Act 1 Scene 5 Lupin's Orchard

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Narrators: Now Harry is bewitched and loves again, bewitched by the charm of looks, but to his enemy supposed he must complain, and she steals loves bait from fearful hooks: but passion lends them power, time means, to meet tempering extremities with extreme sweet. 

Enter Harry outside Remus's orchard. 

Harry: Can I go forward when my heart is here? 

He climbs the wall and leaps down. Millie appears above on the balcony. He hides in the bushes. 

Harry: But soft! What light breaks through the window? It is the east, and Millie is the sun. It is my lady, oh it is my love. 

Millie: Oh Harry! Why must you be Harry? Deny your father and refuse your name. Or if you won't, declare your love for me, and I'll give up being a Lupin. 

Harry: Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this? 

Millie: It's your name that is my enemy. Harry get rid of your name, and for that name which is no part of you, take all of me. 

Harry: I take you at your word: call me your love and I'll be new baptized. From now on, I never will be Harry. 

Millie: My ears have not heard a hundred words of that tongue; but I know that voice. Aren't you Harry, and a Potter?   

Harry: None of them, fair saint, if you dislike either of them. 

Millie: Tell me how you came here, and why? If they do see you, they will murder you. 

Harry: I have night's cloak to hide me from their sight; And if you love me, let them find me here. 

Millie: What satisfaction can you have tonight?

Harry: The exchange of your love's faithful vow for mine. 

Millie: I gave you mine before you even requested it. 

Madame Pomfrey calls within to check up on Millie. 

Millie: Three words, dear Harry and good night. If your love is honorable, you propose marriage, send word tomorrow by someone that I'll send to you. A thousand times good night! 

Harry: A thousand times the worst, to want to be with you. 

Millie: Good night! Parting is such sweet sadness, that I'll say good night till it is morning. 


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