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"SO YOU DO THIS TO THE GIRLS IN THE OFFICE BEHIND MY BACK" woobin became so shocked and went to Mr byeon. Then woobin spoked " Sir you are thinking the wrong way it's not what you thinking trust me sir she is the one who is like this" "SO ALL THE GIRLS WHO LEFT THE COMPANY ARE LIARS MR WOOBIN I WAS WAITING TO CAUGHT YOU RED HANDED FOR SO LONG ONE CAN BE LIAR NOT ALL CAN LIE AND TRUST I DONT TRUST THE USELESS AND PREVET LIKE YOU LISTEN MR.WOOBIN YOU ARE FIRED" shouted Mr.byeon making woobin scared "sir sir please don't do this I will not do anything from now on sir please" " GAURDS THEOW HIM OUT BEFORE I LOOSE MY TEMPER" the guard's and and tooked woobin with them .

Irha felt happy and sigh in relief as she was safe now ,not knowing the fact that he was the person who threatened her on the call .

Woobin pov:-
I will not leave you Irha ,I will surely take an revenge on you mark my words , now your bad time begins miss irha .he thought to himself why looking at Irha and smiling creepily.

Woobin left the office glaring irha and Irha went near Mr byeon " Thank you Mr byeon for saving me a thank you soo much" Mr byeon talked to himself save what's that it's not in my vocabulary . He was so busy in his thought and Irha spoke " Mr byeon Mr byeon" " Oh sorry miss Irha do you want anything I can help you with" " yes sir I would like you to sign my resign letter" " now woo ibis not also here you can work here" " no sir actually I have my own reason hope you understand" "as you say good luck for your future miss Irha" Irha bowed him and went after packing her stuffs she came out of the building and tooked a deep  breath .


Ya allah I am so thankful for the grace and bless you have given me I thought it would be so hard to get a sign but see you have send me byeon to sign ya allah protect me from the evil waiting for me everywhere I go .

With that Irha tooked an cab and went towards her house after reaching there Irha went inside and put her stuffs in an empty room and after sometime she freshen up herself and changed to night dress this is what she wore .

Irha pov:" let me call Lia to tell her the news wait let me just invite her yes it's better to do that"  Irha called Lia " Asllam alikum" said Irha " Walikum asllam so miss Irha got time to call or it's me who always calls you" " You know right I ...

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Irha pov:
" let me call Lia to tell her the news wait let me just invite her yes it's better to do that" 
Irha called Lia " Asllam alikum" said Irha " Walikum asllam so miss Irha got time to call or it's me who always calls you" " You know right I don't get time but now I am free" " did woobin signed your resignation letter" " not woobin but someone else you come to my house for dinner I will explain you everything please don't say no" " sure why not hamad is going for an boys night out and I am at home alone I will surely comes to you ok Allah hafiz" "Allah hafiz I will be waiting" Irha ended up the call.

" ok let's start preparing oh I forgot to buy groceries it's still 8 I can buy it" Irha put on her hijab and went to the store which is a lil away from her destination .

After an half hour of walking she finally reached the store she greeted the store lady " Anneyongaseyo  can I get the vegetables written in the list" " yes sure wait a min" Irha was waiting for veggies when the lady gave her she greeted her and started adding the in her shopping bag and gave her money .

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