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"Get ready for tomorrow" basit said and Irha looked at him with an confused face . And spoke .

"umm tomorrow is there something special tomorrow mr basit" asked irha " what special can it be btween an ceo and secretary well actually tomorrow we have an business party all the top ceo of the world wil be present there so i want you to join with me as your my secretary" said basit. " sure mr basit I will come and it's my job as an secretary" replied irha " good then then be ready i will pick you up at 8 from your place" said basit. "No it's ok Mr basit you can just tell me the venue I will be there" "I did not asked your opinion I have given you order as secretary obey it miss Irha" "okkay as you say sir" said irha .

" And make sure to wear something beautiful" Irha looked at him and said " pardon me sir" " I I mean everyone will be wearing something good so that's why I am reminding you" " oh ok yes sure I will mr basit" " okay then" with that basit went from there .

Irha pov: this man and his one sentence I am not asking opinions it's my order obey me .

With that she continues her pending work.

After completing her work  she decided to go for shopping first.

Irha finished her work and took a cab , she was scared that woobin might be present anywhere she started to her zikar on her fingers . Soon the cab arrived at the mall and Irha got of from it . " Thank you ajjusi" " welcome mam" said the cab driver and Irha went inside the mall she went to an store where she and Lia used to come and after looking for a while her eye caught an dress which was looking so beautiful .

" asllam alikum" " Walikum asllam" " can I try this dress" " yes yes sure why not" said the lady employee if you are minding why she tells her Salam then listen the shop is an Muslim shop where all the dresses and scarfs are wearable for Muslim ladies.

After sometime irha came out wearing the dress and seeing her the lady said " I think this dress is made just for you" Irha had smile in her face and she spoke " it's not like this everyone is pretty and the dress it can be made for anyone maybe this time I was the one buying it I loved it I will take it" Irha paid for the dress and came out of the shop she was hungry but was also getting late.

She came out of the mall she waited for an cab but there were no signs of it she the went towards the bus stop and waited for the bus while waiting she did not stoped doing her zikar " ya allah please help me I am giving my safety to you bless me with courage ya rab" then she started walking while walking she was so scared that woobin might be appears anytime she fasten her steps and she did not stopped doing her zikar .

While she was walking she felt someone's presence behind her she started to walk fast while running she saw behind and he was the one who she was scared of she started crying out of fear but suddenly she felt that no one is following her she looked back and saw a car and she spoke " Mr basit" she quickly wiped her tears and basit came near her " miss Irha are you ok I saw you running and I saw a man running behind, you should not go out alone at night it's dangerous" "when do you came mr basit" " I came to but an suit for tomorrow and saw you on the way" " oh ok thank you for making the man go away now I will be going" "Irha sit inside the car I will drop you" Irha was little shocked cause he called her by her name without telling miss "ok Mr basit" they came towards the car basit opened the door for her and she sat while basit also sat and drove towards her house .

The ride was silent basit wanted to talk with her but he was scared that he might be make her uncomfortable so her remains silent "here we go" said basit while he dropped Irha "shukran mr basit" " it's not an big deal make sure to be ready on time" "yes I will" "allah hafiz" she went inside .

"Shukar alhmdulliha " spoke irha to her self as today allah sent basit to safe her then she offered isha prayer and did her skin care routine then heads towards sleep .

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