Felix De la Rosa

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I finally made it home. My mom and siblings were already asleep, so I quietly crept upstairs to my room. I threw myself on the bed and recalled the evening. The kiss, the park, telling her about my dad. Yeah, I only ever started talking to her for the money, but she was starting to grow on me. Hell, I'm not even sure if that kiss was for those 30 bucks or me just wanting to see what those soft-rosy colored lips felt like. Whatever man, I got the 30 dollars, I never have to think about her again. I turned to my side and pulled out my phone, the bright light of my screen almost blinding me. I saw the notification again.

'tylrc17 has started following you.'

Oh yeah, Taylor Castle. She was that girl in the gray jacket from math. The easy one. I'm still on my quest for alllll the girls and with Susy being over with, I'm onto the next one. I decide to shoot her a "you up?" text. It was late at night and I knew she would give me what I was craving right now. She replied quickly, and we chatted until it got even later. Soon enough, we were talking about....certain stuff. I was so right, she was hella easy. I even decided to invite her to the party tomorrow. Ah, but Susanna's gonna be there too. Eh, it's fine. I'll just ignore her and focus on Taylor till she lets me tap. I said goodnight to Taylor and set my phone down and closed my eyes. I thought about what I told Susanna at the park. Why would I tell her that? Not even Edward or Jaiden or even Luis know about that stuff. She just made me feel comfortable. Maybe it's cuz of our past? I don't know. I don't open up to people like that, and it's just weird she's walking around with that information now. Dammit, why am I still even thinking about Susan? That project is over. I rolled onto my stomach and dug my face into my pillow. I eventually dozed off, forgetting about the day and its events.


The vibrating of my phone woke me up. I picked it up and saw a call coming from Edward.

"Hello?" I answered, rubbing my eyes.

"Hey man. Did I wake you up? It's 12pm.." he replied

"What do you want bro?" I asked, yawning.

"Wanna come over to help set over for my party? Jaiden and Luis are already on their way." He asked.

"Party's not until 9 more hours. Why now?" I asked, annoyed he woke me up from my slumber.

"So what? We're gonna chill and pre-game. You don't have to come if you don't want to." Edward said.

"Yeah, I'm on my way." I say before hanging up.

I launch myself out of bed and stumble over to my closet. I pick out a collared light blue shirt and blue jeans. Yeah, this'll do. I yawn once more as I set the clothes on my bed. I glance over at my phone and pick it up again. I read several good morning messages from Taylor. Damn, she's desperate, but those messages give me an idea of my own. Maybe I'll send Susanna a good morning message too. To really sell it for me. I open up our messages and type out
"Good morning, princess"
It's morning for me, so it doesn't really matter if I'm sending it at 12pm. It's the morning somewhere. She replies quickly,

"Good morning? It's 12pm, sleeping beauty."

I chuckle reading it back to myself. Nah, shit ain't funny. What am I doing still engaging with her? Did I really send her a good morning message to keep her thinking I was interested or was I actually interested? I decided not to reply and threw my phone back on my dresser. I quickly got ready and headed over to Edward's.


"Yo, come in man!" Edward said as he opened the door to his house for me.

I stepped inside and spotted Jaiden and Luis sitting on the couch, trays of chicken wings and fries sitting on the table in front of them. Their faces lit up when they saw me.

"We're chowing down. You hungry?" Edward asks.

"Always." I say as I sit down on the ground next to the table, grabbing a wing and stuffing my face. We started talking and joking around, jumping from topic to topic. Even tearing up a bit because of how spicy some of the wings were. After a while, Luis brought up how he had to pay me 30 bucks last night.

"Yeah guys, me and Luis made a bet that if I could bag Susanna, he'd pay me 30 bucks. And let's just say, she wanted to taste these lips sooo bad!" I said, chicken wing in hand.

"Those buffalo flavored lips?" Jaiden laughed.

I nod my head, grinning.

"But honestly, I think I'm still gonna hang with her. Even though I've already gotten my money." I add.

"Why's that?" Edward asks me.

"I don't know, we kinda hit it off. But alsoooooo, I'm talking to Taylor now." I reply.

"What a hoe." Luis says, not really seeming to be joking.

"Don't hate me cuz you ain't me bro." I said, chuckling.


It was now a little past 9, and me, Edward, Jaiden, and Luis were already pretty tipsy from pre-gaming. Guests were starting to flood in, music was blasting, and everyone seemed to be having a good time. After a while, I saw Susanna and her friends walking in, some of them with dates. Damn, Susanna looked good. Flared jeans that hugged her legs in all the best ways, a nice pink bow sitting in her hair that matched with her pink shirt. All tied together with a sparkly, eye catching purse. I walked up to her, welcoming her. I even threw up a peace sign to Matthew, who came with Liza.

"Susy! You made it! Welcome welcome" I said. I was extra happy right now. Maybe it was all the alcohol or getting to see Susanna again. She smiled at me. Damn, with that hair half up with that bow, there was no more hair in the way hiding her smile. And it was a cute one.

"Tell me if you need anything, I'll be with my friends!" I shout out as I walk away and towards the kitchen to get a refill. I don't know why I'm so happy Susan showed up, but I am. I poured some more Malibu into my cup but stopped once I felt hands press onto my back.

"Hey Felix~" A voice called out. I turned around and standing behind me was Taylor. She looked up at me, mischief in her eyes. Fuck, and she was wearing this shirt that hugged her boobs so nicely.

"I've been looking for you! Were you hiding from me?" She asked with a smile.

"Not from you, hot stuff." I replied as I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer.  I don't know what compelled me to pull her closer to me and flirt her ear off. I wasn't normally this level of bold. I like to blame it on all the alcohol I consumed, but in the end, it was my lips that were on hers and not the alcohol bottle. It was my hands in her hair and my lips on her neck. Not the red solo cup. Man, Taylor just got my horny side, and nothing else mattered in that moment when I was with her. Nothing could've pulled me away from her soft lips. Nothing except the shouting of a familiar voice.

"Felix! What the actual fuck are you doing?!?!"

Oh shit.


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