Who is she ?

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"Why always me " Jisoo was thinking her self .

After few days .

Jisoo was at the hospital ,she came to meet her mother as  always and to check her but there was no improvement in her mother health .
"Mom when will you open your eyes ,I feel very lonely without ,I am missing everything thing about you your talks your voice the way you scolded me the food made of your hands everything omma I have no one except you I know you are going through a lot and I am too going through a lot of trial just for you omma ,omma you know  everywhere I go for interview I don't get accepted as always I gave another interview but they did not emailed me till now it's been weeks" she sighs and went out to take some air.

Then she got a call from an unknown number she frowned her eye brows seeing the number and picked it up.
"Hello Mam good morning am I speaking to miss kim jisoo" asked the person from other side of the phone ,"A very good morning,yess I am Kim jisoo Who is this"  "I am talking from byeon business industry "said the person making jisoo a bit excited and sacred too by thinking will she get a job or not ."congratulations mam you are selected for this job miss kim you can join the  office from tomorrow, more details i have emailed you ,you can check them thankyou "said the person ,making jisoo smile "thankyou so much sir  I will be there tomorrow on time "saying this jisoo ended the call.She looked up and shouted out loud . "THANK YOUUUUU SOOO MUCHHH GOOODDDD" people was looking at her and she awkwardly smiled and started walking and started jumping in excitement .

The next morning she woke up early as she don't wNt to be late on her first day of work she got up from the bed and went straight to bathroom and did her morning routine and tooked shower and came out . "Hmm should I wear this or this I think I will go with this" with that she wore the dress . this is what she wore
Today .

After sone min she came out of her room and had her breakfast and she wanted to her mother

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After sone min she came out of her room and had her breakfast and she wanted to her mother .
At hospital "Omma today is my first day at work and I know you can hear me wish me luck from your heart omma I will be going now" with that she went out of the hospital and grabbed an taxi .

After sone min ,She entered the office and saw everyone was doing their work silently then she went to the receptionist and asked her something related to work " excuse me , actually  I am new here can you tell me we're is my desk" " Can I know your name miss" " Jisoo Kim Jisoo" " oh hello miss jisoo please follow me" I followed her and she tooked me somewhere I looked at her. " who's office is this" "It's your manger office he will show you your desk" " oh ok thank you" I bowed at her and knocked at the door . After a sec I heard doing come in I entered and and closed the door I bowed to him " You must be Kim Jisoo right " " yes sir" " you are very talented as I saw your resume but why did not you got any job yet" " I don't know sir they just tooked interview and rejected me" " oh no problem please follow me".
He went to the hall where all the people where working . " Attention everyone" everyone looked at him and standed up and bowed him . " Meet your new work member miss Kim Jisoo I hope all of you will be good to her and help her" everyone smiled and bowed again . " You may start working now take this file and complete it before going" " Sure sir I will" I bowed and he went from there.

I went to my desk where I will work from now on then I sat and some girls came to me .
" hey h nice to meet you by the way my name is Jennie" " my name is Lisa". My name is rose" let's be friends they said why smiling. " nice to meet you all too my name is Jisoo". I was little shocked cause I never had friends before I had one in childhood.

Few days passed Jisoo was working and got many good remarks from her manager. Jisoo was working on project of important products at office it was almost night and everyone from the office went to their homes but jisoo was doing research about islam as she was deciding to revert to islam but before that she needs some on to guide . " I should search now" " Guide to Islam" she searched it and was reading it and was noting it down in her diary after sometime she wanted to use restroom so she got up from her chair and went  while keeping her laptop open.

On the other hand byeon wo seok was also present in the office he was working on a project after sometime he thought to make a coffee for him self so he got up from his seat and went to the office cafeteria, on the way to cafeteria he saw a laptop on so he went near it and saw there a website was open where about islam everything was there . "Is there someone else like me who is searching for the creator.

And at that moment he thought "is this the real creator " i need to know more about this but its not good to peak on someone laptop saying this he left from there . He left from there with his coffee.

After a while jisoo came from the restroom and saw the laptop on ,she faceplamed her self thinking that "there might be some anti Muslims or someone in the office who would object so i should have not keep the website open like this , I hope no one saw it"saying that she take her belonging and left the office .

Wo seok pov : I am searching for you hope I will find you soon . Seeing in his laptop Screen he looked at the time and it was already late so he picked up  his things and went out and started his car engine .

He was in his car when his eyes fell on a girl standing in road waving her hand to stop the cab " Who is she I am again feel the feeling I have never had is she the same person I am finding for".  He was about to come to of the car but saw she already got an cab so he just sighed " aaa woseokaa you are just overthinking. And he too left from there .

Author pov :
On the way back to home Jisoo was going to convince stor as she was hungry but suddenly  someone bumped into her .
???:-sorry sorry I was in hurry are you ok .

Jisoo:-Yes I am okay are you ok no need to be sorry it's ok it happens with everyone.

Jisoo was staring her from toe to head as she was covering herself in a beautiful hijab ,looking beautiful ,then she thought she is Muslim ,can she help her?

She was about to ask her name and number but as she was in hurry she went from there .she sighed " Not again " she went to convince store and tooked some ramyeon and banana milk and started eating while eating she thought of that girl .
"Hope we meet again".

Will jisoo meet her again ?

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NOMA ♥️ 🌸

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