Act 2 Scene 4 Inside Lupin's House

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Enter Millie and Harry together. Millie has a small scar that she tries to hide but fails because Harry notices and is concerned. 

Millie: I have to tell you something. 

Harry: What is it? 

Millie: I trust you've noticed my scars that I get a lot. 

Harry: Is there something you want to tell me, Millie? I'm always here to talk to. 

Millie:  I'm a werewolf! Well, a hybrid since I was born with lycanthropy. 

Harry: How come you've never told me before? 

Millie: I've just been scared that you won't accept me. I love you Harry, and you loved me too. I was afraid you would abandon me because I'm a werewolf.  

Harry: (Hugs Millie comfortingly) Millie, nothing will come in the way of our love. I will still love you, werewolf or not. And even though I'll be in Ireland, our love will stay strong. Even after everything that's happened, I am still here, aren't I? 

Millie: (Wipes her eyes) So you still want to be with me? You don't think I'm a freak? 

Harry: Millie, I will always love you. But I should probably get going now? 

Millie: Why? It is not morning. 

Harry: If I go, I'll live, but if I stay, I will die. 

Millie: That is not daylight, so please stay. I don't want you to go. 

Harry: Death comes, Millie wants it to. The daylight is growing. 

Millie: More light comes, and our woes become darker. 

Enter Madame Pomfrey looking a bit wary and tired, but happy, nonetheless. 

Madame Pomfrey: Millie! Your mother is coming to your room. The sun is up, so be wary and on the lookout. 

Madame Pomfrey exits as the Harry exits with one last look at Millie. The two wave goodbye. 

Millie: Oh Godric, I have an evil soul. I think I see you as though you are dead in the bottom of a tomb. 

Enter Tonks looking quite delighted and cheerful. 

Tonks: How are you, Millie? 

Millie: Mum, I'm sick. 

Tonks: I know, but I'll tell you the good news. As you have finished your Healer training, your father has organized a day of fun for you. 

Millie: What day is it? 

Tonks: My child, thursday early morning. The noble Cedric will happily make you a joyful bride. 

Millie: He won't. I beg you mum; tell dad I won't marry Cedric. 

Tonks: Here he comes; tell him yourself. You'll see how he'll take it. 

Enter Remus and Madame Pomfrey, who are filled with joy. 

Remus: How are you, Dora? Have you told her what we have organized? 

Tonks: Yes, but she won't accept. I wish she were just married to her grave. 

Remus: She won't? Is she not proud that we have found her a worthy gentleman for her? 

Millie: I'm not proud of it, but I am grateful that you have gone into the trouble of doing that. 

Remus: What is this?! You don't have to be grateful or proud, but you will go to church with Cedric! Or I will drag you there!

Millie: Father, I beg you on my knees. 

Remus: Disobedient whore! I'm telling you: go to church on Thursday or never look at my face again! Beg, starve and die in the streets! By my soul, I will never acknowledge you! 

Remus exits quite red in the face and furious. 

Millie: Does God not show pity? Oh, sweet mother, don't disown me! 

Tonks: Don't talk to me, because I won't say anything. Do what you want, because I'm done with you! 

Tonks exits without looking at Millie. 

Millie: Oh Godric! Madame Pomfrey, what do you say? Do you have something to say on a happier note? 

Madame Pomfrey: Harry's banished; and nothing to you anymore. I think you should marry Cedric because you will be happier in this second marriage. It is better than the first. 

Millie: You have said enough. Go and tell mother I have gone, because I displeased father, to Albus Dumbledore's house. I will make a confession, and everything will be solved. 

Madame Pomfrey: I will, and this is wise. 


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