Act 1 Scene 4 Lupin's House

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Enter Guests chatting and drinking in wine glasses. 

Remus: Welcome ladies and gentlemen! Which of you will not dance? Come on musicians, do your thing!

They all start grabbing partners and dancing. 

Harry: Who is that? Did I ever love before now? Forget it! I never saw true beauty till tonight. 

Draco: This, by his voice, is a Potter. He dares come and scorn at our celebration! 

Remus: What now, nephew? Why are you so angry?

Draco: Uncle, this is a Potter; our enemy. A villain that has come to scorn at our celebration this night. 

Remus: Young Harry, is it? Ignore him, nephew, leave him alone. The wizarding world brags of him to be a virtuous and well governed youth. Pay no attention to him. 

Draco: I won't endure him. 

Remus: You won't endure him?! You'll start a fight among our guests! 

Draco: But uncle, this is an insult. 

Remus: Am I the master here, or you? Be quiet, or I'll make you shut up! 

Draco: I will withdraw, but now to kill him, I do not hold it a sin. 

Harry: (To Millie) If I touch with my unworthy hand, my lips are ready to smooth that rough tough with a gentle kiss. 

Millie: Good lord, you wrong your hand too much, saints have hands that pilgrim's hands touch, and palm to palm is holy palmer's kiss. 

Harry: Do saints not have lips, and holy palmer's to?

Millie: Yes, pilgrim, lips that they use in prayer. 

Harry: Then dear saint, let lips do what hands do. 

Parvati: Millie, your mother wants a word with you. 

Harry: Who is her mother? 

Ginny: Her mother is the lady of this house. 

Harry: Is she a Lupin? My life is owned by my enemy. 

Ron: Let's go! The time is right. 

Harry: Yes, so I fear, the more is my unrest. 

Everyone exits except Millie, Madame Pomfrey and Ginny. 

Millie: Come here, who is that gentlemen? 

Ginny: His name is Harry, and he's a Potter; the only son of your biggest enemy. 

Millie: My only love sprung from my only hate! 


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