First meet

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" Lia through her heel towards taha but he was lucky as he know her sister very well he bend down but little did Lia know the heel flew up and gutted someone's head she was shocked " omo omo"she put her plams  on her mouth when she saw the person it was no one else but her soon to be husband hamad he groaned in pain " ahhh ouch" Mr talha who was entering the house with him got shocked and asked him "ya allah are you ok my son he quickly massage his head" " yeah yeah I am ok" " come sit down here" hamad sat and Mr talha went to bring him an glass of water hamad looked upstairs and saw shocked Lia seeing her cute shocked face made him chuckle.

Taha was still standing there realising the thing just happened " I won I did not got any headshot but my poor brother in law may allah help him" Lia glared at him while coming down stairs he standed straight seeing her and quickly went down and sat beside hamad.

She wanted to apologise him but her father was staring at her with anger eyes she quickly looked away from her father then Mr talha spoke " what is this behaviour Lia you are not kid anymore and he is your elder brother you can't hit him without any reason and stop throwing your footwear's on him see what you did to hamad if he could have turn around at that time his face could have been bleeding and tho you throw this heel" " I am sorry baba taha was the one who came in my room and told me monkey" Mr talha looked at taha and spoke " I knew you did something why did you called her monkey" " baba she was_" he was about to speak Lia went towards him and shut his mouth with her hands and spoke " nothing baba I was just scrolling through my phone and" Mr talha laughed and spoke " ok ok now move always from there and hamad what brings you here" " actually I came here to take Lia with me to shopping so she can but sone stuffs for her self and the wedding" " oh that's great you can take her with you" .

AUTHOR POV : after the day when hamad came to Lia's house with marriage proposal and got succeed after few days Mr talha and Hamad discussed about the wedding date and they fixed it on 23-04-2024 .now let's begin.

After Lia father gave permission Lia went and got ready this is what Lia wore

When she came down hamad saw her and suddenly he saw his dress " we are matching with same colour clothes" he thought to himself

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When she came down hamad saw her and suddenly he saw his dress " we are matching with same colour clothes" he thought to himself.

This is what hamad is wearing .

This is what hamad is wearing

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