The beginning

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After breaking the hug Jisoo got an call she picked it up " HELLO MAM is this Kim Jisoo speaking" " Yes who is this" " I am speaking from XYZ hospital mam it's sad to say but your mother had passed away just a min ago" hearing this her cell phone fell on the ground

Irha (jisoo ) started crying mess while falling in the ground-everyone present there remained shocked to see her  sudden reaction "what happened ,is everything fine"asked lia

Jisoo sat there like a lifeless soul ,unstoppable tears flowing through her eyes ,her heart was aching by the pain of losing her dear one .

Lia shake her and asked again in worried tone " Irha tell me what happened ?"
"M-mom is no more" jisoo told her and stared sobbing little harder .

  Recited lia  "ِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُون"

she was crying mess ,she felt like ground slipped under her feet .lia came near her and hugged her while giving her little courage
"Come on ,indeed she came from allah and she returned to him ,Don't cry more lets go to hospital", said lia .
Jisoo hugged her back and said "Except mom there is no one I have in these world ,she was the reason i was still alive ,now there is no reason me to live more in these world i should also die , she lied to me that she will be with me for the rest of her life but she went ommaaa "

"Are you out of your mind ?Never ever think of divide it's haram in Islam the person who dies without Allah's will he/she will go to hell don't ever take the name of death with your mouth  " Asked lia
"Then what should i do living in world where i have no one left" ,said jisoo

"Irha come back to your sense ,you just become muslim ,and you should know these very well that this is not permanent, its just a temporary period of time ,remember Allah sent us in these world to serve as a test for human beings, to determine their worthiness for paradise in the afterlife. "Said lia

Jisoo hummed and stop crying after hearing lia ,then lia said "come on don't think you are alone allah is always with you and even consider me as your sister ,and important thing remember this "TO ALLAH WE BELONG AND TO HIM WE RETURN"

After a while they both reached hospital and Jisoo hugged her mother and placed an kiss on her forehead and after sometime mens came and tooked her to graveyard to burry her mother and did all the rituals according to Christian religion as her mother was still Christian ,But Irha did not went as she was Muslim now .

After a week

Jisoo was getting ready to go to office as she was on leave from past one week and now she is again going back on her work .

In these one week lia comforted jisoo and treated her like own sister she teaches her how to pray and Jisoo started going to madrasa for learning Quran.

On the other side in byeon business industry

Hamad and wo seok became very good friends and hamad was clearing wo seok's each and every doubt related to islam and was even helping him in every aspect

Hamad was in lift going on the namaz area as there was no masjid near his office so he would offer namaz in office only with some other muslim colleague

Lia  was also going towards the lift hurriedly as she also had to offer namaz just then Lia saw lift door closing, so she speed up her self while  and ran towards the lift and finally she got in but lia bumped into someone making that person fall on his butt as she came runing .

"Sorry sorry ",said lia .

"Its okay ",said hamad .then there was an awkward silence between them after a while they reached on the 5 the floor as it was the empty .

Lia showed hand to hamad indicating him to go but hamad said "some where i heard we should give first chance to pretty ladies "

Hamad said making lia little bit annoyed, but she shrugged of it and said "you better shut up" and then she was about to go but her abaya got twisted in her leg making her stumble on her feet.

Seeing this hamad chucked and whispered to him self "such a clumsy girl" while looking away but it was loud enough to heard by lia ,she just rolled her eyes and went from there

Here Irha  just entered the office with the emotion less face and stared working on her file which she left pending but she remembered she had to offer salah so she was arranging her things on the table

Byeon wo seok was going to the cafeteria to make him self a coffe as his secretary didn't came today ,while going towards the cafeteria he saw jisoo and felt that same thing again which he felt every time seeing her but he just shrugged it off for now as he was having  a little headache .

Irha got up and went up on 5 floor and she saw Lia there who was about to start her prayer Irha stoped her and Lia looked at the direction where voice was coming and it was Irha " when you came" " just an min ago and I came up to offer salah and luckily found you here let's offer salah togather" " sure why not I will read loud so you will get some help ok" " ok" after sometimes they offered salah and folded there prayer mat and came down togather. And started doing there work.

After a while

Wo seok called hamad in his office to discuss something regarding Islam . After sometime hamad came and sat on the chair in front of wo seok. " so tell me why did you called me" " nothing just wanted to ask you something , actually I am so thankful to you that Allah sended you to guide me" " Alhumdulliah bro now come to the point" " I was thinking now it's the time for me to revert Islam I can't stay in This religion anymore" " are you sure did you asked your parents" " not yet but I will ask them that I am gonna be an Muslim" " no brother don't ask them directly as then you will face some problems just go and have dinner with them and just tell them like dad what if I go to another religion and then see what his reaction is ok after that come to me I will tell you the solution" " bro you are so intelligent I will do same as you say" " okay now I am going" " where don't go" " will you do my work then" " ok ok go and listen let's do lunch together outside" " ok" with that hamad left and after sometime passed now it was lunch time wo seok and hamad went togather in the nearby halal restaurant to have sone food and on the other hand Lia " Irha let's go and have lunch outside today it's my treat" " Irha smiled "okay let's go" with that they went to the halal restaurant near their office . Lia and Irha enters the restaurant while Lia speaked "ajjusi can we have bibimbap make it 2 bowls" ajjusi laughed " why not my child I will give you extra egg" " woah jinja thank you ajjusi , did you heated Irha we will get extra eggs" " ok ok now be quit there are mens around" " what if they are mama should lower there gaze when woman's are around if they do not then they are not real man"

Little did she know that there was someone was laughing listen to her talks. Lia looked at the person laughing and hided her face while Irha looked at her confused.

"What happened why are you hiding your face"

Why did she hide her face ?

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NOMA 🌸 ♥️

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