Feelings develop

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When Irha was walking towards her home thro an alley she was scared and was taking long steps suddenly she felt hand on her shoulder Irha when she turned around and got shocked .

" hello baby gurl alone ha" "wo woobin" " yes yes it's me baby gurl" Irha bite his hands and started running " aishhh you bitch" saying that he ran towards Irha and caught her she started screaming for help and woobin put his other hand on irha's mouth to prevent her from shouting but an old lady came and woobin ran from there after seeing the lady who was coming from the other alley Irha looked at the lady and sighed in relief.

" Excuse me daughter" said the lady Irha quickly went near her and asked " What are you doing here alone in night" " I own an street food stall near by my work was over so I was heading home" " oh I will help you with the stuffs" said Irha while picking up the heavy stuffs which the old lady was holding " may god bless you sweetheart" " where is your home" the lady told Irha her address " oh what an coincidence I live there too my house a lil away from yours" " oh that's great" with that they walked why talking but Irha was so scared inside and can cry anytime.

" this bitch you have gone out of my hand now but next time I will make your life an living hell" said woobin watching her going and followed her home .

After dropping the lady at home she started to walk fast she felt an walking presence in her back she turned around but saw no one she recited ayatul kursi and blew it all over her and again started walking and went inside her house and closed the door and went inside she was shaking so bad and started crying she quickly changed her cloths and done her wadu and prayed 2 rakath shukrana and started to make dua " ya allah you are the Rahman you are the karim no one can take the place of you ya allah give hidaya to all the people who are knowing Islam ya allah guide the people who are lost in wrong path" after she was done with her dua she quickly went to sleep without eating her dinner.

Next morning ,At office.

Irha came early as yesterday and set the table for basit and started to arrange the files according to schedule when basit enter Irha looked at him and said " Asllam alikum Mr basit" " Walikum asllam impressive I see you have done your work already" " jazak Allah sir I will bring your coffee in a moment" she left from there while basit spoke " ya allah I am praying for my naseeb make my naseeb her" after a while Irha came with an cup of coffee and basit was checking the files " here is your coffee sir" " jazak Allah khair what's my schedule today" " you have an meeting to attend with Mr park at 2 and after that we will be having an meeting for new project" "ok you may complete checking this files till then" " okay sir" Irha tooked the files and went to her cabin .

While working on that file  she was so scared remembering the incident happened with her yesterday's she was in deep thought that she did not realise that it's already 2 basit came to her office and saw Irha busy staring at one spot he knocked at the door and Irha flinched " oh sir is there anything you want" "miss Irha I think you forgot we have an meeting right now with Mr park" " oh I am sorry I will be right there she said and basit spoke" " the meeting is at cafe miss Irha" " oh is that's so it sir it's written" " I have changed the venue miss Irha do you have any problem with that" " no no sir it's your wish let's go" saying that she followed basit towards the lift and basit spoke "is there something bothering you miss Irha" he asked her while the worried was visible in his face " no nothing sir why do you ask" " it's just never mind" then he begin to drive the ride was silent Irha was looking out of the window and basit was taking quick glance at her .

IRHA'S phone started to ring she looked at the caller id and it was unknown Irha became so scared and did not picked up the call the call was coming again and again basit looked at irha who looked so scared and spoke " why are you not picking up the call miss Irha" " I am at work that's why sir" she lied " it's ok miss Irha we are not working right now you can answer the calls" Irha just hummed in response.

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