Act 1 Scene 6 Dumbledore's House

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Enter Harry quite early in the morning. 

Harry: Good morning sir! 

Dumbledore: What early voice greets me so sweetly? Young son, your earliness assures me I knew it. Our Harry has not been to bed tonight. 

Harry: The last is true...

Dumbledore: Merlin's Beard! Where have you been? 

Harry: I have been feasting with my enemy. Please know that my heart is set on the fair daughter of Lupin. We met, kissed and made an exchange of vows, and I pray, that you allow to marry us today. 

Dumbledore: You have moved on this quickly? But you were crying over your love for Cho Chang only yesterday. This just proves, woman will never be faithful when men are so unreliable. 

Harry: You often scolded me for loving Cho. 

Dumbledore: I told you to stop loving Cho. Not to find someone else to love. 

Harry: I beg you, listen. This one loves me back, the other did not. 

Dumbledore: Come with me young waverer, in respect I'll be your assistant; for this alliance may prove, to turn your household's bitterness into pure love. 


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