43. flambé

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Gina falls on her knees as the vines suddenly let go. She coughs, trying to catch her breath.

The vines slither down the stairs, retreating back into the other rooms.

"I don't believe in a higher power or divine intervention, but that was a miracle," Robin pants, standing up and offering her hand out to Gina.

Nancy stands up, determined. She cocks her gun. "Then we better not waste it."

"Phase four," Steve says decidedly.

Robin sharply nods, the same determined look. "Flambé."

The four walk up the stairs into the attic, Gina having her axe ready to strike at any moment. She holds back a gasp as they enter, Vecna being suspended in the air from countless vines. He looks almost exactly how Max did at the cemetery.

Robin sets her backpack on the ground, everyone taking a bottle filled with kerosene, ready to fight.

Steve holds out the bottle for Robin to light it, but all she does is feel around her pockets, frantically checking each one. "Um, I don't have the lighter," she whispers, feeling each pocket again.

"What do you mean you don't have it?!" Gina whisper-yells through her teeth.

"It means—" Robin starts, then her face immediately flooding with relief, although her trying to hide it. "Never mind," she mumbles, showing the lighter to the three as she lights up Steve's rag.

He throws the bottle, the flame spinning around until it hits Vecna, creating a big explosion along with the loud scream that came from him.

Gina shields her eyes, feeling the heat from the fire on her face.

The vines squeal in anguish, then detaching from Vecna's back, making him fall to the ground on his face.

Just as Gina thinks it's over, Vecna slowly stands up, still engulfed in flames.

Gina holds out her bottle to Robin, keeping her eyes locked and narrow at Vecna. Robin lights it. Gina throws the bottle as hard as she can at Vecna, taking out all of her anger on this throw.

Vecna falls backwards, but quickly regains his strength. But Robin is quicker and throws her bottle at him.

Another explosion.

Vecna's now fully covered by flames.

But he still isn't dead.

Nancy walks forward, the shotgun on her shoulder.

She shoots.

The fireball lands on Vecna's shoulder, knocking him off balance.

Before he can recover, Nancy reloads.

She shoots him again.

It lands in his stomach.

Nancy continues to walk forward, backing Vecna into a corner.

She shoots again.

Into his other shoulder.

And again.

He falls down, but regains his balance again, standing back up and walking towards Nancy.

She reloads again, zeroing in on him.

At the final shot, Vecna falls through the rotted wood wall.

Gina can hear his screams quiet as he falls further down, and abruptly end.

Nancy puts her gun down, slowly walking towards the hole in the wall. She looks down and then without speaking, she walks out of the attic and down the stairs, the other three running after her, assuming the worst.

Gina bounds down the stairs after Nancy, stopping at the front door.

She watches the last bit of flames die out on Vecna's disfigured and burnt body.

They walk past him, heading straight for the woods and not looking back.

As Gina walks hand in hand with Robin through the woods, she feels a weight being lifted off of her chest.

Max is safe.

Everything worked out.

i'm aware this is shortie even though it's like one of the most important chapters but i have a problem or something and i have to have an even amount of chapters so there's absolutely no way there's going to be 33 chapters bc what??

anyways just three more chapters after this ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️💔💔☹️💔☹️💔☹️☹️💔☹️💔☹️💔☹️💔☹️💔☹️

but then yall get an original story from me 😁😁

and then season 5

so obviously if you read take on me or know the show really well, then you'll realize that i changed the plot bc it's impossible for me to not have a happy ending so for season 5, (im assuming) everything is going to revolve around max's coma and the gates and since i added none of that, i'll pick up on season 5 how s4 actually ended (☹️)


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