Act 1 Scene 10 Godric's Hollow

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Enter Ron, Hermione and their friends huddled close together and chatting. 

Hermione: I beg you, Ron: let's leave. It's very hot and there are a lot of important people around. If we bump into them, we won't escape a brawl. 

Sirius: Merlin's beard, here come the Lupins. 

Hermione: (To Ron) I told you! 

Ron: On Godric's life, I don't care. 

Enter Draco and his gang looking cocky and sneering like usual. 

Draco: G'day mate! May I have a word with one of you! 

Hermione: When did you somehow become Australian or something? 

They all ignore Hermione at this, and Ron speaks up. 

Ron: Only one word? Add some more: make it a word and a row. 

Draco: You'll find me able to do that, sir. And you'll give me a reason to do that as well. 

Ron: Can you not take some reason without giving? 

Hermione: Either withdraw your wand somewhere private or leave. Everyone is watching us. 

Ron: Men's eyes were made to look, so let them watch. I will not budge for no one's entertainment. 

Enter Harry looking quite cheerful and oblivious. He looks around clearly confused as to what is happening. 

Draco: I will leave you in peace, sir. Here comes my man. Potter, the hate I have for you is so much I cannot find a better term than this! YOU ARE A VILLAIN! 

Harry: Draco, the reason I have to love you is much of an excuse for not showing rage. To such a greeting: I am not a villain; therefore, goodbye! (Turns around)

Draco: (Pointing his wand at Harry) Potter, this does not give an excuse for the injuries that you have done to me. Therefore, turn around and draw your wand. 

Harry: I have to argue, I never injured you. But I love you better than you know, and so good Malfoy- be satisfied. 

Ron: Bloody hell! (Draws his own wand) Draco, you git, will you fight?

Draco: What would you have from me? 

Ron: Good Slytherin Prince, nothing but one of your scales. 

Draco: I am for you! 

They start throwing spells at each other. Harry tries to stop them from fighting. 

Harry: Gentlemen! Shame on you, stop this outrage! 

Draco shoots the sectumsempra at Ron from under Harry's arm. Ron falls to the weakly and they all rush to his aid. 

Ron: (Cries out dramatically) A virus should hit both your families! 

Hermione: What? Are you hurt? 

Ron: Yes, it's a scratch! But it's enough to kill me! 

Harry: Have courage mate! The hurt can't be that bad. 

Ron: Try finding me tomorrow, and you will have to go to my grave! A virus should hit both your families! Why the bloody hell did you come between us, Harry? 

Harry: I thought it would be best! 

Ron: A plague should hit both your families! 

He dies! Hermione starts weeping and the others have grave looks on their faces. 

Hermione: Harry... Ron's dead! 

Harry: (To Draco) Draco... Ron's soul is a little above our heads, waiting for you to keep him company. Either you or me or both of us must go with him! 

Draco: Wretched boy, you shall go with him them! 

They start dueling. Harry shoots the killing curse and Draco falls. 

Regulas: Harry leave! Go away! 

Sirius: Don't stand there! The minister will sentence you to Azkaban if you are found here! 

Harry: I'm an idiot! 

Harry leaves in a hurry. Enter the minister, James, Remus, their wives, the Malfoys and Weasleys looking confused and shocked. 

Cornelius Fudge: Granger! Who started this bloody fight? 

Hermione: Oh minister- here lies the man who killed Ron. Draco, blind to peace, lies here- who was killed by Harry. 

Narcissa: Affection makes him false! Harry killed Draco, so Harry mustn't live. 

Tonks: Oh minister, if you are true, for blood of ours, shed blood of Potter. 

Cornelius Fudge: Harry killed Draco. Draco killed Ron. Who will pay the price of Ron's death? 

Molly: Not Harry, minister, he was Ron's friend! His fault concludes that the law should end. 

Cornelius Fudge: And for that offense, we will exile him! We'll let him leave, but if he's found after that, we'll kill him! 

Narrators: Violent delights have violent ends, this torture should be told in hell. Violent delights have violent ends, you will repent the loss. Violent delights have violent ends, tears and prayers can't buy out abuse, so don't use them. Violent delights have violent ends, and triumph dies like fire.  

Exit- Interval

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