Act 1 Scene 9 Church

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Narrators: Come, where sorrow is, it cannot overlap joy, close your hands with prayers. Love-devouring death does what it does, true love is grown so much-let music unfold happiness, that both receive by this encounter. 

Dumbledore: The heavens smile upon this act, that sadness will not hit us at night! Come with me and we'll do this quickly. 

Harry: (To Millie) What joys are you feeling from today?

Millie: I cannot express how excited I am! I am that excited that I cannot count even half my fangs! 

Harry: (Looks confused) Fangs?

Millie: (Looks nervous) I mean teeth of course! Silly me, to say fangs instead of teeth. Only werewolves have fangs. Horrible things they are? Right? 

Harry: (Looks unconvinced but ignores it) Right! Oh, Dumbledore's calling us! We'd better head over there! 


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