Act 2 Scene 5 Dumbledore's House

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Enter Dumbledore and Cedric talking in deep context about something. 

Dumbledore: Thursday? That's pretty soon. 

Cedric: Remus wants it on that day because he thinks it's wrong that she's so sad all the time. 

Enter Millie no longer looking cheerful than before. 

Cedric: My wife and I met happily. 

Millie: That is, when I may be a wife. 

Cedric: May be will become must be on Thursday, love. 

Millie: What must be shall be. 

Dumbledore: That's a complicated piece of dialogue. 

Cedric: Have you come to make a confession? Don't deny that you love me. 

Millie: (To Dumbledore) I will confess to you that I love him. Are you free sir, or should I come later? 

Dumbledore: I'm always free, Millie, we will talk another time, Cedric. 

Cedric: I will not spy on a confession. Millie, till Thursday, adios! 

Exit Cedric looking quite blessed and cheerful. 

Dumbledore: I heard you would be married to this gentleman on Thursday. 

Millie: Tell me how to prevent it: but if even you can't help me then I'll kill myself with this knife. (Pulls out a sharp knife) Don't take so long to speak, because I want to die. 

Dumbledore: If you are willing to die, I will give you a remedy. Take this vial which will make you appear dead for forty-eight hours. You will be buried in the same tomb where your ancient relatives lay. In the mean- time, I will send a letter to Harry telling him the plan, and on the night, you wake he will come and take you to Ireland. 

Millie: Love, give me strength. Thank you, Professor. 


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