Act 2 Scene 8 Ireland

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Harry: I had a dream that Millie saw me dead- what a strange dream. It makes even a dead man think. 

Enter Regulas coming to a stop near Harry. 

Harry: News from Britain? What now, Regulas? Have you got any letters from Dumbledore? How is Millie? Nothing is bad if Millie is alright. 

Regulas: She is currently lying in her grave, and her soul is in heaven. I saw her being carried to the graveyard. I'm sorry for bringing this sad news. 

Harry: Is that so? Then I defy you, stars. Get the brooms ready, I will go to her grave tonight. 

Regulas: I beg you, Harry, have patience. You look pale and wild and ready for some misadventure. 

Harry: Has Dumbledore sent any letters? 

Regulas: No, sir.   

Harry: Go, I'll be with you soon. 

Exit Regulas looking a tad bit confused. 

Harry: Millie, I will lie with you tonight. I remember there is an apothecary around here. Oh hey, apothecary! 

Enter Apothecary who looks quite poor and is barely selling his supplies. 

Apothecary: Who's calling so loudly? 

Harry: Come here. I see you are poor, here is forty galleons. Please give me some poison, one that will disperse through the veins. 

Apothecary: I have some poison, but Ireland's law is that anyone who speaks the name is punished by death. 

Harry: The world and its law are not your friend. Take this and don't be poor. 

Apothecary: My poverty allows this, but not my will. 

Harry: I'm paying your poverty, not your will. 

Apothecary: Put this in any liquid and drink it off. Even if you had the strength of twenty men and woman, it would kill you straight away. 


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