Act 1 Scene 2 Lupin's House

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Enter Remus, Tonks, Cedric and Madame Pomfrey huddled together. 

Cedric: Sir, what do you say to my request?

Remus: My child is still only twenty years old. Let's let two more years pass before we consider her for marriage. 

Cedric: Some teenagers have gotten married right after finishing Hogwarts. 

Remus: And those who are married off so soon are made to early. But you may charm her Cedric, get her heart...

Remus and Cedric exit together rather briskly. 

Tonks: Nurse, where's my daughter? Bring her to me. 

Madame Pomfrey:  Millie! 

Enter Millie with Luna, Ginny and Parvati who all seemed to be gossiping. 

Millie: What now? Who's calling? 

Madame Pomfrey: Your mother. 

Millie: Mum, I'm here. What do you wish? 

Tonks: Tell me Millie, what do you think about marriage?

Millie: It is an honor that I don't dream about. 

Tonks: Well, think of marriage now, the brave Cedric requests your love. 

Madame Pomfrey: A man! Such a man!

Ginny: Britain's summer has not seen such a flower. 

Madame Pomfrey: A flower in faith, a very flower. 

Luna: This precious book of love shares the same glory in everyone's eyes, that in gold clasps locks in the gold story. 

Ginny: You would share all that he possesses. By being with him you will be no less. 

Tonks: Tonight, you'll see him at our feast. 

Madame Pomfrey: You were the prettiest baby I ever nursed, if I live to see you married once, I'll get my wish. 

Exit Madame Pomfrey and Tonks chatting excitedly. 

Parvati: (To Millie) Speak briefly, can you like Cedric?

Millie: I'll look to like him if looking at him will make me like him. 

Parvati: Go girl, seek happy nights to happy days. 


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