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"TAKE THIS" Irha turned around and got shocked to see basit and taha giving the blazer at the same time.

Basit looked at taha with an dead glare and tho taha.

Basit pov :
Aishhh this man always comes my way . His thoughts got interpreted when Irha started speak.

Both of them looked at Irha and she spoke " thank you for your gestures I will clean it in restroom"as they both felt embarrassed they slightly laughed and taha spoke " sure miss Irha as you wish" Irha left from there to the restroom and basit was stealing at him in jealousy. After some time basit had an call so he moved a lil aside and picked up his phone while he was busy in an phone call.

Irha came out of the restroom and was bidding goodbye to Lia's parents as she was leaving now but got interrupted by taha " Miss Irha let me drop you it's late at night and girls are not safe to go out" " no jazak allah. For asking but I can go by my self" she got interrupted by Mr talha " is my child it's not good for you to go alone and no cab will be available at this hours don't worry he will drop you safely" Irha was scared and nervous cause she don't like to go out with strangers . Till then basit ended the call and he saw Irha and taha going " where are they going" basit thought to himself.

He saw Irha and taha going towards the car he got jealous seeing them so he decided to go with them. He immediately tooked out his phone and dialed someone " I Am at xxx location take my car to my house the keys are in xyz I have kept there. He ended the call and run towards taha'S car which was about to leave " he stop" " what happens basit is there any problem" " no but yeah can you drop me too actually my car is not starting" " yeah sure why not jump in" before seating he saw Irha who's face was scared and he knew the reason so he sat and closed the car door while taha drove away the car.

The ride was silent taha and basit sat infront while Irha was sitting at back staring out side thinking to her self " ya allah why I feel peace around this man basit I get scared of all mens but not with him what's the reason behind whatever it is ,it is you who decide everything".

The ride was silent when taha broke the silence "basit can I ask you something if you don't mind me" basit looked at taha and spoke " yeah sure it's ok you can ask me anything" " you are from rich family and your father is chairman but why you leaves your father's company and I heard you also leave their house" " who told you this hamad" "hmm yeah it's right actually I was in so much pain and I wanted to revert to Islam but my parents were against it specially my father when I told them that I have reverted to Islam he kicked me out from everything he owns" " oh but Mashallah the good thing is Allah has guided you the straight path" while they where talking there was someone who became shocked .

When Irha heard that basit is also an reverted Muslim like her she was shocked and her heart wanted to know more about him she was looking at BASIT when BASIT looked at her from she quickly turned her head towards the window but it did not got unnoticed by BASIT an smile appeared at his face .

Irha pov : while I was in my own work seeing outside and then I heard basit telling he is reverted Muslim I became shocked wait why I am feeling happy aishhh Irha see outside wow the view . She talked to herself .

While basit was looking at Irha through the glass . After sometime irha felt asleep and soon her house came taha spoke " miss Irha we have arrived miss irh~" they both saw her sleeping basit smiled and told to taha let me wake her up " miss Irha wake up we have arrived to your house" she quickly woke up and got out of the car and bowed to taha " jazak allah brother taha" and quickly went inside " brother" basit laughed at taha " why are you laughing did she told any joke" " Nono I was just" " just what it's ok she called me brother but she could have called me taha" " why do wanted her to call you sister" taha looked at basit in anger and spoke " Mr basit this is your final destination cause I am not dropping you home" " it's ok my house is there" he pointed her hand and taha spoke " there is nothing just long tall buildings are visible and tho it's far" " jazak allah I will go now" he left from there .

While irha on her house " ya allah I had an feeling  like  I came  out from an big mission" Irha quickly tooked shower and changed into her Pajamas.She looked at the time and spoke " oh it's already time of tahajjud,I will pray tahajjud first then will sleep" saying that Irha spread her prayer mat and started praying.

While on the  way home basit spoke " I have never been by walk to house it's so difficult, whatever I have arrived already" he saw a man with his car waiting for him basit went towards him and tooked his car keys and paid him and went towards his apartment.

Taha pov: ya allah forgive me that I have fallen for one of your slave .Irha you are the prettiest girl I have ever seen ahhh my heart .

Saying this he again started driving his car .

Author pov :
Lia and hamad arrived at their apartment and they prayed  2 rakath nafil. After doing salam hamad turned towards Lia and kissed her forehead Lia closed her eyes and hamad spoke " I am so thankful to the rab who had given me an angel wife as you the first time I saw the woman ever was you and you will be the last woman I will see with eyes of love" " It's so sweet hamad you know you are the first and last man I have ever did an eye contact with love" .and their talk begin and etc blah blah blah~~~~~~~~~~~.

One week later .

At byeon company as always Irha was busy on her work she was making an project for an deal and got interrupted by someone she looked up and saw woobin she got scared seeing him smiling crepy she looked at others but there were no one she looked at the clock and it was already lunch hour so it mean everyone already left for lunch Irha though to herself " ya allah save me from the evil" " miss Irha I am calling your name for so long why are you not answering" Irha was speech less she quickly got up from her seat and moved a lil away and spoke.

" how can I help you mr woobin" " if I tell you will you" " yes as long as it's an part of work I will help you with that" "he put his hand on Irha' shoulder and spoke " bring coffee on my cabin and I have to have few talks about it" Irha jerked his hand and spoke " as long as it's about work I will do my work and you can't touch me without my permission how dare you put your hands on my shoulder" Irha spoke in anger which turned woobin so angry " well ok let's see about you later I am going for now bring the coffee to my cabin" he left from there Irha became so scared an tear dropped from her eye she quickly went and made coffee for him.

After giving him coffee she packed her stuffs and went to the park near by she was sitting there  why looking at the sky which was shaded purple as it's gonna be night soon. Tears dropped from her eyes she got an call she looked at the caller id and it was Lia irha quickly fixed her voice and spoke " asllam alikum Lia how are you" " Walikum asllam I am fine Alhumdulliah what about you Irha you did not even made an call this whole week" " sorry I was busy in sone work" Lia feel something strange she spoke " Irha did you cried or are you crying" " no I am not it's just I am tired and that's why my voice seem different" "stop lying Irha I have been with you for years now tell me what happend did that woobin did anything I am sure it's him" .

Irha started crying even more lia got so worried Irha told everything to lia she became so angry " don't worry Irha allah is the greatest don't worry go home and take rest I will talk to hamad about you so you can join in his company where he works at ok" " jazak Allah khair Lia now I will go home " she ended the call .

While she was in her way home she got an call she looked at the caller id but it was unknown she was scared to pick up but she tooked the courage and picked up the call . What she heard make her eyes widened.

" who are you" ....................

Who called her any guess?

Sorry for all to let you wait for to long as my exams were going on and I was busy in studies .

Hope you support ♥️ LOVE YOU NOMIES

NOMA ♥️ 🌸

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