Hamad's first step

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She looked up and saw the person it was Irha .

Lia tears came out even more seeing her she
hugged Irha and Irha hugged her too " why are you crying Lia what happened is everything alright" " nothing is right here Irha" she said while crying even more Irha saw her messy scarf she tooked her to 5 floor which is empty she made her sit and gave her some water she drank it " now tell me the whole thing what actually happened" " when Mr woobin called me I went to him and I just greeted him without bowing he got up and asked me that why did not bowed and he said I have no respect I told him to tell the work he called me for cause I am busy" and she told all the thing to her making irhas blood boil " how the hell he touched you I am gonna break his hands" she got up and was about to go but Lia stopped her she turn around and saw Lia crying again " now why are you crying again just stop it" " please don't go to him or we will post our job" Irha looked at Lia and hugged her " ok now let's go back to work ok" she hummed in response and they both went from there.

On the other hand

Hamad was struggling with his thoughts of how to talk to lia's father ,whether to meet him or talk to him through his phone ,after thinking for hours finally he decided to meet him ,but how ?

while he got an idea of becoming a good man in lia's father eye ,so for that he decided to start offering namaz in the same mosque where lia's father offer namaz .

Next day he decided to follow lia to her house ,to see the locality and her father ,he got to know who is lia father then hamad followed lia's father and saw him entering the mosque, so soon hamad also entered the mosque and was going to stand beside him but there was no space so he decided to stand behind him and offer salah .

After offering salah hamad saw lia's father reading quran so he also decided to read quran ,so he took the quaran and sat beside her father and started reading after few minutes of reading quran suddenly hamad phone started ringing and it was not even on silent .

Hearing the ringing sound lia's father stop reciting quran and saw towards hamad and said "you should keep your mobile on silent when you are entering mosque "

Hamad awkwardly smiled and replied "I apologise for that , actually i forgot to keep my mobile on silent as i was in hurry "

Lia's father just hummed and kept quran on its place and went back to home ,where as hamad also started following him secretly .

As lia's father reached home , he saw an ice cream seller and called lia to ask if she wants to eat ice cream.

Mr.talha:-assalamulaikm, my child how are you ?

Lia:-Wailkum Assalam Baba I am fine ,how are you

Mr.talha:-i am good ,lia do you want to eat ice cream ?

Lia:- yes obviously, why would i say no for ice-cream baba. 

Mr.talha:-haha i knew it ,by the way i forgot my wallet at home please throw it from the balcony i will catch it .

Lia :- no baba  i will only come down and hand over wallet to you and select my ice cream

Mr.talha:- okay,okay come i am waiting

After a while lia came outside and was selecting ice cream and then her eyes fell on hamad who was hiding behind the tree ,as hamad saw her he smiled brightly ,lia was totally shocked to see hamad there. She asked him with her eyes " what are you doing here" he just patted his heart she looked at him and went from there with her ice cream .

After eating ice cream lia came to her room and was thinking about hamad "was he serious about me ? ", "did he asked baba about my proposal" she questioned her self and started blushing a little and when she found herself blushing, she mentally slapped herself and said "astagfirulla what i am thinking " then she went to sleep .

Hamad was continously cursing himself for not keeping mobile on silent " ahhh how can i forget ",on the first day it self i made a bad impression " he said to himself and facepalmed .

Weeks passed ,hamad was continously offering salah where mr.talha offer ,and was daily making a silly mistakes which didn't went unnoticed by mr.talha ,mr.talh found something fishey about hamad but he decided to remain silent . One day in masjid after salah hamad went to an child and told him " dear child I know you are kid but you have to remain silent when others are praying" the child looked at him and said. " I am sorry brother I will not do this next time" " it's ok would you like to learn praying" " yes I would" like that he was teaching an child how to pray and lia's father smiled looking at him.

One Friday hamad came to pray as usual and me talha was also there he quickly tooked place beside me talha before someone else could. " Asllam alikum" " Walikum asllam" " how are you" " Alhumdulliah you have asked me the same question today fajer" " I love to ask more and more" he said smiling awkwardly.

After finishing salah he was about to leave but me talha stopped him. " come here" Hamad turned around and saw that Mr talha was calling him ,He came near him " yes did you called me" " yes first stir down I wanna ask you something" fear started coming all over. His body and he sat down as me talha said " I have seen you and I have been seeing you acting strangely is there something you wanna tell or ask" " mr-r talha I-I I." " why are you shuttering say it clearly" " I want to marry your daughter Lia" " what did you said you wanna marry my daughter how do you know her" " I used to work at the same place where she works and I don't watch any woman but my eyes suddenly fall on her and I fall for her may Allah forgives me" Mr talha looked at him and just patted at his shoulder and said " I will not answer you question" hamad looked down sadly " come to my house tomorrow" hamad looked up at him and an smile he smiled and mr talha left from there.

Hamad came out of the masjid while jumping like crazy and everyone were looking at him but he just did not care at all .he came back to home and lay down on his bed .

Next day hamad got ready cause he was going to Lia's house today.

This is what he wore .

After wearing his cloths he made his hair and sprayed an scent on himself

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After wearing his cloths he made his hair and sprayed an scent on himself. " Mashallah hamad you are looking so good" he syed himself and went from there with his car keys.
While driving his eyes fell on an flower shop he stopped the car and went to by roses after purchasing it he came to his car and drive straigh to Lia's house he stopped the car infront of her house he came out and locked the car he went towards the main gate and stand straight .

He closed his eyes and tooked an deep breath and rang the bell . After sometime and man voice came he open the door .

Hamad looked at him and his heart crashed seeing an young man in her house .


Who could the man be is he there to marry Lia ?

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