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"The next thing he did made her shocked"

He got up and came closer to her and slapped her so hard that she was so shocked cause in her life he was the first one who slapped her she looked at him with full anger in her eyes and spoke " who the hell are you how dare you slapped me how dare you touched me with the flifty hands of yours" he came closer to her and told " this is what people who disrespect me gets baby gurl" " stay always from me" she kicked his mai. Part and came out from his cabin while he was growing in pain she came out running and went to the chairman office.

She wiped her tears and gathered all of her courage to knowcknon the door " should I knock or should I don't aishhh I have no choice I will knock" she knocked and he gave permission she entered and bowed with her head " good morning Mr seok sir"" oh Lia good morning what's brings you here" " sir I would like you to sign my resignation letter" " why woobin could have done that for you" she thought to herself how should I explain him no I will not tell about him or he will be my enemy outside " no sir he was so busy so I did not wanted to disturb him that's why I came to you" he smiled " oh but why are you resigning is there any problem tell me I can help you with that" " no no sir I am getting married and my husband don't want me to work" she lied that hamad told her not to work she was silent seeing down then mr seok spoke " Oh congratulations child may god bless you" after an conversation he signed the letter and she came out so happy she went to Irha.

Meanwhile Irha was sad that Lia was leaving her alone with the sadness she was working on her computer Lia came from behind and hugged her neck she became shocked " ya who are you move away from me or else I will kill you right here" " chill chill it's me Lia" " Lia what is this behaviour I could have died" Lia laughed at her cute angry face "Okok I want to show you something see I got the signature of Mr seok" " what Mr seok did the signature but you went to Mr woobin's cabin right" she was talking but her eyes fell on Lia's cheek which was red and hand mark was visible  she grabbed Lia's shoulder and spoke " Can you tell me who did this to you see you will tell all the truth who did this to you" " Irha just leave it I don't wanna talk about that matter" " no you are not going anywhere without telling me now tell me who the hell had done this to you" "woobin mr woobin he slapped me cause I did not bowed to him and my words was sounding rude to him" " what how can he slap an girl how dare he touched you" Irha hugged her Lia cried while hugging her Irha comforted her and spoke " come on now get up it's lunch time now treat me something you are leaving" Lia laughed and said " why not let's go to the ajjusi's restaurant" " ya let's go" Irha replied and they went from there.

After sometime they reached there and they recalled their memories and then it was time for Lia to leave she hugged Irha " In Sha allah I will try to find a better job and I will also make you join the same company as me" " you are so good I will miss you" after sone time Lia left and Irha was the only one who is left to work alone now own it does not mean that there is no workers there are many but not every worker is as good as Lia .

She came back to the building and started working in the project.

On the other hand Lia went home and told her father everything " whattt how dare he touched my daughter face may Allah broke his both hands" " baba leave it I am so happy that I will not have to work there" " you don't have to work no where you will not work I am here and also taha is here we are enough to make money and after marriage hamad is there for you" Lia know what his baba tells he will surely do that so she just remains silent after sometime she went to her room .

After hours now it was night 9:00pm Irha finished her work everyone left but Irha was still was there in the office she came running to the elevator she pressed the elevator button but someone stopped it by entering hand she was shocked and woobin entered " sorry if I scared you don't be scared of me" " no Mr woobin I was scared by the sudden hand" " oh is that so" he turn around and Irha was beside him but in an distance she can feel someone seeing her she mumbled herself " ya allah please help me" after sometime lift arrived down floor she quickly came out of the elevator and went towards the main road she was waiting for cab.

After a while an car stopped infront of Irha she looked at in confusion " hey gurl jump in I will drop you to your house it's late night and pretty girls should not stay out at this night it's not good" what the ya allah help me ya allah please make any cab arrive she thought to herself and spoke " no thanks Mr woobin I will take an cab you Amy go now" " come on don't be scared of me o will drop you see there is ko sign of cab here" " if my rab wills any cab can arrive here for me in a min" " oh rab ha ok I don't like to waste my time on poor people" he drove from there Irha sighed in relief " Shukar ya ra" and she saw an empty cab she showed her hand to stop it and it stoped she sat and went ti the destination little did she know that woobin is following her to her house Irha got of from the cab and went towards her house and closed the door.

Woobin saw her and smirk plastered on his face " so you live alone baby gurl  I am happy that you are still here after that fucking Lia" he went from there .Irha went to take some shower after coming back she wore her night dress and ate some ramen. She called Lia to check on her Lia picked up the call " asllam alikum Irha how are you I miss you" " Walikum asllam let me reply first I am fine and I miss you too we just met today and you are telling like we have never met" she smiled and Lia scratched her neck awkwardly " Lia you know today when I finished my shift I was in elevator and someone stopped the elevator it was me woobin I was not liking him and when I was waiting for cab he forced me to sit but I denied and prayed to Allah to send a cab and guess what cab arrived and I came home" " what did he did something Irha listen stay away from him he is not an good guy if he call you in alone don't go make excuses ok" " hmm I don't know what to do  anyways leave that what are you doing" " nothing I just finished the dinner today mama cooked my favourite dish I love the food of her hand" Irha smiled but inside she wanted to cry so bad.Lia noticed her and she realised that she should not have mention mom in conversation " Irha I am sorry" " for what it's ok I am not sad at all" Lia was busy talking when she got an msg from Insta showing hamad has posted new pics she told irha " irha ammm I will call you in morning actually I" " ya ya go and see your hamad has posted new picture go and see that don't forget I canrwady your mind bride yo be" Lia laughed awkwardly and ended the call .

She opened Insta and went to see what he posted she was blushing " my hubby is so handsome ya allah thank you"

I know I know you all are waiting to see our hamad (supporting lead) so here is his pic now breath in peace .

She was kissing the phone when she feeled someone presence in her room she looked towards the door of her room entrance and it was taha " woah it's real" " what are you doing here and what what is real huhh" " I saw monkey kissing the mirror 🪞 fi...

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She was kissing the phone when she feeled someone presence in her room she looked towards the door of her room entrance and it was taha " woah it's real" " what are you doing here and what what is real huhh" " I saw monkey kissing the mirror 🪞 finally" " oh ok what wait what did you said monkey to me where is my slippers no I will use heels this time wait Yaa you tahaaaaaaaa"she came outside of her room with one hand holding her heel she came and throw the heel towards taha but luckily he was lucky this time he bend down and the heel flew and bangggggg.

Lia widened her eyes as it will come out at anytime the heel flew and hited someone other than taha.

"Omo omo"

Who's head was hited by her presious heels any guess?

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NOMA ♥️ 🌸

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