Act 2 Scene 2 Dumbledore's House

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Enter Albus Dumbledore looking grave and filled with sorrow. 

Harry: What is the news, sir? What is the prince's punishment?

Dumbledore: It is a better punishment; you are banished from Britain! 

Harry: Just say Azkaban, don't say banishment. 

Dumbledore: Be patient, for anything is possible. 

Harry: There is nothing outside Britain, except hell, torture and war! 

Dumbledore: The kind minister has turned Azkaban to banishment. This is mercy! 

Harry: It's torture, not mercy. Heaven is here, where Millie lives, but not Harry. 

Suddenly a knock on the door makes them both jump. 

Dumbledore: Someone's outside. Harry, hide yourself! 

They continue knocking hard against the door. 

Dumbledore: Who's knocking so hard? What do you want? 

Madame Pomfrey: Let me in, and I'll tell you what you want! I was sent by Millie. 

Dumbledore: Then welcome in! 

Enter Madame Pomfrey with her face wet as though she had been crying for hours over Draco's death. 

Harry: You were sent by Millie? What does she say? 

Madame Pomfrey: She doesn't say anything, she just cries and cries. 

Dumbledore: Hold your hand Harry, because Millie is still alive. Draco would have killed you, but you killed him instead. The law that threatened Azkaban at you became your friend and exiled you. There are a lot of blessings at you, so go to your lover.  

Madame Pomfrey: Be quick! 

She quickly leaves to go back to tell Millie that Harry is okay. 

Dumbledore: Go- and at the break of dawn, leave for Ireland; farewell. 

Harry: Farewell! 


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