The begining (woseok)

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"woah it's so pretty I wonder why I did not bought it sooner" "Now  I don't have to fear free now appa can't do anything now I will work hard and show him that what I can do" said wo soek "insha allah ,you will make it soon "replied Hamad .

wo seok signed the papers and purchased the company .the company needed some work to done so made the labours start the work inside the company soon cause he have to start it sooner.

After few days the incomplete work inside the building was done and wo seok wanted to give an name to the company he looked at hamad  " hamad listen""yeah go ahead I am listening" " I will name my company with my new name I will name it after I revert to Islam" " as you wish bro" wo seok look at the time and spoke " hamad now it's the time to visit my parents I will tell them everything today" " yes go allah is with you don't fear anyone" wo seok hummed in response and drive his car to his parents house,He parked his car and got of from the car.

He tooked a deep breath and entered the house his mother smiled and hugged him " come dinner is ready you know o was so happy when I heard you were coming for dinner today see I made everything you like" wo seok just smiled and sat he saw the table filled with all the haram thing he liked before he looked at his mother and told " mom it's not my favourite anymore I leaved eating this meat" his father looked at him " but you loved them right and what do you mean by you leaves eating this meat" " MOM dad I have to tell you something hope you listen to me carefully" " go head son I we are listening" said his mom .

" I wanted to tell you that I am no longer an Christian I am gonna be an Muslim tomorrow"
His father got up from the table seeing him with bloody eyes " Do you even know what you are saying" " yes I know very well what I am saying dad and I also know what step I am gonna take is the happiest one I have ever had in my life and mom this all food is haram for me has I am Muslim now" .

Mr.byeon:-from today onwards you are no longer my son ,for me my son is dead ,remember this you will be never happy and successful in your life .
"Ok dad let's see I am leaving everything which I bought with your money cause I don't need them anymore".

Mrs.byeon:- son,you could have atlest think about us ,how could you become muslim ?

Wo seok:-sorry mom ,dad but i have been struggling a lot and you dad you never cared for me you just anted your company to be at top have you ever asked me what I have been going through what I want to do no dad you did not and at last I will say take care of yourselves and forgive me.

He left from there while crying and left leaving all the luxurious ,business, cars and all the things which he brought from his father money.

Next day

wo seok got ready and went to pick up hamad from his apartment as today he is reverting to islam. " Asllam alikum" said hamad " Walikum asllam" said wo seok  " Mashallah the Arabic words from your mouth is so sweet" wo seok blushed a lil " ok ok let's go now" After a while they reached to "madarsa"were wo seok will be reverting this was the same "madarsa"where irha reverted to islam.but they don't know her.

" come on wo seok let's go inside" wo seok tooked an deep breath and step inside the madrasa " Assalamulaikm, Mr.Junaid" mr junaid looked at hamad and smiled he told sone boys to hear the Quran of students and he got up at came to hamad and hugged him " Walikum asllam how are you hamad" " I am good Alhumdulliah.Mr junaid this is my friend byeon wo seok" said hamad wo seok spoke " asllam alikum" mr junaid smiled and replied
"Wailkum Assalam".

"As i told you he wanted to revert to islam so i thought to introduce him to you ",said hamad.

"As i told you he wanted to revert to islam so i thought to introduce him to you ",said hamad

After sometime he tooked hamad and wo seok inside of his office room " come sit here" they both sat and sheik asked wo seok "Are you sure you want to become muslim, no one is forcing you right??" .wo seok looked at mr junaid and replied "No ,no one is forcing me I myself wanted to become muslim, wo seok".

"Mashallah Mashallah may Allah bless you my child so For becoming muslim you have to take "shahada" are you ready for it my child" "yes sheik I am ready"okay now repeat after me .

Mr.junaid:- "Ash-hadu "

Wo seok:-"ash...ha-du"

Mr.junaid:-" an la ilaha illa Allah"

Wo seok:-"an la ilaha illa allah"

Mr.junaid:-" Wa ash-hadu anna"

Wo seok:-Wa ash-hadu anna"

Mr.junaid:-"mohammadan rasul allah"

Wo seok:- mohammadan rasul allah"
" I bare witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is prophet and messenger" woseok also repeated it .

As soon as wo seok complete his shahda a sob left his mouth ,tears started building in his eyes ,seeing him like this hamad hugged him and patted his back  . "Congratulations brother don't be sad allah Will guide you more in Sha allah" the sheik also hugged him " Mashallah my child may Allah guide everyone as he guided you now you have to change your name" " Name I don't have any in my mind Mr junaid I want you to choose an name for me" mr junaid smiled as he heard the similar word from his mouth that an girl already told " sure my child your name will be BASIT which means The Enlarger, The Expansive, The Munificent and it is one of the name of Allah" " Mashallah Mr junaid I am so glad have this name as my name" " do you want to change your surname it's not necessary" " no I will keep my surname" " ok congratulations my child" .

Woseok again started crying and hamad patted his shoulder " DONT cry everything will be fine now you are at the straight path" " But will Allah forgive me I was an sinner in my past".

Hamad broke hug and looked into his eyes and smiled then said "surely allah will forgive you basit now you are an Muslim and Allah has forgiven all your past sins"  , if you don't believe me you can ask mr.junaid .

"Yes ,yes hamad is right allah has forgiven you dear because he is "Ar rahim" means merciful ,he surely forgiven your past sins".

Hamad broke hug and looked into his eyes and smiled then said surely allah will forgive you wo seok , if you don't believe me you can ask mr.junaid

Basit felt so happy hearing the words of Mr junaid " so byeon basit I pray to Allah that you will be successful in future with your hard work in Sha allah" he smiled and hugged him .

After sometime he came back home and called the the engineer " hello Mr park" " heloo mr byeon how can I help you" " remember I told you I have to change the company name" " yes I remember so I want you to creat a good design name and write the name BASIT ENTERPRISE" " ok sir it will be ready in a week"  " okay thank you" he ended up the call and  his eye caught something.

Tears came out of his eyes seeing the thing he did not wanted to see so soon .

What did he saw ?
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