Chapter 19: Hate & Hurt

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It was all over my profile.

Kim is literally such a bitch- hurting my babe like that.

Kendall deserved so much better than the likes of Kim. I just hope he find someone who makes him really happy. (Me!?)

Whatever tho, at least she's not holding him down anymore. He's free now :)

Seriously, like this was the girl he was so crazy about? Lmao.

He seemed so upset. Can I run a knife through her?

I frowned at the screen. My fork hovered above the plate of pancakes. I bit my lip trying to keep a straight face because Ashton and Calum had just stepped into the room and were attempting to steel my breakfast. I grabbed the pancake on top and gave Ash the rest of my plate.

"'Ere's Mi'ael?" Calum asked through a mouthful.
"I don't know" I murmured distractedly before looking up and staring at him as I realized that I in fact knew where my boyfriend was. "Uh, he's upstairs."

The Scottish boy and the Aussie continued to eat as I went through my Mentions. I couldn't really believe what was going on. I held him down? I hurt him? Yes. Exactly. Me. I did. I was the one who walked away

I felt lips on my cheek hand jumped. As I heard the familiar chuckle, I eased into his side and genuinely smiled. Michael sat down beside me. I saw that he was wearing his Pikachu cap that covered his ears. I scooted closer to him and he put an arm lazily around my back.I could see him smirk through my peripherals. I nudged him

"I'm pretty sure you guys did something last night." Ashton said after swallowing and I felt the blood rush to my face. Michael laughed. "Well, you were quite." Then after a dramatic pause, "That was a compliment." I burst out laughing, momentarily forgetting about my problem.

"Thank you." I said, still chuckling and looking back at my phone.

He sounded so upset today. Kim hurt him so bad- honestly kill yourself, smh.

I tensed.

Michael looked at me. "What's that?"

"N-nothing." I muttered, blinking and standing up. I sprinted upstairs.

I ignored everything and pushed through his bedroom door to the bathroom. I looked at the steamed up mirror. "Leave me alone. Leave me the fuck alone." I growled to myself, clenching my fists so my nails dug, quite satisfyingly might I add, into my palms. I shut my eyes- and a knot opened up in my chest. I felt myself fall back two months. I felt myself get fuddled again.

My eyes stinging from the tears, I began shuffling around for something, anything to ease the irritation of being so damn human. Maybe I was too slow, because there was a flash of blue in the blurry mirror and Michael steered me around to face him.

"Kim what is wrong?" He whispered, pulling me chin up. I blinked again, but this time to clear my vision. I fell against Mike's chest. "What did I do!?" I asked. Michael's hands folded around me. One arm around my waist, the other hand in my hair. "How is it my fault?"

"Kim, it's not. It's not your fault. Nothing is. Tell me what's happened. Please."
I stood there for some more minutes before saying the name of the Goddamned application.

Without another word, He brought me out of the bathroom and sat me down on the bed. He pulled my phone out of my jeans and went through the same bullshit I had seen minutes before. I watched at his impassive face turned to stone. He lips parted and his green eyes hardened. He was completely silent the whole time he looked at the tweets. Then slowly, he turned his head- sighing, and finally spoke. "Maybe you should tell them what really happened, Kim."

"But you-" He sighed again.
"Come here." He took my forearm and pulled my onto his legs. I hiccuped.
"Why now?" I moaned into his skin. "It's been months! Why don't they get over it?"

"I don't know bunny." He said, cupping my face with his big hand and put his lips against mine. My heart skipped a beat and I held him closer. He backed a nano-meter away. "I'm sorry." He whispered and his lips grazed mine in the most irresistible way. "Shut up." I told him and closed the gap between us. It was always like this- since we'd gotten back together. Maybe we were equally emotionally guilty, and every time we kissed it felt like a forest fire inside me. Every broken shard of me seemed to move. The way molecules heat up and move around faster, they fed up on this feeling, and they moved closer to one another.

"I can't lose you. Not again, Kim. To anything." I searched his eyes but they seemed so moist that I didn't persist. He closed his gorgeous eyes and a tear fell down his face. I wiped it away and kissed his temple. He put his face against my collar bone and breathed out, his arms around me. Tell then what happened Michael has said. Do what you're best at was what Stan had said.

"Mike?" I called softly.
He hummed in response without looking up.
"Can you help me with something?"
The tattooed Australian's eyes found my basic brown ones. He smiled.
"Anything baby. Name it."
"I need your infamous skill to help me write a song."
His smile widened. "You got it." And I think I'm doing it justice by saying this: I fell in love with the look in his eyes.


I am so so sorry for the long wait, but there's only like three chapters left to this book which will be updated as soon as I find time. And I know this is basically almost Kike fluff right now but yeah. Kendall's coming back in a bit so let see how that goes, lol.

Also, shout out to MNBtrFan111 because I remember her reading my stories since forever and omg I'm grateful for her. This one's for you, Les. I probably never mentioned it, but she wrote me the most gush-worthy one shot one time and I highly recommend you guys go read her books right now. Like right now. Click on her name and read. go. shoo.

And yeahhhhh. IDK what this was but I've been dragging this book since eighth grade I think and hello I'm gonna be in the tenth grade next month, what is this. haha, okay. TC beautifuls. I love all of you so much :))

PS. Apologies for the shortness. Next one will be better, no. 23 will be depressingly short but I'll try to do something with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2018 ⏰

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