Hamad and lia's wedding ♥️ 💐

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" Mashallah Mashallah my Lia" spoke hamad with watery eyes. After few min they paid for the dress and came back while on their way hamad got an call from basit that he dropped Irha to her house safely and after ending the call hamad turn towards Lia and spoke " my love" Lia was shocked when he called him that she looked towards hamad and spoke " yes my love what happened" hamad did not expected Lia to tell love back but he spoke " it was the call from basit he told that he dropped Irha to her house safely" " oh Alhumdulliah ok then now drive" while driving towards Lia house hamad spoke " I have been waiting for you for long time" " yes I know" she smiled hamad looked at her and smiled after few min the car stopped infront of her house she got out from the car and hamad " bye my love" " Okok bye love drive home safely" they were busy talking but they don't know that taha is standing in the entrance gate making weird faces " are you two lovey doves done" Lia stopped at her place and turn back around " why you always have to interrupt between everything I do" " don't forget I am your brother OLDER BROTHER" "she smiled and turned around to hamad and spoke you ho love I have some personal things to do with him" hamad knew what the personal thing is so he laughed at Lia's talk and drive from there as soon As possible . Taha was going inside Lia stopped him " yaaaaa tahaaaaaa yes you where do you think you are going"she went towards him  " who will take my stuffs inside" taha breath in relief 😮‍💨 " but why am I your serv.." Lia picked her shoes in one hand and hamad quickly tooked the stuff inside and kept it at her room " asllam alikum baba and mama" said Lia " Walikum asllam my daughter" said her parents she went and hugged them Mr talha spoke "I can't believe my daughter is gonna marry tomorrow" " baba don't say like this" she cried hugging her father " DONT cry my princess mama and baba loves you" " I too love you mama" she hugged her mother " aishhhh what am I then when all the attention goes to her" her mother saw taha and invited him to hug he quickly came and hugged his mother.

AUTHOR POV : as you know every bit is mama's boy so  let's begin .

Basit arrived home he was staring at the ceiling while laying to the bed only one face was coming in front of his eyes he tried to remove the image but she kept coming " Ya allah why this girl keep coming in my mind my eyes and even I don't feel my heart when I am around her is it something from you whatever I just keep on being Dululu" he went towards his office room and was searching about some upcoming deal.

On the other hand Irha came inside the house after basit dropped him she closed the door and her heart skipped a bit " ya allah I have never felt so safe around any other than lia and now why I feeled so safe  around him he is surely a good man but still I should not trust any man". She went inside her bedroom and came out after taking an fresh bath she cooked some ramen for herself and ate it she went an lay down on her bed she felt asleep thinking of basit.

The next day the day of Lia's wedding.
Irha woke up and saw the time it's 8:00 she was shocked " 8 how I remember I set an alarm of 6 ya allah please help me" she got up and started getting ready she came out running without eating breakfast she locked her door and ran towards the bus stop luckily their was an bus standing she went to it and sat in an empty seat she was praying some rosary 📿 on her way to work.

She arrived at the building and entered she greeted everyone and sat on her desk and started working hurriedly as she want to go early today as she was working secretary of woobin came "miss Irha mr woobin was asking you for so long but you were not in you seat so I told him and as  you have arrived please visit him with the files he gave you yesterday" " oh I am sorry I did not woke up early today that's why I will be going then" she got up from the seat and went towards woobin'd cabin with the file he haves her she knocked at the door and entered she greeted him " good morning mr woobin" " morning miss irrrhaaa"  " here is your files have checked them and also this is the new details of the product we will be launching in a month" " he caught Irha'S hand while taking the file she quickly removed her hand and stans straight " is there anything you want mr woo"  " yes there is many things I want from you miss irha" Irha felt so disgusted with his talks  she managed to keep smiling and spoke " sure mr woobin what can I help you with"  he got up from his chair and came near Irha she backed away from him "firstly I would like you to remove this thing you are wearing in your head" " even if you fire me I don't care I would rather die to remove this from my head did you understood Mr woo" she went from there and woobin smirk " I see you have so much attitude banayi gurl but soo I will destroy the attitude of yours" he smiled like an eveil.

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