Susanna Martinez

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It was officially me and Samuel's one month anniversary. Shut up, I know a month is nothing but in this generation, it is basically a lifetime. I was really happy with him. He made me feel very special.

"So, have you been to CPK before?" Samuel said as he looked straight ahead at the road, one hand on the wheel and the other gripping my thigh.

We were going on a date to California Pizza Kitchen, sort of as a 1 month anniversary celebration.

"No, I'm excited though!" I replied, turning my head to look at him.

The street lights hit his face, illuminating his dark brown eyes and hitting his tan skin perfectly.

We arrived at the restaurant and headed inside. We got seated at a table for two and started browsing the menu.

"Everything looks so good. What should I get?" I asked, looking up from the menu.

"Whatever you want, gorgeous." He said, giving me a playful smirk.

I blushed and covered my face with the menu. I swear this man was gonna kill me.

We placed our orders and were finally left alone. He grabbed my hand from across the table and stared at me. I felt my face turn red as I watched his eyes dart from my eyes to my lips.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked, sheepishly.

"No, I'm just thinking about how lucky I am to have such a beautiful girlfriend." He said, caressing my hand with his thumb.

"A month already huh? The time flies when I'm with you." I replied, looking into his eyes.

God, he makes me act like such an idiot.

He moved closer to me and suddenly his face was inches away from mine.

"Susanna I..." He paused.

I felt my heart stop for a moment. Was he gonna say I love you? No it's too soon. Was he?

"I really like you." He finished.

I let out a small sigh at his words.

"I like you too, Sam." I replied softly.

He picked up my chin with his fingers and pressed his lips onto mine. We shared a soft and sweet kiss.

"Your lips taste like strawberry lemonade." Samuel chuckled as he slowly pulled away from the kiss.



Samuel and I had finished our meals. That pizza was good as hell. We decided to get a dessert to top the night off. Samuel ordered a red velvet cake for the both of us to share. We had spent the night talking, giggling, flirting. My cheeks hurt from how hard I was smiling.

"So what'd you think? Food's pretty good, huh?" Samuel asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Sooo good. Let's keep discovering new restaurants together!" I replied.

"Sure thing, beautiful." He answered.

God, him and his stupid pet names. I had never liked pet names, I thought they were kinda weird, and gross if we're being honest. But the way Sam would call me "beautiful", "gorgeous", or even "baby", made me melt.

I was staring deep into his cute brown eyes again until something suddenly distracted me.

Oh, it was just my phone ringing. It was probably my friends calling in the group chat. Whatever, they can wait. I didn't let my phone distract me from the perfect date I was having with Sam.

"You should get that." Sam said.

"No it's fine, it's probably just one of my friends. They can wait." I assured him.

"Nah it's fine, go ahead." He insisted.

I gave him a slight frown as I rummaged through my purse, trying to see who was calling. I found it underneath a pile of tissues and chapstick. I picked up my phone and stared at the screen.

'Incoming call from Felix.'


I panicked. My eyes widened and I quickly shut off my phone so it would stop ringing.

Felix? What the fuck was he doing calling me out of nowhere? And why am I so shaken up about it..?

I threw my phone back into my purse and closed it. I looked up back at Samuel and gave him a weak smile.

"Everything alright?" He asked.

"Huh?" I asked and replied to myself before he did. "Oh yeah, yeah, it's just Emilio um trying to call about this new crush he has!" I said as my voice cracked.

"Susanna. Who was it?" Samuel asked as he placed his hand atop my hand once again.

I sat silent for a moment. Should I tell him Felix called me? Yes obviously, I have to. Why would I keep secrets from him? Ok fine, guess I'm doing this.

I winced before speaking, "Um, it was actually uh..Felix! Felix De la Rosa yep..." My voice weak.

Samuel stared at me confused.

"Felix?" He laughed, "He still has your number? I thought you would've blocked him by now. What's he doing calling you?" He asked.

"Um, I don't know." I replied, darting my eyes around.

"No seriously, why isn't he blocked?" He chuckled softly, his hand gripping tighter on mine.

"I-I was going to, I guess it just slipped my mind." I muttered out.

"Oh." Is all he said as he let go of my hand.

Our waitress came over in that moment and placed a small piece of red velvet cake in front of us both.

"Thank you." I said to the waitress, almost whispering.

I didn't move for my fork. Neither did Samuel. After what felt like hours, Samuel reached for his fork and grabbed a small piece of cake.

"Not gonna eat?" He asked, crumbs of red velvet falling out of his mouth.

"No, I'm actually pretty full." I said, twiddling with my fingers underneath the table.

"Alright then." He replied as he pulled the plate of cake closer to him.


Samuel was now driving me home. It was late now and honestly, I wasn't in the mood to be with him any longer. The rest of the night had been pretty quiet. I guess he was upset that I hadn't blocked Felix and he thought we were still keeping contact.

"Hey, Sam?" I said, sort of as a question.

"What's up?" He replied.

"Sorry for not blocking Felix. I get it makes you uncomfortable." I said softly.

He didn't reply for a moment. He only lifted a few of his fingers from the steering wheel.

"No, you don't need to apologize. I guess I was just feeling a bit insecure. Sorry." He finally replied.

I chuckled softly. I opened up my purse again and pulled my phone out. I had a ton of notifications from my friends' group chat. Honestly, they never seemed to shut up. I was going through my notifications and noticed one from voicemail.

'1 voicemail from Felix.'

He even left me a voicemail? What a weirdo.

"Oh my gosh, he even left me a voicemail. Let's hear it." I said to Samuel.

"Yeah, play it. I wanna hear whatever bullshit excuse he gives to calling you out of nowhere." Samuel chuckles.

I pressed play on the voicemail. There was nothing for a second, until Felix's tired-sounding voice started playing.

"Uh, Susanna? Sorry for calling you out of nowhere but I've just been thinking about you a lot lately. Message me back because I miss you, okay?"

What the fuck?!

A/N: Chapter is short I DONT care😂🙏

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