Act 1 Scene 8 Lupin's House

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Enter Millie, pacing, looking worried, with Luna, Ginny and Parvati. 

Millie: It was nine o'clock when I sent the nurse. She promised she would come in half an hour.  

Ginny: What if she doesn't meet him?

Millie: That's not possible. I can feel my fangs popping out because of the nerves. 

Millie's nails start growing and she starts getting fur on her arm. She takes a few deep breaths and it stops. 

Luna: Oh, she is lame! Love's messages should be thoughts, which travel ten times faster than the sun's beams. 

Ginny: It's twelve now. Three hours and she is still not here. 

Parvati: If she was passionate and young, she would be as fast as a rubber ball. 

Millie: Oh Godric! Here she comes. 

Enter Madame Pomfrey looking quite tired and exhausted. She hurriedly sits on Millie's bed. 

Millie: Sweet nurse, what news do you bring? Oh Godric, why do you look so sad? 

Madame Pomfrey: I am tired: leave me alone for a while. Oh, how my bones ache! 

Millie: I wish you had my bones, and I had your news: but please, speak good nurse! 

Madame Pomfrey: Oh what haste! Can't you wait for a bit? Can't you see I'm out of breath? 

Millie: How are you out of breath, when you had breath to tell me you are out of breath? Just let me be satisfied, is it good or bad? 

Madame Pomfrey: Oh Helga, how my head aches! My back- O, my back! 

Millie: I'm sorry that you aren't well. Sweet, sweet nurse, tell me, what does my love say? 

Madame Pomfrey: Your love says, like an honest gentleman- Where is your mother? 

Millie: Where is my mother? What an odd reply! "You love says like an honest gentleman, where is your mother?"

Millie: What did Harry say? 

Madame Pomfrey: Have you got leave to go to confession today? 

Millie: I have. 

Madame Pomfrey: Then off you go to Albus Dumbledore's house; there you'll find a husband to make you a wife. 


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