Why ?

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Jisoo put her palm on her mouth seeing what she just saw on her phone "I can't believe I got accepted for interview how any ways thank got I will wish luck for myself now" Jisoo was sitting on her bed checking the email carefully to see if it's real and guess what it is she got up from her bed and went to her desk and opened her laptop to search about this company "What was that umm yes let me see" with that she typed "BYEON BUSINESS INDUSTRY" and clicked the search button and she stared to read about the company.

"Hmm I don't care whatever company it is just I hope I pass the interview and get the job I am tired of doing plenty of part time jobs ,Appa you and omma could have given me another sibling aishhh" with that she standed up and went to the kitchen to cook something for her "hmmm what should I eat let me just grab some cereal" and she started to eat it.

After few days she got a email from the "BYEON BUSINESS INDUSTRY "to come for an interview tomorrow "8:30 am".

Next day she woke up and got ready for the interview .This is what she wore .

She was on the way  for today's interview

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She was on the way for today's interview. She found a little boy who was about to faint ,she hurriedly ran towards the boy and gave him a support and asked the boy "Are you okay dear"the boy replied "Yes I am ok ,jazak allah for helping me " Jisoo frowned her eyebrows at the word "jazak allah" and asked the boy "what does that word jazak Allah mean",boy replied "jazak allah is a arabic word which means May Allah reward you (with good) it is also used as a thankful gesture or to show gratitude"

Jisoo smiled hearing the little boy and offer the little boy some water as he was about to faint ,but the boy refused her to drink water ,then jisoo said the boy "Drink ,its clean ,it will give you a little bit of energy ,in these sunny day .I did not drank from it yet"

Then the boy again refused and said " no i am fasting " then jisoo asked "fasting what's that and why are you fasting you are so small?" The boy answer made jisoo little bit shock ,as the boy said "no unnie its Ramadan and i have to fast as its "fard"for me"

Then jisoo was about to ask something but the boy ran away while saying "allah hafiz unnie"

Then jisoo speak to herself "just a small boy having a lot of faith on his religion ,Its making me more curious to know more about islam".

"Aishhh I have been trying to find about it but ,I am not satisfied by internet I have to find someone who can help me with it like" he was mumbling to him self as he got an call he looked at the caller id at it was his secretary ,He picked up the call " Speak" "sir today we have an very important meeting which can bring our company rates high" "Ok I will be in 20 min" " ok sir bye" with that he ended the call and went to take some shower her came out and wore this.

[WO SEOK POV]"Aishhh I have been trying to find about it but ,I am not satisfied by internet I have to find someone who can help me with it like" he was mumbling to him self as he got an call he looked at the caller id at it was his secretary ,He ...

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Then he grabbed his car keys and drove to the company.

[At byeon business industry]

Jisoo reached office and was waiting for her turn to come for the interview . "Why it's taking too long they could have given me the starting numbers".

After waiting for an hour finally her turn came and she went inside for the interview .

After sometime she came out as they said they will respond her through an email. " I gave my best ,Hope I will pass it" with that she was going out to the main exit".

On the other side wo seok was entering the company from opposite side as before they passed by eachother but it was little different for wo seok this time .

Wo seok pov : I was entering the building but I felt very unknown feeling in my heart when an girl passed by me ,Why ahh wo seok you are just overthinking. With that he went straight to the office .

On the way to home jisoo visit hospital and checked on the her mother and cried while talking to her .

"Omma please get well soon, you know na i have no one in my life except you please omma get well soon ,see i am going through many trials and even I am very confused please omma please get well soon and help me ,I need you please omma help me ,please get well soon . I have no brother no sister. you can't imagine the life of an single child how I am going through each and every pain I am taking just for you but see you are just not seeing me omma , I don't care what people say I will be you daughter and son Just get well soon .(She started crying while hugging her mother who is not able to move ). After sometime she came out and started to find the doctor Fatima but as always she was not there. " I need you mrs Fatima" she sighed and went out from the hospital.

After sometime she left from the hospital and came to her home and was waiting for the email.

After few week's Jisoo was doing some house chores and she mumbled to her self "It's been week and I got no response as always" .

"Why always me"
Will jisoo get the job ?


Episode will be post every Saturday and Sunday.

NOMA 🌸♥️

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