madame Pomfrey: Draco is dead, and Harry was banished for killing him! 

Millie: Oh Godric! 

Madame Pomfrey: Quickly, Harry will come and meet you at night. I'll go to him, for he's currently hiding in Dumbledore's house. 

Millie: Oh, find him! And tell him to come and take his last goodbye! 

Awkward silence in which they don't know what to say for a while till Luna speaks up.

Luna: Do you guys ever feel as though we are in a fanfiction of a book series and a famous play. What if there is an author who is controlling everything that we do and speak as well as give us happiness and despair? Who can tell these days? 


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