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Tears came out of his eyes seeing the thing he did not wanted to see so soon .

He walked toward that thing and picked it up " mom dad I am really sorry but this is the right path for me ,I have nothing left which of your money dad all I have left with is our family picture" a tear dropped from his eyes he wiped it away and went out on the balcony to take some fresh air .


After few days of reverting basit  was feeling a peace in his life today was his first day of work as chairman and ceo in his own company .After he left his father company and accepted Islam he started his own company and just in few weeks he got got remarks and his company profits was increasing rapidly .

Irha was also having and peaceful life and she became more closer to Lia they both still work at basit's father company after basit left there was a new ceo appointed at his position.

" Irha do you have any idea why did Mr wo seok left" " no I was thinking the same like he was kind I did even saw him yet" " hmm and you know a new ceo is coming today" " oh really hmm hope he will be kind" " yes let's hope so ok let's get back to work" " yeah let's go" they were doing their work and the director manager came with the new ceo to introduce all gave their attention to him and so Lia and Irha " HELLO EVERYONE MY NAME IS WOOBIN AND I AM YOUR NEW CEO FROM NOW OWN" everyone greeted him his eyes fell on Lia and Irha " Muslims huh" " yes sir" " I don't prefer Muslims as my workers" " but sir we both have been working here for 2 years mr woseok never complained about it we work really hard and we will work even more heard please don't fire us" said Lia.

" okay okay move away I will give you 1 week to work on the new project and you both will do that no one will help them if anywho you will try to help them you will be fired understood" everyone replied with yes. And he left from there .

" he is so bad how can he do that Islamophobic bish" said Irha " astagfirullah Irha DONT say that" " what I said bish not bi**h" " oh ok then let's get to work we will do it togather let's just visit some places for the project"  " yeah we will but first we have to write about the project" " oh I forgot ok let's start it now" they started their work .

On the other side Basit stared giving time to madarsa also he mostly spent his time in madarsa learning quran and salah ,now can offer salah on his own ,his mind was very sharp so he learned very quickly .

Irha was now being mostly alone at home and focusing on her deen and in free time ,she used to write 99 names of allah in calligraphy as she was an brilliant calligraphists .

After few days on the last Friday of Ramadan mr.junaid and mrs.junaid [who is misses sidra] thought to invite their students on iftar party

Mr.junaid:- sidra i want to ask you something, please come here my beloved .

Mr.junaid:-yes say what do you want to ask .

Mr.junaid:-actually i am thinking to call one of my reverted student to iftar party ? What do you say ??

Mrs.junaid:-it will be great and even i have one of my reverted student i will call her too .

Let's make an call to them first .

Mrs sidra called Irha after a few min she picked it up " Asllam alikum Irha how are you my child" " Walikum asllam mrs sidra , I am fine Alhumdulliah what about you" " Alhumdulliah I am fine as well" " is there anything you want to say mrs sidra" " yes is Lia with you" " yes we were working at sone project she is beside be you wanna talk to her" " just put the phone in speaker I will talk to both of you" Irha did as she said " asllam alikum mrs sidra" " Walikum asllam my child, I called to tell you both that we are holding an Iftar party in our house so Mr junaid wanted to invite his students so I also told him that I will invite you both" " that will be great mrs sidra we will surely come" " ok so tomorrow is the last Friday of Ramadan so we will be heading is Tomorrow" " tomorrow okay se will come in Sha allah"with that they ended the call . And Mr junaid also called basit " asllam alikum son how are you" " Walikum asllam I am fine how are you" " good I just called you to inform you that there is an Iftar party in my house tomorrow so would like you to come with hamad" " Mashallah Mr junaid why not I will surely visit tomorrow" " ok come before jummah prayer we will pray in our terrace" " in Sha allah Mr junaid I will come" With that they both invited basit ,hamad ,lia and irha on iftar party .

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