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[Then he stand on the bridge and was about to jump but suddenly someone shouted and stoped him]

I turned around and saw an old man wearing something white looks like Arab

Wo seok: please ajjusi let me do what I am doing

Ajjusi: I know you maybe stressed or depressed but what you are doing is not correct .

Wo seok: not correct, I know what I am doing and this is the last option that will make me happy .So please I beg you to do your work .

Author pov: ajjusi went to him and snatched him down and made him clam his nerves and asked him.

Ajjusi: Now tell me what's is going with you cause I have peace for you and you surely gonna live in peace when you accept that .
Wo seok ,looked at ajjusi and speaked
Wo seok: peace what peace I have been trying to find that from past few days and I am not finding it and you are talking about peace .

Ajjusi : Listen child whatever you are doing is Prohibited.And peace is not a thing to get in days for that you have to work hard ,I will just tell you one thing not more find your real peace and find your creator.Allah Hafiz

With that the ajjusi went from there leaving wo seok in deep thinking.

Wo seok: peace ,creator what does he mean about that and what did he said at last ahhh......
Wo seok lifted his head up to ask him what he said at last but as he lifted his head the man was no where to find he looked around to see but no he was gone and it made him to think about that man and his words.

MISS KIM . I looked up and saw the doctor and stand up from the chair . " are you miss Kim Jisoo " ." Yes I am Kim Jisoo , is everything ok doctor " . "Hmm was but not now " "Please tell me is my mother ok or is there anything you want I will give you please just safe her life ""IT is hard for telling this ,But the thing is she got brain paralysis she can't move her whole body as her brain function is dead " , " What please please I beg you to find anyway to bring her brain function back please doctor I beg you please I have no one except her (while crying )" " We are trying hard for our work but the brain can't get back to function and still we will try our best to save her just keep faith" "just take how much money you want I will give all of that from my saving but please save her"

The doctor patted her shoulders and went from there and Jisoo went to see her mother from outside the "ICU " "OMMA how can you do this when you already know that I have no one except you whyyy did you do that omma why "

Author pov:
After seeing her mother Jisoo went to the prayer room and was praying to her god (Jesus) for her mother after that she sat there at the hospital prayer room and all the memories of her past childhood came to her mind .

MR KIM :OK I am going now take care I will be back late night .

Mrs Kim: go safely honey ,don't get drunk much ok .

Mr Kim : I will not honey don't worry about that just pray that the deal get accepted .If it accepted we will have a great profit for our company.

Mrs Kim : yes honey I will surely pray for that ,cause atleast after getting deal you will enjoy sometime with your family (SHE WENT AND HUGGED HIM) .

Appa where are you going ,after hearing the voice he looked at the direction and it was his princes.

"Appa is going to a business meeting ok appa will be back and also will bring your favourite chocolates ok". " chocolates yeah appa thank you soo much ,I will be waiting for that ". He hugged Jisoo and went from there .

Mrs Kim " it's been 5 in morning the sun is about to arrive why he is not at home let me trying calling one more time " she was walking here and there while calling to her husband who did not came home yet and was also not picking up the call which made her worried . Jisoo woke up from the sleep and saw her mother was walking here and there in worry she went to her and said . " Omma what happened appa did not came yet " " yes and he is also not picking up the phone god please keep him safe please " just then she got an call she looked at the caller id and it was unknown she looked at her daughter then picked up the call. " HELLO is this me Kim's wife speaking " "Yes it's me where is he and why you have the number " " HE got into an car accident and I was walking around and saw him laying down in the road I went to him to wake him up but he was not responding and I tooked him to the hospital and it was late the doctors announced him death,please come to XYZ HOSPITAL ".

After hearing the man's words she dropped the phone on the floor and tears started coming from her eyes, Seeing her in this state Jisoo went to her and asked "Omma what happened, Who was that omma omaa "" Baby appa appa is now no more " after saying that she started crying in mess Jisoo was not believing her "Omma no it's all fake appa is alive please don't say that omma "she also started crying while hugging her mother .After that they hurried and reached to the hospital .At reception "Excuse me can I know where is the patient name Mr Kim jinhyun is at "" Oh you must be his family member please follow me "they followed her and she showed the room and went from there ."Appa Jisoo went inside while crying appa wake up appa wake up please" " honey wake up see I am here now you will be ok honey (started crying in mess) .

And they buried him and came back home ." The doctor was walking by and saw an girl in the prayer room crying she went to her and tapped her shoulders. " My child are you ok I have been seeing you and you was crying mess what happened is everything ok " "Nothing It's just some memories came up in ma mind ,Nothing is ok nothing (started crying more )" the doctor hugged her " Just share with me everything you are going through maybe you will feel your heavy heart like feather hmm" after breaking the hug she told everything about her and her mother ,The doctor eyes filled with tears and she hugged her even more and after breaking the hug she told her just find peace .

Jisoo looked up at her " peace I was waiting for that for so long I did not got that name peace in my life " " FIND find it find your real creator and surely you will find peace in him " " creator what does it mean by that , I have went to every god present here and all I can see is they don't accept my prayers " " You found all living in the world but still there is one god you are aware of he created you listen to you but if you ask to him he will listen to you " " Which god please tell me" " FIND IT ON YOUR OWN DO THE HARDWORK ON FINDING HIM AND YOU SURELY WILL FIND HIM , come to me when you knew" she went from there and it made Jisoo in deep think . "Which creator why did not she told me about him , oh god who are you where are you"

She went out in the hospital garden and sat on the bench she decided to search different gods and she started searching and after scrolling through she frowned her eyebrows as her eyes caught the name she saw first time .



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