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" what happened why are you hiding your face" asked Irha seeing Lia hiding her face after looking somewhere .

Irha was about to turn back but she Holden her face with both of her palms and said " don't look at that direction" " but why" she did not let Irha complete her words she went to ajjusi " ajjusi please pack our food we will be eating outside" " but you were gonna eat here right" " yes yes but we got something urgent" " oh ok may allah bless you two child and here you go it's your parcel and I added 2 free juice's for you" " thank you ajjusi here you go" she paid and went to Irha and gilded her hands she just looked up to her In confused face " let's go" " but where we were gonna eat here right" " yes we were but not now let's go" she grabbed irha's hand and went out in hurried.

While they were going out wo seok got up to buy an drink and accidentally Irha and wo seok bumped into eachother but Lia was in hurry so she went saying sorry .

Wo seok pov : We both were eating our lunch and I heard woman's talking but I ignored them but I saw hamad was smiling I looked at him and he was smiling like fool I just shrugged my shoulders after sometime I went to take some cold drink when a girl bumped at me I looked at her half face and my heartbeat started beating fast as the winds she just apologised me without even looking at me cause her friend was running while holding her hand " I think she is someone I know or else my heart would never beat for the other woman after my past incident so I know her" .

My thoughts got interrupted when someone shakes me " wo seok are ok or do you fall them" " what are you talking about I hate girls, but let me ask why we're you smiling listening to their talks" " don't know why but I met her in elevator and she is Muslim and don't know why but her way of talk makes me chuckle, may Allah forgive me I never looked at any woman in my life except my mother but I looked at her accidentally and this heart is not listening" " is it haram to watch woman like even eye contact" " yes it's haram you can only watch your Meehan means your wife mother sister no one other then them" " oh I understood ok let's have an walk around the park" " okay first let me pay" " wait I will pay" wo seok went and pay for their foods and went towards park .

On the other hand after coming out of the restaurant Lia was just walking holding irha's hand but Irha stopped " tell me why you was running like crazy for the par few min my legs are hurting" " sorry actually I saw someone I knew like I don't know him but we met accidentally in elevator this morning when I was going to pray" " ohhohhh I understood" " no astagfirullah Irha keep your mind aside I just saw he was laughing when I told the lines about man" " ok ok now I am very hungry let's go to the park nearby" " nice idea let's go" they both went and sat on an empty bench and started having their lunch.

Hamad and wo seok came to the park so they can discuss some Islamic topics in peace so they went to an empty bench and sat there and hamad started his Islamic lecture and wo seok was listening to him after few minutes wo seok got an call " Heloo my son how are you" " I am fine omma how are you" " not fine" " why what happened" " nothing just thought that my son must have forgotten that his mother is still alive" " omma don't make things just come to the point" " I called you to inform you that today we are heading the dinner party and you have to come any how and don't worry I will not ask you about marriage" " okay I will come there at night" "really I will be waiting my son bye" " bye take care" with that he ended the call and hamad asked him " who was it your-mom" " yes she called me for dinner tonight" " okay it's good now you have the chance to see your father reaction first" " yes it's the best chance ok let's go now" with that they both went from there .

" okay Lia let's go ado you still wanna hide there come out now or I am going" " no no wait I am coming let's clean this up now" after sometime they also headed towards the office .

Time passed now it was night 9:00 pm .Lia and Irha went out and of the company as their shift was over . "Ok Irha go safely my brother came" " Yes I will go safely" with that Irha went and stood in busy stop for an bus soon the bus arrived and she sat there and after sometime she reached home .

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