Agreed ❤️

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" HAMAD looked at him and his heart crashed seeing an young man in her house"

Hamad pov:

Am I too late for her if he came here to marry her and if she agrees then I have no choice left"

he was in his thoughts and the man speaked " excuse me Mr who are you and what do you want" he came out of his thoughts and spoke " M-Mr talha called me here" " what baba called you here ok come in" " baba are you Mr talha's son" " yes yes I am his eldest son first of all come inside Mr" " Hamad it's hamad" " Okok Mr hamad come have a seat I will call baba" he went from there and Hamad sighed in relief " shukar Allah he is his brother wallahi I was scared" saying that he was looking at her house then Mr talha came " asllam alikum" " Walikum asllam how are you mrs talha" " Alhumdulliah fine we just met yesterday you keep asking me the same question" he laughed saying it . Hamad laughed awkwardly. Mrs talha came while covering her hijab Mr talha looked at her and said "my love see who came here today" she came from the kitchen and saw hamad " asllam alikum" " Walikum asllam said hamad .

" this is the boy I talked about yesterday night" said Mr talha" " oh how are you my child" " I am good mrs talha" she smiled and asked " what's your name" " its Muhammad hamad"
" Mashallah you have good name" she looked at mr talha " I will go and prepare the table" he nodded his head and she went from there .

After some min a loud voice came " yaaaa tahaaaaaaaaaaa where are youuuuuuuu" lia rushed inside the house angrily she stopped when she saw hamad sitting there he was shocked to see her Mr talha looked at her and spoke " what is this Lia why are you shouting" " sorry baba but first of all where is taha" " why what happened" " he told me that he will pick me up from the work I was waiting there like an idiot for hours and he did not came" " what did he do that he is hiding in his room go" he smiled and she rushed upstairs.

Hamad pov : while I was talking with Mr talha a sudden sound came I looked at the direaction and saw it was Lia she came inside with anger I was kinda scared with her behaviour what if she do something to me in future Nono. Hamad think positive all he wanted was to ignore but ended up smiling.

The door of taha opened and the voice was hearable Yaa you come out of your bed do you think I am fool if you was not able to pick me up then why you told me she tooked out her slippers and came out while hamad was running down stairs why begging her to stop she throw her slipper towards taha and guess what headshot she sighed in relief " now I feel good she went to her room to freshen up.

" ahh baba it hurts she always give's an headshot" " it's your punishment I can't do anything" Mr talha looked at hamad and saw he was feeling awkward " I am sorry my child they both are always like this" " no no it's ok" " the dinner is ready" said mrs talha " let's go hamad" said mr talha .

They all sat on the dining table together after a while Lia also came and help her mother to arrange and sat down infront of hamad .they started eating the dinner hamad was eating and Lia looked at him hamad feeled like someone is watching him he lifted his head and saw Lia was watching him but turned her face immediately seeing him taha noticed it he beats lia with his elbow and she hissed in pain she looked at him and stepped on his foot " YOU TWO SIT STRAIGHT AND EAT YOUR FOOD ATLEAST SEE THAT WE HAVE AN GUEST" " sorry mama he was the first to" " I DONT WANNA LISTEn ANYTHING EAT" mrs talha became normal when her eyes fell on hamad " eat some more child" " no I am ok I had enough already" . After sometime they all finished the dinner and they all came to living room mr talha spoked " SO my son I saw you your an good man and I also know that you like Lia" " yes I do mr talha" " you told me everything yesterday and the I called you in my house just to talk with you about this matter infront of Lia and all" .

hamad just listened mr talha's words his heart was beating so fast he thinked him self what if he rejects him . On the other side Lia was biting her lips think " what if baba rejects him".Taha interpretsin hamad's thoughts .

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