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" who are you" replied Irha and on the other side the person laughed creepily making her scared.

The person replied " me are you asking who I am when you maked my son like you and snatched my son from me and now you are acting up as you did nothing listen miss Irha I will make your life a living mess that you have never seen before stay away from my son or you will be in danger ,end of your happiness miss Kim Jisoo so called Irha and one more thing don't ever dare to take any help from cops or you will face the consequences" " but who are you I don't know who is your son" when she realised that the call is ended she became more scared "ya allah I am having a lot of trouble now a days ya allah help me keep me safe I ask my protection from you my rab" with that Irha went towards her house she was so scared after the phone call incident .

Irha tooked shower to freshen up her self and to calm herself down but she was still so scared she prayed her isha prayer after completing her salah she started crying while laying down on her prayer mat "omma I miss you the world is so cruel but Alhumdulliah I am living an life as an Muslim" she again started crying the mess .

On the other hand basit who came out taking shower and sat in his bed with his laptop to do some work done but suddenly he felt his heart hearting an unknown tears formed on his eyes he was confused he drank some water and massaged his chest " ya allah what's this pain" as on the other side Irha stopped crying basit felt no pain but basit don't know that the pain he have without reason is the pain when his soulmate is in pain. He tooked an big sigh and shutdown his laptop and layer down on his bed while looking at the ceiling  a face appeared infront of eyes which was Irha he shrugged his face off and slept.

On the call

Hello miss irha hope you are doing well after snatching my son and making him like you , remember me i will make your life living hell and make you regret your each and every action dear , end of your happiness now

As she heard all this her eyes widened ,fear lingered over her , still she gathered her courage and asked "who are you "

Then soon the call ended ,making her hella scared ,she decided to report this to the cops

Next day .At Lia's place.

"Hamad when are you going to say all this things to mr.basit about new ceo woobin " asked lia. "Very soon i have called basit now and we are going to meet at a cafe and i will share him everything about woobin you don't worry and ask your friend to leave that company ,i will ask basit if there is any opportunity for her to join our office" replied hamad  "okay as you say love" said lia  , hamad smiled and kissed her forhead and said " take care my beloved i will come a little bit late today so don't wait for me eat your dinner ok allaha hafiz " Lia nodded then he left home to meet basit at cafe .

...........after some time................
HAMAD WAS scrolling through his phone why waiting for basit and after a min he arrived.

"Assalamulaikm brother "said basit while hugging hamad  " Wailkum Assalam " replied hamad , soon they started talking and hamad told him about woobin and what is going on in byeon  business  industry , " oh so all this is going on and that jerk is misbehaving with staff specially with girls , i have to tell this all to dad but he is not ready to talk to me but no worries sooner or later i will tell all this to dad " said basit .

"And basit is there any place for a girl in our office actually she is my wife's friend who works at your father company and wants to leave because of woobin so i asked lia to say her to leave and if we have any place at your company so we can ask her to join" said hamad

" Hmm a girl ok no problem as we have many vacancies left so we can ask her to join as soon as possible  she can work in the place of secretary for me"replied basit
After a while of their chit chatting and all they both left for thier homes as today was off days after reaching  hamad thought to tell Lia about the news but when he entered in the room he find her sleeping he smiled and kissed her forehead and went to change clothes and slept.

Next morning

"Lia , my dear beloved where are you " said hamad finding lia "Love i am here in the guest room" replied lia  "I have a good news for you"said hamad making lia happy and confused at the same time "umm what is that Love " asked lia " I have asked basit about the job for your friend Irha and he said there is an place for her so ask her to join today and tho he told if possible she can join at secretary position" replied hamad  making lia hella happy  lia was jumping all over the room in happiness and hugged hamad saying " thankyou thankyou so much you are the best husband ever any girl can ask for "said lia  let me tell the news to Irha .

At byeon  industry

Irha was working then her phone started ringing it was lia "Assalamulaikm "said irha picking up the call .

"Wailkum Assalam "replied lia in a happy tone making irha happy too.

"Looking so happy whats the reason" asked irha
Then lia told her everything and after hearing her irha was beyond happy "so miss irha just leave that job and join here from today it self do you get it" aksed lia .

" yes yes I will leave it today it self and throw the letter on that idiot face "said irha .after complete the leftover work she started to write the letter and with all of her courage she got up from her seat and went towards woobin'S cabin in her way she prayed to Allah to protect her she recited aya tuk  kursi and blew it on herself she knocked at woobins cabin door and he replied to come in she went and closed the door "sir here are the all leftover files and this are the projects and this I hope you sign on it" woobin looked at the paper Irha gave ohh so you want to resign any reason behind it miss Irha" .

He spoke why getting up from his seat Irha became scared but she was keeping her self calm " whatever the reason is it's non of your business to interrupt between the things I want or not I just want you to sign the letter cause I don't wanna work here anymore" he grabbed Irha'S shoulders and spoke in anger " YOU CANNOT LEAVE THE FUCKING COMPANY NEVER YOU WILL WORK HERE INFRONT OF ME" " MR WOOBIN LEAVE ME I SAID LEAVE ME YOU CANNOT TOUCH ME".

Suddenly the door opened and woobin looked towards the door and quickly leaves irhas shoulders and Irha had an tear in her eyes she looked towards the door and sighed in relief.


Who was it any guess?

Hope you all enjoying the story I hope the one who reading may please vote too thank you all for 400+ view ♥️

NOMA ♥️ 🌸

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