Chapter 2: Don't Know, Don't Care

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God! Finally, back home. It has been a week that I have been gone for shooting and boy, does it feel good to be back. It has been freaking exhausting.

I walk up the drive, fish up the key to the house from my shorts and barge in through the door.
"MORNING PEOPLE!" I yelled- but got no response. Zero, zip, zilch. Oh, right. Mom and Dad and Kenneth would be out working, and Kendall must be fucking with Kimberly. Guess I'm gonna be alone. Well, then.

I proceeded down the hall with my duffel bag over my shoulder- but stopped dead when I saw someone sitting curled up on the white leather couch. It was Kendall.

What the hell is he doing here? He lives here. Oh, right- but why look so alone and depressed? What did I miss? I mean he texts me everything. What went wrong?

"Hey little brother." I greeted with a smile, dropping my bag and bouncing up next to him. He didn't answer, but continued to nibble slowly at his nails with his eyes fixed on a spot on the shelf next to the television. Well how warm.

I looked at him from top to bottom. His hair was all but in it's normal condition. He wore a creased pair of jeans and his mustard colored shirt from Nike. Why the hell does he look so damn depressed?

"Kendall?" Again, no answer. I shook him violently until he finally looked up. His eyes, so like my own, were bloodshot and swollen. Cry baby. Shut up.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, immediately  feeling my older brotherly side rising to the surface. Kendall shook his head, mumbling no. Don't test my temper, bro.

"Kendall Francis Schmidt." I said, sternly. "What is wrong with you?" He shook his head again. Now you've done it. "Kendall, if something wasn't wrong, you wouldn't be sitting here looking like a hobo!"

He closed his eyes and a couple of tears rolled down his cheek and into the facial hair on his chin, out of sight. He sniffled, sitting up and bit but still leaning against the arm of the couch. He muttered something followed by a hiccup. "What?" I asked. He showed signs of annoyance that only made me impatient. "Kendall, what is it?! What happened?" I asked.

He swallowed, more tears flowing as he hastily tried to wipe them away. He coughed slightly and croaked a single name. "Kim." He muttered, continuing to weep.

Shoe broke up with him? She died? She's in a coma? What? Why? Is she okay?

"What happened to her?" I asked in a rush, almost startling him.
"Sh-she said she d-didn't love me." He hiccuped, his face cringing.
"What?!" I freaked. "That is not possible, K. She loves you." I told him.

"No she doesn't!"  He said, gulping. "She loves that bitch, Michael."
"That is not believable."
"It was on MTV! And she said I -hic- cheated on her, which I didn't! You know, -hic- I didn't Kevin. I mean, -hic- why would I?" He asked, continuing to hiccup. This is confusing. The hell, it is. 

"Kev, what do I do?" He whined.
"When did this happen?" I asked.
"About a week ago, when I was at her place."
"And where was she?"
"With me."
"How did she react?"
"Sh-she looked surprised, then she cried and apologized."
"And- and I don't know what came over me. I felt so wounded. I never thought she'd blame me for something I never did. I was angry, really angry- and then I- I left her."

I thought we were talking to Mr. 'Kimberly-Eva-Hadley-Is-My-Future-Wife-Bitch-Go-Away'. What went wrong here? I looked at him for a while as I thought things over.

"Kendall, do you really think she could have said that?"
"Don't know." He murmured.
"Then how can you even think she doesn't love you? I'm sure she does, you guys just had misunderstanding. You should just talk to her again -"
"Sut up, Kevin! I don't care, alright?!" He fired up. "Watch the damn video. It's all over Twitter and YouTube." He snarled and stomped off.

Oh he cares all right.
Jk. Lol. Sorry for the delay but I just got back from mini vacation #2.
See you soon, and don't forget to leave your comments!

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